Pentagon to extend Military Honors to drone operators?

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Jun 15, 2005
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Boatz. Slow your roll, walk your sh&t back, and read what I posted. I've written BS citations for others and been recommended for at least 2. I am among a relative few who have been awarded my service's Combat Action Medal (ground not air).

The BS is, at it's core, a service award that does have an optional valorous component. It's biggest qualifier is that the period of service must be during a qualifying period of combat operations, and in proximity to the combat zone. There is no requirement for the individual to be in combat. That doesn't mean everyone who earned one wasn't in combat. It's just a fact that does not diminish your service. Thank you for it.

We were addressing the fact that there is a public misconception that the BS is strictly a valorous award akin to the Silver Star. If you take offense to that fact, it's on you not me.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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Go talk to my chaplin????????????????????????????? That is a condescending, comment that Has NO place here. JUST who do you thing your are SMS. God you must think you are a gift to society to tell one to "go talk to your chaplin" REALLY. God forbit where I would recommend you should go, it would probably get me kicked off OCS.

Donner why do you continue let these people put others down without taking action against them. Are you in their back pocket???? That is an honest question. Help me with that.


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Jan 10, 2014
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But maybe I should have left it in????????????????????????????????????? So really you did mean to use such a condescending statement all along but "did the rest of us a favor"? Boy your color is really coming out. That is what I hope the members here see too!!!!!

Oh now "simmer down" Im mister cool and know what is best here so I will be the good guy and ask the guy to "simmer down" you don't fool me SMS. Condescending stands whether the Moderator will do anything about it or not.


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Jan 12, 2007
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You too are NOT qualified to tell me what or where my beef should be directed. That idiot disrespected what I EARNED in combat. You too for that matter have disrespected it.

Let me ask you Glock what medals do you have? What combat experience do you have? Those answers could well tell the vets who been in COMBAT whether you have any credence in this matter at all.

You want to measure dicks? Fine. MAGTF 2-88, Operation Praying Mantis. Combat Action Ribbon (USMC's version of the CIB), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and Joint Meritorious Unit Citation, etc., etc..

We lost people, they lost (more) people in both direct and indirect action. I was not REMF, but forward deployed in support of SEAL Team 2 during this action. I did get shot at for my efforts. Thanks to some stellar work by my Navy compatriots, I wasn't harmed and didn't have to deploy my weapon. I have a Letter of Commendation from USN LCDR R. J. Mercrombie, in theater OIC for Team 2 as a result.

So shut yer pie hole and stop wearing your feelers on your sleeve. Both SMS and I have served honorably and neither of us have disrespected you. You are not a unique snowflake and you aren't special. We've simply pointed out that the mere award of a BS WITHOUT "V" device doesn't make you special. It doesn't mean you DIDN'T serve without honor or distinction, but it doesn't necessarily mean you did either. JMO and I'm entitled to it, because I damned sure earned it! :)


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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Yep an old combat vet that is VERY proud of what he did for his country. I will go to my grave standing by that. Others cast stones just as they have for 50 yrs at what many vets did in Vietnam. I will NEVER waver in my feelings. Those who cast stones at us like SMS well you have no place doing that. I will take you and anyone else to task when you do that. Like it or not that will be my response to any and all. My war was just as important to this country as any other, regardless of what SMS types say.

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