They F!@#$ed that Pedophile up

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Jun 7, 2013
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I think you have it wrong - society, i.e. us, are copping out on a very real responsibility because we aren't being courageous enough to make a hard decision and then back it up.
If Dahmer was beyond reform (which I firmly believe) then we as a people had a choice to either put him to death or imprison him indefinitely at which time his safety, at least from other prisoners becomes our responsibility. Instead we basically said "he deserves death, is beyond reform, but we are too squeamish to do what is required". Instead we make ourselves "feel" morally superior by granting him his life and then put him into a prison population where everyone knew he would eventually be murdered - we let our criminals do our dirty work so we could keep our hands clean.
That certainly isn't true mercy, it is just cowardice cloaked by a fig leaf.

If men deserve death due to their freely chosen action then we ought to have the moral courage to either do so - after trial and a fair chance of appeal - swiftly and deliberately but not via death by other inmate.

I'm with Mugsy on this one. There's a certain level of societal responsibility that our penal system must embrace. I'm not shedding a tear over the death of this guy. but it needed to be done properly, not at the hands of fellow convicted criminals. Rewarding the two men that killed him, as some have mentioned, only serves to reinforce the idea that allowing fellow inmates to impose their own sentence on an inmate is okay. Think about these guys for a minute. they are inmates, found guilty of a crime that was deemed heinous enough to require detention in a federal penitentiary. They have already shown an exceptional level of poor judgement and action. That's why they're inmates. Think about the anarchy that rewarding this behavior would bring in that penitentiary.

The penal system needs to grow a pair and start executing guys like this. I, for one, don't want prisoners in a penitentiary rewarded for murdering an inmate, regardless of the circumstances. That could go nowhere but bad in a hurry.


Special Hen
Apr 5, 2009
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In a hotel near you
I tend to agree with you on this aviator and mugsy. I will say that blaming the "penal system" is off base a little in my mind. The penal system is us and our perceived belief that if I don't see it it can't be happening.

When we show beef/poulty being slaughtered for our supermarket we collectivly turn away, we want our protein wrapped in cellophane by God!

Same can be said with a lot of the battlefield rules of engagement, when war atrocities make the news we apply political/media pressure to make it go away in favor of more patriotic sounding stories including fallen soldier homecomings.

I'm all for an express lane to the "chair" but I'm also not one to turn away in disgust and write my elected official/Ogle when they throw the switch.
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Special Hen
Apr 14, 2011
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In essence, any law or justice system is just a contract with a society. In prison, they have their own law within their own society. This human turd broke those laws by being stupid and he payed that justice system's price for it.
What happened there was perfectly "legal" and just to the prisoners (and possibly to many out here too). But it was illegal out here...and should it be? This guy was openly admitting the things he did. His guilt is not in question.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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In the woods...between OKC & Tulsa
I'm with Mugsy on this one. There's a certain level of societal responsibility that our penal system must embrace. I'm not shedding a tear over the death of this guy. but it needed to be done properly, not at the hands of fellow convicted criminals. Rewarding the two men that killed him, as some have mentioned, only serves to reinforce the idea that allowing fellow inmates to impose their own sentence on an inmate is okay. Think about these guys for a minute. they are inmates, found guilty of a crime that was deemed heinous enough to require detention in a federal penitentiary. They have already shown an exceptional level of poor judgement and action. That's why they're inmates. Think about the anarchy that rewarding this behavior would bring in that penitentiary.

The penal system needs to grow a pair and start executing guys like this. I, for one, don't want prisoners in a penitentiary rewarded for murdering an inmate, regardless of the circumstances. That could go nowhere but bad in a hurry.

The "rewards" GTG mentioned will be given by other inmates. That's life on the inside - a totally different world, a totally different set of rules. Inmates impose sentencing on other inmates daily. As stated, there's a reason these people are locked in cages.

For what it's worth, the deceased was sentenced to prison in Jan 2010 and was killed 1 Oct 2011. This happened in the UK. The two that killed him were sentenced to life, even though they were both already serving life terms. They had cannibalistic urges and initially planned to eat his liver. Instead, they turned themselves in. I'm not saying they had lost all their marbles...but there was definitely a hole in the bag!


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 20, 2010
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I think when you wish something like that on any living being, you lose a bit of your humanity. We are an evolving society and barbarian acts brings us a step backwards. Im not saying he didn't deserve what happened to him, but i wouldnt wish a violent death on anyone that couldn't go without it. As a parent as well, I see how it can stir up many emotions but drawing from emotions to decide a living or dying fate is ridiculous. The saying life is special, is not a two way street.

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