Think it's eazy to get a firearm from the Tulsa Police Property Room (Think Again.)

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Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
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Tulsa Oklahoma
Disbar the prosecution team.
Lock them up for the entirety of what the accused would of faced.
Remand all of their belongings to the accused, regardless if the prosecution team has family, just like what would of been done to the accused.
Right then and there as soon as the verdict is read, none of this “get your affairs in order business.”
The Tulsa county District Attorney Tim Harris got replaced and later they found he had kept evidence from a trial for a woman had been sent to Prison then over 4 years on a false drug charge, he should have gone to prison but one of our Judges gave him a pass, later Harris ran for Congress and lost then he tried to get on the school board again it failed today have no idea where old Tim Hariss is and i don't really care

Now back in 2011 after i had time to get myself some what back to normal i began sending letters to first our Tulsa Chife of Police chuck Jordan letting him know what a worthless cop Cristy Maxwell Allen was and how she just arrested me without even trying a little to find the true facts, then i requested the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation unit to investigate how Tulsa Cop Allen mistreated me handcuffing me so tightly i lost the feeling in both hands and refused to adjust them also i was put into a small plastic dog holding place in back seat of her patrol car, it was July hot as hell asked her roll my back window down she did about 1/4 ithen turned her radiop loud playing Rap Music.

After requestin the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation of my complaint Months pasted with me calling them asking when i was going to get a hearing what i was told was my case was sent to the very divison where Cop Allen was knew i was not going to get much investagation there, i again wrote Chief Jordan and around a Month later was informed i would get my hearing at the Divison where Cop Allen was working, when i got there first thing was asked to sign a form teling me what the out come would be was final no signing no hearing, i signed and during the hearing was told Cop Allen said she had adjusted my hancuffs as i had asked and she had opened the back window a good 6 inches also her supervisor said Cop Allen had followed Tulsa Police Policies and had done nothing wrong.

Allen just looked at me and grinned i told her that a Tulsa Jury had given me Justice and they found me not guilty, Allen just said the jury got it wrong and grinned.

I knew that i was not going to get anything at the hearing but i made them take the time to do it, that was good enough for me just forcing the hearing.

Not long ago Tulsa new Chief of Police Wendall Franklin was at a District 7 Council meeting to meet with the districts people, i attended and walked up to Chief Franklin said hello and asked if i could later talk to him in regards to the Tulsa Polices Internal Investigation Policies, not asking about my complaint just what was their policies under his now being the Tulsa Chife of Police.

Chief Franklin just walked away and did not even answer, later i sent him two letters asking to meet with him with no replies, i called his office and asked it he had received my letters, was told my letters were sent to their office of Internal Investigation what i now understood was Chief Wendall Franklin was not going to make any changes in how the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation unit did any investigation what i feel is done is they get a complaint it gos to the Chiefs desk he decides what he feel is correct asks a Tulsa Police Major to sign off on his decision that is the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation.

All i really got in 2011 was what then Chief chuck Jordan had already decided and that was eveything was within the Tulsa Police Policies that Cop Allen had done.

I also back in 2011 contacted the Oklahoma Division of the FBI told them what i felt about how i was treated, i knew even if the FBI would or could take any action they would keep my letter on record and that was what i wanted have it on record.

I wrote other letters to on of the Prosecutors who handled my case asked him to Prosecute Cop Allen for her lies at my trial also the man who brought the complaint against me, he wrote back that i was found not guilty and i was just pushing sour grapes in asking them to file charges.

Just wanted everyone to know i was highly unhappy with the Tulsa Police and our Oklahoma non Justice system, as i am still unhappy with their policies today.


Supporting Member
Jul 26, 2022
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Tulsa Police Property Room getting my handgun back.

