totally creeped out!!

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Jam Master Jay

Special Hen
Jan 13, 2010
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Broken Arrow
I was out biking with a buddy when I was in high school once; we were in a remote former state park area and came across a guy just sitting in his pickup with the drivers side door ajar. We were pretty certain he was having some "me time" there. That was pretty creepy.

One time I've felt truly creeped out was when my buddy and I went out to test my AR-15 after I got done building it. We went to some private land that my dad is part owner of. We were in a deep ravine at our little makeshift range. After a magazine or two we heard a couple shots behind us. Almost as if to say "I'm over here". Where the shots came from was definitely on the same property but I couldn't tell just how far away they were. I always keep mags for several guns loaded in case someone unwelcome comes to check what we're up to so I grabbed up my AK and scanned the ridgeline but never saw anyone. I mad a big show of carrying my ak as I walked around the range, in case someone was watching through a scope. We were the only ones who were supposed to be out that day. I'm pretty certain it was a poacher back there. I kept my AK in the front seat of the truck as we drove off the property but never saw anyone. I have a real distrust of the hillbilly neighbors out there, to say the least. (which is a segway to my next story)

We have a cabin on a large clubgrounds where many other families have cabins. We were on an annual winter hike in early January, this hike was around the property lines (like 5 miles). There was a group of about 25 people and a couple of us had dogs. As we entered one large clearing we spooked two deer which ran in the direction we were heading. A moment or so later we heard two shots, followed shortly by the two deer running away. Out in the next clearing was a guy on a 4 wheeler with a young girl and a deer rifle. He was a little surprised to see this big group of people show up. I asked him if he'd shot anything and he said "Aw, we're just looking to shoot turtles" (in January?). I was glad to have my CCW on me that day. I just had the feeling that if I'd been alone or we'd had a smaller group that this guy would've had bad intentions for us catching him during attempted poaching.

After those two experiences, I've decided I'd rather be the scary guy in the woods with an AK-47 that everyones afraid of rather than risk getting harmed by a deliveranceesque hillbilly.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
Not my story, but a neat one from a book. The book is called Lone Survivor, cant recall the auther, but he was a SEAL in Afghanistan, said him and the other 3 on his team had been on many missions, but on the one the book is based on he says he can clearly recall the all 4 of them had a terrible feeling on the chopper in, he says it was really wierd for them to feel that way and even worse for them to admit it, but he says they all expressed it, I dont want to give the book away, but on this mission the other 3 on his team are KIA and he is wounded and MIA for about a week.


Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
broken arrow
I was out biking with a buddy when I was in high school once; we were in a remote former state park area and came across a guy just sitting in his pickup with the drivers side door ajar. We were pretty certain he was having some "me time" there. That was pretty creepy.

One time I've felt truly creeped out was when my buddy and I went out to test my AR-15 after I got done building it. We went to some private land that my dad is part owner of. We were in a deep ravine at our little makeshift range. After a magazine or two we heard a couple shots behind us. Almost as if to say "I'm over here". Where the shots came from was definitely on the same property but I couldn't tell just how far away they were. I always keep mags for several guns loaded in case someone unwelcome comes to check what we're up to so I grabbed up my AK and scanned the ridgeline but never saw anyone. I mad a big show of carrying my ak as I walked around the range, in case someone was watching through a scope. We were the only ones who were supposed to be out that day. I'm pretty certain it was a poacher back there. I kept my AK in the front seat of the truck as we drove off the property but never saw anyone. I have a real distrust of the hillbilly neighbors out there, to say the least. (which is a segway to my next story)

We have a cabin on a large clubgrounds where many other families have cabins. We were on an annual winter hike in early January, this hike was around the property lines (like 5 miles). There was a group of about 25 people and a couple of us had dogs. As we entered one large clearing we spooked two deer which ran in the direction we were heading. A moment or so later we heard two shots, followed shortly by the two deer running away. Out in the next clearing was a guy on a 4 wheeler with a young girl and a deer rifle. He was a little surprised to see this big group of people show up. I asked him if he'd shot anything and he said "Aw, we're just looking to shoot turtles" (in January?). I was glad to have my CCW on me that day. I just had the feeling that if I'd been alone or we'd had a smaller group that this guy would've had bad intentions for us catching him during attempted poaching.

After those two experiences, I've decided I'd rather be the scary guy in the woods with an AK-47 that everyones afraid of rather than risk getting harmed by a deliveranceesque hillbilly.

[Broken External Image]


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
Not my story, but a neat one from a book. The book is called Lone Survivor, cant recall the auther, but he was a SEAL in Afghanistan, said him and the other 3 on his team had been on many missions, but on the one the book is based on he says he can clearly recall the all 4 of them had a terrible feeling on the chopper in, he says it was really wierd for them to feel that way and even worse for them to admit it, but he says they all expressed it, I dont want to give the book away, but on this mission the other 3 on his team are KIA and he is wounded and MIA for about a week.
marcus luttrel


Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys first post for me I figure this would be a great thread to introduce myself. I'll warn you ahead of time this will probably sound made up and be hard to read as I am a terrible story teller :uhh:

When I had just turned 18 in '05 a city friend of mine said he wanted to go coyote hunting, cool with me I used to go at least once a week when I had the time. He sleeps over at my place and we get up at 3:30'ish in the morning so we can drive to the lease. The whole drive there I felt something just wasn't right with this trip I had made this drive hundreds of times and never felt so uncomfortable with my surroundings, at the time my dad and his buddies had a lease around pawnee I think it was 300 acres or so. I brought our two ruger 10/22's and my dads ruger mark3 with us I don't know why I brought the pistol but for some reason when I was in the gun safe something said you may need this.

Any way we get to the lease and as we are getting out of the truck i can just feel eyes on my back, we are at least half a mile off the road and had to go through two gates to get to the old camp site we had there was no way anyone was out there. I told my friend that if anything weird happened or I said to that he needed to high tale it to the truck. He seemed kind of offput by it but shrugged it off as me trying to scare him.

We started walking to the first stand and I heard something walking with us it sounded about 20-30 feet to my left I kept looking but it was still too early for me to see, i asked my friend if he heard the foot steps he said he did but assumed it was wildlife. Let me tell you I know human foot steps when I hear them and thats what this was.

We were probably 50 yards from our first calling spot when I heard a big gruff voice yell "WHO THE F*** ARE YOU?" I spin to my left to see a 5'6"ish 180lb guy come flying out of the woods onto the path we were walking, my friend was already gone he turned heels and hauled ass back to the truck and left me with this crazy. Id been to this lease hundreds of times and met the owner and knew anyone who should have been there, I did not know this fellow.

As I stumbled trying to back peddle my way away from this guy I tripped on something with this guy still coming towards me screaming like a banshee that I needed to "GET THE F***" out of there right now, when I hit the ground I remembered the ruger on my hip I drew on him and he still hadn't stopped coming towards me I warned "Stop or I will shoot" no response but a slow down to a steady walk I let three fly missing like a stupid kid would but it was enough to scare the man and he turned and was gone. I never saw any kind of sign after the sun came up of who he was or where he came from. I spoke to the sheriff in the area that day to report the incident and he told me they had found mobile meth labs in the area and I probably interrupted someones kitchen time.

Sorry I know that was a bear to read and was just a flat wall of text. Scariest thing that has ever happened to me and the only time I've ever had to draw a weapon on a human. I just wish I had brought a larger caliber with me!

Oh yea and when I made it back to the truck my friend was inside doors locked with the 10/22 shouldered attempted to scan with the rifle in the truck all i could do was tell him I had taken care of the problem. :rollingla

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