Riots and Looting...the best way to get "Justice"

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The original statement I was addressing did not include the issue of violence, it referenced thieves should be shot. It also referenced looting but looting is not always violent so since it's my question lets stick to the issue of thievery and his opinion that thieves should be shot and go from there.

In his original statement, he was specifically addressing looters and violent mobs:

The looters in Ferguson / New Orleans (Katrina) and any other happening. A riot / mob knowing LE will use deadly force will be a deterrent. What part of stealing a TV coincides with conducting a demonstration?
I hate thrives, YES shoot them like the rabid dog they are.

Yes, he hates thieves and he may even wish them all shot. However, that was not the gist of his post and you knew it when you selectively targeted one word in his post. Therefore my questioning of your reductio ad absurdum debate tactic here is valid. So let's not stick to your question unless you want me to continue pointing out the flaw in your argument. :)

Factors, evidence and standards??? Youve been around, you know how this plays out.

We've all seen this same situation play out a hundred times. Evidence, Standards, circumstances, its always the same. White Cop shoots unarmed black man in black neighborhood. Public protests. Bla bla bla.....

Same scenario, same result, same outcome. Unarmed black man dead.

So what's the lesson learned?

CNN is running the killer whale show, MSNBC is Lockup Raw Fox is the Kelly file. Its dark, almost 10pm, why aint nobody covering this?

Perhaps because we've all seen this same situation play out a hundred times? :anyone:

This. There are probably a few hundred agitators out of a population of more than 20, saying They, Them, and Those people is too broad.

At some point, the other 19,000+ residents need to get fed up and help bring back order (and I actually think most of them are already at that point, but the media is trying their best to paint this as a larger uprising).

One can't help but wonder, if the worst 10% of the few hundred out of 20,000 were culled from the mob, what would happen to the crime rate in that community over the next year? :anyone:

Im not so sure this is ready to end. Placating or appeasing those citizens who were protesting, then being attacked/intimidated by local police. I think the marches and protest should continue.....even to the point of provacation.

I really think those local officials/Govt, Mayor/Council/Police Chief and Police Dept should be suspended and terminated. Put city govt into trusteeship until order and public trust is regained.

Perhaps we should deputize some of these fine upstanding citizens that are "protesting" for a change? They could call themselves "Regulators" and right all the wrongs! ;)


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
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Spring, TX
Perhaps we should deputize some of these fine upstanding citizens that are "protesting" for a change? They could call themselves "Regulators" and right all the wrongs! ;)

I'm not so sure any of these community leaders would take any kind of position that could remotely be construed to be aligning with the police.

I heard on the news this AM an interview with a man who was basically saying that this area has a department of 22 officers and only 3 of them are black. Over the next few years they will be making focused efforts to hire on more black officers since the community is largely black. The community must think that if they have black officers on the department they will "cut a brother a break" once in a while. The community doesn't like being policed by a largely white department. So if you are black and having trouble finding a career in LEO, move to Ferguson. It's pretty much a sure thing.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC
No doubt. I've walked down skid row and been through south central LA multiple times. I'd take those over Florissantm, Ferguson, Hazelwood.
Yea. That whole area is bad. I think most of OSA has no clue what this area is like. If you listen to the MSN it is a very nice community. The good news is that the home keep getting cheaper there, for those looking to move.
I never go into North County without a gun on me and ready. Most of those sweet children running around all have their guns.


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
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I just ran across this, and thought it might be worth sharing.
National NAACP President Cornell William Brooks implored residents to "turn your anger into action" while condemning violence in response to Brown's death.

"To sneak around under the cover of darkness, to steal, to loot, to burn down your neighborhood - this does not require courage," he said. "Courage is when you strive for justice."

"Martin Luther King did not live and die so that we may steal and lie in the middle of the night," he added.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2010
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A couple of random thoughts. Seven people were arrested during the curfew Sat night into Sun morning. Of the 7 only 2 were from Ferguson. The highway patrol Capt they put in charge is starting to look really exhausted. I am starting to think the police need to pull out to the perimeter of the city and just let things happen. Don't stop people from coming in or out of the city just contain the violence to the city limits.
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