Talk about how much fun getting a handgun back in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After my trial and being found not guilty, wanted my Glock23 Magazine and 14 rounds of Ammo. returned.
First I had to fill out this paperwork with the item and S/N also the number and type of Ammo. also what my reason I wanted it returned. Lady said we will call you. Three weeks later no phone call, I called her and was told yes I could come get it. Wrong what she handed me was a sheet with the District Attorneys signature saying his office no longer need it. (It got shown to the jury at my trial prosecutor Jason Perez told them it had been fully loaded with a round in chamber it was a deadly weapon I had.) I was told to take this paper work to the Tulsa Police Dept.s Property room 12 miles from my home. I took it here and the man speaking from behind bullet proof glass he said he would give me a card with a Tulsa Police homicide detective phone number who had to sign off on the handgun not involved in any other crime. Called the number got voice mail telling me this officer was not in at the time and to leave a message with my name and phone number. I did this and waited and waited never heard from this officer. So down to Tulsa Police Dept. homicide office all the way down town from my home around 18 miles. Lady told me the officer I wanted to see was out on sick leave and would not soon be back. I asked to speak to the supervisor of this officer. Was told I could not speak to him. Went home called the Tulsa Chiefs office talked to his right hand lady Linda she said she would call the supervisor and she did. Still I heard nothing so I asked Linda to give me his phone number she did and I called his phone, got voice mail left a message my name and phone number. Never got a call from him, called Linda again she would again call him. Two days later he called left a message on my recorder saying he was sorry to be so slow in getting my handgun released.
A full week later he again left a message saying my handgun could be picked up. Next day was a f Friday I called the property room and was told Friday was closed to the general public but the paper work had not yet arrived . Called Monday Tuesday Wednesday and on Thursday at 5pm was told the paper work was there but it was to late this day to pick it up and Friday they were closed to the general public, so come in Monday. Went in on Monday gave my name and Property number from my case to him through a pass through window. He went off brought back my handgun but no Magazine or Ammo. Asked where the Magazine was and he said there was no Magazine on paper work he had, I said they called it a CLIP but it's really a Magazine each item is in it's own plastic bag with my case number on it. Off he went and soon returned with my Magazine but no Ammo. I asked where my Ammo. was he informed me one can't obtain a firearm and Ammo. on the same day. A Tulsa Police Dept. Important Policy. He asked if they could destroy my Ammo. I said no I would return the next day and so I did getting all 14 rounds of my .40 Ammo. back. Now keep in mind this was a 24 mile round trip I had to keep making. Do you think the Tulsa Police Dept. makes getting any firearm back easy?
My Colt handgun was stolen from my pickup in a hotel parking lot in Florida. They caught the guys the next day and so within 24 hours had identified my little Colt as mine and that it was my property. It was in the possession of the Fort Walton Beach PD. It took me 13 months to get it back. Countless calls, and letters. And... though I was the known single owner (purchased it new), they would not send it across states to OK to an individual, so it had to be sent to a dealer here in Norman and I had to pay the $25 transfer fee to have my pistol I owned transferred from me to me. So I guess I'm saying that indeed the process of getting your pistol back is unfair and ridiculous, just know it could be much worse.


Special Hen
Nov 8, 2021
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Let me give some advice first i am not an Attorney had no understanding of Oklahomas Title 21 Statutes, had no idea what a statutes was.
If you as i did get involved in being acused of pointing a firearm at a person, and a cop thinks it's a probable cause your arearrested booked into jail, then the DA recomends what you will be charged with.

Now you need an Attorney think all Attorneys understand Oklahomas Title 21 Statutes regarding the use of fdeadly orce? Attorneys make money taking cases no matter if they understand what you are facing, win or lose they get paid and mine asked for $1000 up front just to get started.

Also Attorneys have many other cases your case is just one of many, don't think he or she is going to do all the needed ground work, you must start lookin into how the Oklahoma justice or non justice system works.

You really need to understand the small steps that the system is gong to take you, do you know what a "Discovery is"? well it's really important so google it.

Understand it's up to you to start understanding just how is going to go for you, never get the idea your Attorney is going to do everything for you as you go through the many court hearings, ask a lot of questions.

Also during your trial you can't even speak unless asked a question, your Attorney has to do all the talking for you make sure he or she understands what you want asked.
He is right,

Attorneys are specialists. If you have a criminal matter that is going to jury trial engage an attorney that specializes in criminal work and does trials, not a guy that does wills and trusts.

You don't go to a psychiatrist for a cardiac issue, or an electrical engineer to build a bridge. Getting the right council up front is important.

Most attorneys are busy people running a business. It takes a lot of files to make a living and they have a lot of expenses - fancy offices, staff, investigators, court fees, etc. They cannot dedicate their life to you or your concerns.

The part about doing your homework is equally valid. Look up the statutes, read them. Read the definitions that pertain to the statute. Read any case citations associated with the statute. Be able to discuss the issues inelegantly with your counsel. Also discuss the rules of evidence and understand them. Get the scheduling order and make sure they are keeping up with the important dates.

Also, good trial attorneys are charismatic. If the attorney turns you off, chances are the Jury won't like them either.


