Kudos again to swampratt! I'm gonna owe him big time!

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
Knowing it was going to be a scorcher today and having to mow the lawn while it was a cool 80 instead of 100 later on, I called @swampratt to help me try to find the reason my mower was scalping the lawn intermittently. Having a bad back and bad knees, meaning I would have to have 911 on speed dial if I ever knelt down or scooted on my back under a lawnmower, I politely asked for his assistance. He agreed I was an invalid in both my physical and mental states and dutifully came to my aid.

Upon his arrival, I made him some iced tea and we discussed the problem and i showed him the scalp marks on straight runs with the mower, not just in turns or when I hit holes. He discovered the deck had somehow twisted a torsion bar. He got down on his side and with a 3/4 wrench adjusted the deck back into the level position. I tested it while mowing a few rounds and offered to let him try the mower but he was not going to help me whitewash my fence.

I really owe this man big time.

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