Manuals on just about every gun on earth

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Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
Pulled off the /page7b.htm and got to this -

Which says this -

"Stevepages has been under a siege from Iran, attempts in trying to download all of StevesPages. For several reasons due to this, I have taken much of StevesPages offline.

1st, I don't want a militant, hostile to us country/group using StevesPages as a possible resource to repair/restore some old Soviet weapons they may have found

2nd, since I also have lots of training manuals, I don't want them getting that either. Nothing that could be used against our guys with boots on the ground or against any allies we have.

So I have implemented several changes. The first things I did to stop the unwanted traffic were things I won't go into. I have also spent almost 20 hours now building firewall "zones" that reach worldwide. Here in the US (mostly) I have also seen massive traffic for sometime that I don't believe was part of this, but kids trying to download the whole site just so they could show their friends "Look at all this cool information I got... I can even fix an Abrams tank track now". Youngsters don't consider that to support the bandwidth required to host StevesPages costs me money!

I have not yet decided what approach to this I want to make on a permanent basis as much of this downtime has been putting out the fire and I am just now getting to start thinking about long term security for the previously mentioned reasons. Training manuals may disappear permanently, the site may go to a membership basis allowing me to verify users, or...

Please write me with any suggestions of opines on this issue and I will weigh all comments.

Many thanks, Chris"


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Most of the stuff I saw in my past visits to that site are available at different sources. Some can be found lying on the tables at the gun shows, either on CD’s or copied paper manuals.

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