Is anyone else getting tired of this crap ?

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Special Hen
Apr 24, 2020
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I'm tired of it. Ready to move on. I really hate the politics of it. Right and wrong shouldn't have a political bias. You can support the good on both sides while condemning the bad on both sides. It's not us vs them, it's not good vs evil, it's not blue vs black, it's not picking one side or the other. It's right vs wrong.
I think it is for many of us, but not for all of us. It's wrong to destroy businesses and ruin their lives. I don't think those people have any problem with that. They are terrorists and this serves their purpose, and we just let them do it in the name of some victim because we let them get away with it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Defund the police? LOL, I'm 100% for that!

Let's get this MFer rolling - we're on a runaway train already, why let anything stop it?

And it's not a "right versus wrong" thing - this is about race, and only about race. The rioters and the "leaders" that make demands to elected representatives of the people are clearly focused on race - anyone that wants to couch this as anything else must not be listening.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 1, 2020
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Stonewall, Ok
Yep tired of it all.
Defund the police, abolish the police, With police we still had looting and burning. With police we still have killings,rape,assults,What the he'll do you think you would have without any police? Anarchy. Think about it. When the anarchy and lawlessness comes to your front door who you going to call for help? At that point your on your own. Is that really a good thing? I don't think so. But if the liberal city's and states go that way I don't want to hear any whinning from them. Carefull what you ask for, you just may get it and you can't blame anyone but yourself.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I saw that incident. He was told to move and didn't, so they pushed him like others. Can you post something that substantiates all of the rest of your accusations because the one I saw and read didn't show much of your story. You act like you think it was intentional to hurt that man... I don't think it was.

But I'd love to see a video that shows them arrest someone who helped the man (I saw someone help him but he as not arrested) and I never heard them say "he tripped" but actually he did trip so what's the matter with that ? I think maybe you are somewhat left leaning …. but that's your right.

I never said they were intentionally trying to kill him. I'm saying the force was disproportionate to the situation. Civil disobedience is as much a civic duty as voting. The man posed no threat to those officers. The best SOP is to move past the person obstructing and let the officers behind the line detain them, using only the force necessary to do so.

As for the tripping, had the cop not shoved an elderly man posing no threat, he wouldn't have gone down at all. He was NOT posing any threat and he was peaceful. He didn't deserve to get shoved and he certainly didn't deserve to be sent to the ER with a TBI. That's all I'm saying.

You can find all the video I'm discussing, to include the protester trying to come to the aid of the fallen man (right before the cops force the person shooting video to stop), here:

As for being "somewhat left leaning", LOL. If civil and basic human rights are a left leaning plank, then guilty as charged. A better descriptor would be anti-statist, anti-authoritarian, pro-capitalist, pro fiscal-conservatism with faith being spiritual but not affiliated. Whether that's a plus or minus in your opinion, matters not to me.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Defund the police? LOL, I'm 100% for that!

Let's get this MFer rolling - we're on a runaway train already, why let anything stop it?

And it's not a "right versus wrong" thing - this is about race, and only about race. The rioters and the "leaders" that make demands to elected representatives of the people are clearly focused on race - anyone that wants to couch this as anything else must not be listening.

The media, politicians and hucksters WANT this to be about race, because that sells. In reality we're edging inexorably closer to 1984 across the board. The only way they can prevent We the People from stopping them, is to keep us divided.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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The media, politicians and hucksters WANT this to be about race, because that sells. In reality we're edging inexorably closer to 1984 across the board. The only way they can prevent We the People from stopping them, is to keep us divided.

I used to think that, too.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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What have the protests been effective about ? And how many protests were there before the violence broke out ? The very first one had violence and looting in Minneapolis !

There is a reason a black kid, wearing his hoodie makes you nervous. Blacks are arrested two and a half times as often as a white kid. And two and a half times as many blacks are in prison as whites. The left would like you to believe that they are profiled and that is why. I'm guessing that there might be some of that, but I'm also guessing that maybe it is because the blacks are guilty close to two and a half times as often as whites.

Watch episodes of cops or real police or other shows like that and see how many times the perpetrator is black and how many are white.

Your comment is literally a contributing factor to the protests ---- that line of thinking. Like the delivery driver stopped in OKC recently. Doing a delivery. Why did that dickhead stop him? He was black driving a truck in Exclusive Ashford Hills. There are troves of unclassified documents showing the governments profiling efforts, but ignore that. Here in Tulsa protests were a great example --- have all the police setup to protect Brookside (a white neighborhood) but let everyone go at 51st-61st and Peoria. If you don't think racism is real, and systemic you're out of your mind.

This 'defund the police' movement is crazy and scary. Minneapolis city council is getting serious about "dismantling" the police.

I don't hear from BLM that there are good police, just white privileged bad police. This bothers me.

But yeah, it's wearing on me.....a lot.

For all the people here on this board saying that we should all be armed first responders, a lack of police seems like it would be a wet dreams. All the signature lines about offing democrats, and comments about getting rid of all the libtards ---- goodness I'm shocked that there's not a bunch of creamy pants at the very thought of the anarchy that would enable those dreams.

I saw that incident. He was told to move and didn't, so they pushed him like others. Can you post something that substantiates all of the rest of your accusations because the one I saw and read didn't show much of your story. You act like you think it was intentional to hurt that man... I don't think it was.

But I'd love to see a video that shows them arrest someone who helped the man (I saw someone help him but he as not arrested) and I never heard them say "he tripped" but actually he did trip so what's the matter with that ? I think maybe you are somewhat left leaning …. but that's your right.

This incident?

The one where literally in front of reporters they shoved him off his cane? The one where he was at a bus stop? The one where no one was around him? Please explain that like I'm a 5 year old, because if we're watching the same video, I don't know how you can look at that and even think about justifying it.

I think it is for many of us, but not for all of us. It's wrong to destroy businesses and ruin their lives. I don't think those people have any problem with that. They are terrorists and this serves their purpose, and we just let them do it in the name of some victim because we let them get away with it.

The founding of our country was literally built on wrecking stuff. Imagine if we all spoke with British accents because people hundreds of years ago had thought "We'd like to throw all the tea in the harbor, but those poor poor tea merchants! Why, we'd hurt their business and wipe out quarterly profits! Let's go back to being taxed without representation chaps, that's much preferred to not being oppressed"


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
@HJB. Does anything make you happy? Yes, the protests have had some good effects. Many folks have had reason to think about their attitudes to others, and that is a good thing. Those who haven’t considered how they think of others, well they will just continue to be part of the negativity of society.

And, I’m not sure watching Cops or Live PD is really the right source for judging society.

But, we live in the best nation in the world, and we all have the opportunity to express our thoughts.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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The founding of our country was literally built on wrecking stuff. Imagine if we all spoke with British accents because people hundreds of years ago had thought "We'd like to throw all the tea in the harbor, but those poor poor tea merchants! Why, we'd hurt their business and wipe out quarterly profits! Let's go back to being taxed without representation chaps, that's much preferred to not being oppressed"

Taxation without representation wasn't why we went to war with tyranny, it was the common reason the colonies all joined in the fight. The war had been going since before the tea party. They fought overreaching police states, unjust punishments, crooked appointed politicians, civil forfeiture, and oppression because "colonists weren't british citizens." They were expected to pay a citizens taxes, but had no equal say as a citizen. Sounds awfully familiar to the current state of affairs.

Once again.... Boogaloo?

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