Landlords, Home rent question

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
So are y'all saying that BB is a bad tenant :tounge2:

LOL ... yep ... I freely admit I was a "problem" tenant. I paid my bills like clockwork and expected things to be taken care of in a timely manner. If they were not, you got notice from me, in detail, about what statute you were violating and that we would be off to small claims court in short order if you didn't make it right -- by certified mail, return receipt requested, of course.

Funny, none of the houses I rented seemed to want to do anything but take my money and let the damn thing fall down around my ears. The apartment complexes were not that way. Kinda odd if you ask me ...

The house immediately to the north of us is a rental. Those folks are the same way ... they take and take and take and the second a tenant calls them with a complaint they evict them, complain that they had to fix whatever it was that broke (last time the 20 year old water heater busted), and then rent to some other poor unsuspecting soul. One of the guys had been there 3 or 4 years when they booted him because he asked them to repair the fence (that is probably as old as the house is). On top of all that the worst tenant he has had since he moved out and started renting it out has been a better neighbor than he ever was ... I don't get it.

I didn't mind apartment living but I'm glad I have my house ... little more freedom.

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