Special Hen
Jul 17, 2022
Reaction score
Tulsa Oklahoma
He is right,

Attorneys are specialists. If you have a criminal matter that is going to jury trial engage an attorney that specializes in criminal work and does trials, not a guy that does wills and trusts.

You don't go to a psychiatrist for a cardiac issue, or an electrical engineer to build a bridge. Getting the right council up front is important.

Most attorneys are busy people running a business. It takes a lot of files to make a living and they have a lot of expenses - fancy offices, staff, investigators, court fees, etc. They cannot dedicate their life to you or your concerns.

The part about doing your homework is equally valid. Look up the statutes, read them. Read the definitions that pertain to the statute. Read any case citations associated with the statute. Be able to discuss the issues inelegantly with your counsel. Also discuss the rules of evidence and understand them. Get the scheduling order and make sure they are keeping up with the important dates.

Also, good trial attorneys are charismatic. If the attorney turns you off, chances are the Jury won't like them either.
Here is a small item my Attorney had no idea about it's a small (Section 1279) many would hardly notice this item, that is till you lost your case and it was pointed out to you.

Section 1279

Any person violating the provisions of Section 1279 of this title shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not less than three (3) nor more than twelve (12) months. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of Section 1279 of this title after having been issued a handgun license pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act shall have the handgun license revoked and shall be liable for an administrative fine of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) upon a hearing and determination by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation that the person is in violation of the provisions of this section.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Here is a small item my Attorney had no idea about it's a small (Section 1279) many would hardly notice this item, that is till you lost your case and it was pointed out to you.

Section 1279

Any person violating the provisions of Section 1279 of this title shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) and shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not less than three (3) nor more than twelve (12) months. Any person convicted of violating the provisions of Section 1279 of this title after having been issued a handgun license pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act shall have the handgun license revoked and shall be liable for an administrative fine of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) upon a hearing and determination by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation that the person is in violation of the provisions of this section.

Based on that information, apparently the upper limit of a fine for misdemeanor has been changed since I retired. At that time, the maximum was $500 and not $1000.


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2010
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The Tulsa county District Attorney Tim Harris got replaced and later they found he had kept evidence from a trial for a woman had been sent to Prison then over 4 years on a false drug charge, he should have gone to prison but one of our Judges gave him a pass, later Harris ran for Congress and lost then he tried to get on the school board again it failed today have no idea where old Tim Hariss is and i don't really care

Now back in 2011 after i had time to get myself some what back to normal i began sending letters to first our Tulsa Chife of Police chuck Jordan letting him know what a worthless cop Cristy Maxwell Allen was and how she just arrested me without even trying a little to find the true facts, then i requested the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation unit to investigate how Tulsa Cop Allen mistreated me handcuffing me so tightly i lost the feeling in both hands and refused to adjust them also i was put into a small plastic dog holding place in back seat of her patrol car, it was July hot as hell asked her roll my back window down she did about 1/4 ithen turned her radiop loud playing Rap Music.

After requestin the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation of my complaint Months pasted with me calling them asking when i was going to get a hearing what i was told was my case was sent to the very divison where Cop Allen was knew i was not going to get much investagation there, i again wrote Chief Jordan and around a Month later was informed i would get my hearing at the Divison where Cop Allen was working, when i got there first thing was asked to sign a form teling me what the out come would be was final no signing no hearing, i signed and during the hearing was told Cop Allen said she had adjusted my hancuffs as i had asked and she had opened the back window a good 6 inches also her supervisor said Cop Allen had followed Tulsa Police Policies and had done nothing wrong.

Allen just looked at me and grinned i told her that a Tulsa Jury had given me Justice and they found me not guilty, Allen just said the jury got it wrong and grinned.

I knew that i was not going to get anything at the hearing but i made them take the time to do it, that was good enough for me just forcing the hearing.

Not long ago Tulsa new Chief of Police Wendall Franklin was at a District 7 Council meeting to meet with the districts people, i attended and walked up to Chief Franklin said hello and asked if i could later talk to him in regards to the Tulsa Polices Internal Investigation Policies, not asking about my complaint just what was their policies under his now being the Tulsa Chife of Police.

Chief Franklin just walked away and did not even answer, later i sent him two letters asking to meet with him with no replies, i called his office and asked it he had received my letters, was told my letters were sent to their office of Internal Investigation what i now understood was Chief Wendall Franklin was not going to make any changes in how the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation unit did any investigation what i feel is done is they get a complaint it gos to the Chiefs desk he decides what he feel is correct asks a Tulsa Police Major to sign off on his decision that is the Tulsa Police Internal Investigation.

