Is OK a stop and ID state?

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 11, 2009
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Edmond, OK
No. I do not agree with what the cop did, but I can understand it in a way. That said I do not agree with the little dick mouthing off either. I watched my little brother get beaten by a cop when I was a teen. Cop was wrong but what my brother did was just as bad and if I was the cop I would have lost my temper too.

Throughout this thread you have made it clear that if someone "mouths off" to the almighty OHP then whatever they get is "deserved" but this post that I quoted above is INSANE.

You watched a LEO beat up your little brother and you understand it? You would lose your temper as a LEO if a little kid says something to hurt your "feelings" YIKES.

I can't believe you are transparently stating that LEO can literally beat people up or do the things the video showed if they decide they don't like what you say. What is your threshold for their limit on power?


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Police officers are just people too...sub-section of the population. That statistically includes some criminals. Same goes for teachers, accountants, etc.

When she gets fired does her K9 get fired?

LaQuenda Banks and Curtis Traylor-Harris.


I hope they are making big rocks into little rocks somewhere.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Ihre Papiere bitte

Just comply. You might be able to beat it in court assuming you have the substantial wherewithal to fight the state but you won't beat the ride, or the beating.
Dumbest thing I have heard, maybe ever...
Tell that to the Jewish and see how it goes for you.


Special Hen
Dec 5, 2012
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Skiatook, OK
Parking in an area like that is where a lot of crime happens. If not people having sex in public, it could be prostitution, drug meets, etc, etc. The cop was just doing his job and the privileged little punk mouthed off. A big part of personal responsibility is knowing when to be civil and keep your mouth shut. The cop asked for the ID to start with and the punk just kept getting louder and nastier. I would suspect he was on something or really stupid one of the two.
"Could be" is the key here. When the LEO found out what was happening, regardless of the passenger running his mouth, he should have left them alone. No further interaction was needed.
Cops use "suspicion" way too freely. There are good cops, but cell phones have really shed a light on the bad ones, and in this case, both LEO were in the wrong.
What was shown here was an over reach of "power".


Special Hen
Dec 5, 2012
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Skiatook, OK
We have become a nation of privileged, snot nose ******* who believe we should be able to do anything we want without consequences. This is a good example of it.

When I was his age we were polite to LEOs who are doing a thankless, dangerous job, and in turn they were polite back. Of course we opened doors for ladies and the elderly, took off our hats when entering a building, spoke with civility with each other or faced having the other person punch our lights out. If we saw a weaker person being attacked we helped them, not film it and post to Utube. Those were the days you could leave your doors unlocked and guns in your truck.

True there were a few bad cops, but there are always bad people in every profession. Bad lawyers, mechanics, plumbers, contractors, etc, etc, etc.

I miss those days and at times am glad I do not have that many years left to see what the younger people do to the country.
We should be able to do anything we want without consequences when it's lawful. You're right, this is a great example of being lawful. I miss those days too, but when you compare a bad lawyer, mechanic, plumber etc, those guys can't end your life in a few seconds by making a bad decision. Sure a mechanic could leave a lugnut off and cause an accident, but an ill trained LEO can literally make the wrong decision and take your life.


Special Hen
Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
Skiatook, OK
No. I do not agree with what the cop did, but I can understand it in a way. That said I do not agree with the little dick mouthing off either. I watched my little brother get beaten by a cop when I was a teen. Cop was wrong but what my brother did was just as bad and if I was the cop I would have lost my temper too.
Good thing you're not a cop then.

user 51785

Nov 11, 2022
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DE-ESCALATION TRAINING is the key, but they don't get much of it from what I've heard.
how do you know what training cops do or don't get? sounds like you're assuming things if you ask me. also you do know training costs money and lots of times it means they are going to be shorthanded while they send people to training. this brings up the question how do you vote when it comes to more money for first responders? in case you cant figure it out thats where they get money for the training you claim they arent getting enough of and more help to cover for people at training. and before you say they already got to many cops remember we are also talking about firefighters and ems and the equipment they use.

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