The hypocrisy of the "climate change leaders"

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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
The last refuge of the denier.

"Global warming is BS"

After overwhelming proof that the earth is warming...

"Yeah, the earth is heating up, but it's just natural"

After overwhelming proof that man is contributing to the warming...

"Consensus has no place in science"

Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf would be proud.

"Consensus". The first refuge of the Left's lack of scientific proof. "Consensus". The last refuge of the Left's lack of scientific proof.



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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Yeah, LittleD, I know you and facts are not I'll tell you again, as a group the only deniers of ACC is the American conservative.

The U.S. Republican Party is an anomaly in denying anthropogenic climate change.

Yet, for reasons that only ill-informed, willfully-ignorant people, like yourself, understand, you deny what 99.9% of the world agrees on.

The consensus that humans are causing recent global warming is shared by 90%–100% of publishing climate scientists according to six independent studies by co-authors of this paper.

It little matters that you and your ilk deny the overwhelming scientific evidence. But trying to make it a "liberal issue" is about as stupid as anything you've ever written on this board. And you're the one that does not know Buffett, as in Warren Buffett, from a buffet restaurant. So, in your case, the bar is so low you could trip and fall over it.

Well, A$$_on_the_Hole, you went right to your liberal talking point page, did a little copy and paste I see. Didn't address any of the warmers lies they spouted on a tv program, just went to prepared hogwash. It's a shame we have people that believe everything they are told by supposed fart smellers, excuse me, meant to say smart fellers that have been caught in lie after lie, changing their stories every time they are uncovered.
Believe it if you want, I'm too much of a skeptic to believe made up bullshat because I'm told to.
You might want to step out of your box. You might find a different world out there.


Jan 24, 2013
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Well, A$$_on_the_Hole, you went right to your liberal talking point page, did a little copy and paste I see. Didn't address any of the warmers lies they spouted on a tv program, just went to prepared hogwash. It's a shame we have people that believe everything they are told by supposed fart smellers, excuse me, meant to say smart fellers that have been caught in lie after lie, changing their stories every time they are uncovered.
Believe it if you want, I'm too much of a skeptic to believe made up bullshat because I'm told to.
You might want to step out of your box. You might find a different world out there.

It's amazing how intellectually lazy you are. Or just plain ignorant. Made up BS? Thousands of peer-reviewed studies and articles from scientist from over 80 nations (including capitalist, communist, socialistic and hell, even dictatorships) are all just "made up"

I see you got your god-complex on turbo this morning. Shouldn't you be doing something you actually understand, like shoveling ****?


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Dec 8, 2008
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Enid, OK
We should jeep in mind that the scientists who argue against AGW are, their opponents say, in the pay of Big oil, so they are not to be believed. What I seldom hear anything about is the conflict of interest that AGW advocates have. They want to get their papers published and with this publication comes recognition, and career advancement. If they buck the trend this does not happen, and the more alarmist they make their predictions the more money they get to study the problem.

Plus there is also peer pressure to conform with the prevailing view.

How is this not a conflict of interest, just they say the skeptics have?

FTR, I try to be as green as I can be, even though I am an AGW skeptic--not denier.


Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
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We should jeep in mind that the scientists who argue against AGW are, their opponents say, in the pay of Big oil, so they are not to be believed. What I seldom hear anything about is the conflict of interest that AGW advocates have. They want to get their papers published and with this publication comes recognition, and career advancement. If they buck the trend this does not happen, and the more alarmist they make their predictions the more money they get to study the problem.

Plus there is also peer pressure to conform with the prevailing view.

How is this not a conflict of interest, just they say the skeptics have?

FTR, I try to be as green as I can be, even though I am an AGW skeptic--not denier.
There is likely 10x or more money for being in the CAGW crowd from government funding than there is from being on Big Oil money and on the skeptic side. Most of the crowing about being on Big Oil money has proven to be false. But that doesn't stop the idiots from making that argument. A lot of the "science" that they claim is so sound has also been completely debunked. The original hockey stick is the biggest joke of all.

I'm probably the only guy on here who will be building his next house to LEED standards. I already have made many "green" changes to my current home and I drive an electric car. Yet I can still read and be critical of scientific papers and make up my own mind. I can be a skeptic. Consensus has no place in science. Anyone who says it does is a moron.

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