All i really got in 2011 was what then Chief chuck Jordan had already decided and that was eveything was within the Tulsa Police Policies that Cop Allen had done.

I also back in 2011 contacted the Oklahoma Division of the FBI told them what i felt about how i was treated, i knew even if the FBI would or could take any action they would keep my letter on record and that was what i wanted have it on record.

I wrote other letters to on of the Prosecutors who handled my case asked him to Prosecute Cop Allen for her lies at my trial also the man who brought the complaint against me, he wrote back that i was found not guilty and i was just pushing sour grapes in asking them to file charges.

Just wanted everyone to know i was highly unhappy with the Tulsa Police and our Oklahoma non Justice system, as i am still unhappy with their policies today.
When you attempt to obtain fair justice for your mistreatment against any Law Enforcement entity you know they cover each other’s back even when they’re sure you’re in the right. At least you did everything possible to try to get some corrective actions on your false arrest. Thanks for all the information.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 26, 2021
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Norman, OK
Very informative from all contributors and I thank you for sharing the experience.
The government entities who are employed to protect and serve all work within constraints of law for the most part.
Is time spent and mileage tax deductable in some way?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
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I’ve seen both ends of the spectrum on this issue, first was in 2004 in Amarillo where I lived then my stepson at the time stole 3 pistols from me, one I got back from his brother and the other 2 I claimed on my homeowners insurance and recouped some of the cost, 9 yrs later I get a call from the Amarillo police that one of them was recovered in a stolen car, detective was pretty cool and sent it to me even paying the shipping. I had an FFL at the time but he sent it to the Catoosa police dept. and I had to pick it up there, ( I choose Catoosa instead of BA because I knew the chief and several employees because I use their range for my gun classes) Not sure why he wouldn’t send it directly to me but I did get it back without the mag, I did ask about mag and he said we don’t return mags ??? Yep didn’t ***** since I was very happy to get my Colt Gov. model .380 back!

Second one was when my work van was stolen from Osage casino and my EDC M&P and a S&W SDVE .40 I had just bought were in it, I reported the theft and the van was found the next day with nothing in it of course, and about 9-10 days later I get a call from NICS wanting to do a trace on a gun sold from my gunshop, It was my stolen M&P! I sent in copy of 4473 ( it was on my business partners license from the shop because it was a gift from him) The only way they do those traces is if gun is in the hands of a LE agency, I called TCSO since they were the agency asking for the trace and the property guy said yes we have it, I called my insurance co and said I wanted to buy the gun back and they said you can have it because it’s yours and they don’t do salvage on firearms, call back to TCSO the next day and he said it was his mistake it was the wrong serial number they called in ?? I don’t know if I was more pissed off that they were stealing my gun or by insulting my intelligence ?? I told him he was a liar and a thief and I still stand behind those statements today. I never got that gun back and I’m sure they’ve removed the serial number from the national database and they did get away with it but I got insurance to reimburse me so I’m gonna loose sleep over it but yes most law enforcement agencies will do whatever they can to make you give up your quest yo get property back.
Side note: Amarillo police dept. calls me every 6 months to see if my 3rd gun my stepson stole has been recovered and assured me it’s still in the database and maybe someday ??


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I went through something similar with a different outcome. Had a stolen gun found in a bordering county. The sheriff deputy called me and said come pick it up. Gave me the location and hours they were open. I showed up, he gave me the gun and I walked out and went home. Pretty easy all in all.


Wif was in Dallas, 1996. Had her Suburban stolen. M60 was inside.
Reported to DPD gun and 50 rounds.

About a month later, hood rat robbing
7-11, gets caught, has M60.

I get notice from DPD, gun recovered. I call, they say gun is in evidence. I will get it back, after trial.

9 months later, it goes to trial. Very short trial. Hood rat (3 time loser)

I get notice that trial is over. Call DPD to set up return of M60. They say it is not in evidence locker. Call DA. They say "returned to DPD, not their problem". Call Chief of Police. He says he will investigate. Week later, evidence bag, empty, in locker. So sorry.

I report it stolen to Houston PD. Officer says it is not stolen. I ask for CO. Tell him everything and that I want a report so it doesn't come back on me. He calls DPD, gets "missing from evidence". Files report, listing s/n as STOLEN.

Haven't seen gun or heard from Po.

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