In all honesty this breaks my heart ...

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Obama Supporter Tells Prez "I'm exhausted having to defend you"

This is sad beyond belief for so many reasons I cannot even start to list them all.

I can't get the text to post for some reason. There is also an article in The Huffington Post regarding this exchange between the President and a woman who obviously was, and maybe still is, a staunch supporter of his. The comments to their article have been disabled ... imagine that. :wink2:


Special Hen
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
I read about that and watched the "exchange". She was exasperated, but I'll bet you're right, she still supports him.
he really had no response other than the "shell game" response. He's done this and made that better.

It was kind of odd/cool/funny/weird to see one El Prez's supporters telling him how it is. She kind of sounded like a mom telling her kid how disappointed she was.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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Bush and Obama both shared one factor that defined Bush for his entire presidency and is now defining Obama's entire presidency so far.

what I'm referring to is a single catastrophic event greeted both presidents at the beginning of their terms.

Bush had 9/11 in his face ... he had no choice but to deal with it. like it or not that was the hand dealt. some folks approved of his actions.... some hated it!

Obama had the US economy almost collapse, immediately on assuming US presidency. not only did he face collapse of the US economy, the world's economy not far behind.

It's easy to criticize afterward as hindsight is 20/20 ... but think how much worst things would have been without all the stimulus that we are all sick of.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I'm not convinced that things would have been worse without the "stimulus" packages.

Things wouldn't have been worse without the stimulus.

This ... The stock and housing markets had been artificially stimulated to keep things going long, long before Bush or Obama ever took office.

It wears me thin when Obama and his croonies cry "Bush started it" every single stinking time they get a mic or someone with a steno pad in front of them. I really don't think Bush started ... it started way before Bush. But regardless, at this point in their careers they are supposed to be educated adults for God's sake. And even if you by off on that premise, just because somebody else "started it" doesn't mean you get to "continue it" by default ...

I have an elderly neighbor who has told me before he is grateful he will be dead before the worst comes. His is worried sick about "his country". I am probably 30 or so years younger than he is and I am ashamed to admit that I kinda feel the same way ... It is the young men and women who are fighting for this country and its values now that are gonna bear the brunt of this mess.

I am old enough that Obama will just give me end of life counselling and ship my sorry azz off to a group home. (At least he will try ... :mad:)

God Bless America, cuz she certainly needs it.


Special Hen
May 14, 2009
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I'm no fan of BHO at all. But yeah, that was kind of hard to watch. I'd like to think it will make him rethink the economy, start cutting the budget in a meaningful way, cut taxes and let WE THE PEOPLE keep more of our money so WE can stimulate the economy. It's the only thing that EVER works. But, I know it won't happen any time soon. The politicians haven't put us through the wringer enough. They've got more power left to grab. It will take the citizenry getting much, much madder than we are now. Vote out way more crusty, stuck in a rut, power building life-long politicians (Rep. and Dem.) and scare the sh** out of them and they'll start doing what it takes. And that's what infuriates me. They ALL know EXACTLY what it takes. But there is no empire building in deeply cutting the budget and significantly reducing taxes. So they'll keep on raising taxes, doling out the money and building influence and when the people get in their face, as in the video, they'll tap dance, smile and spew a line of fecal matter and hope to get reelected again. We the People are feeding their arrogance.

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