Travels? Lets see where you go.

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Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
So for some of you this could be fun. If you have a little command line experience you can create a map that shows where you have been. There are online tools that will do this but honestly do you want to send someone the data for free? is a link to the page setup and will help with some troubleshooting. You will have to install Python, if you are running windows you will also need to set a few things up. This also works with google's data so if you have an android phone, tablet, etc that has cell connection this should be able to pull up your data. If you run apple... can't help ya. They have the same data but I have know idea about anything.

So I have said a few times before that I drive everywhere. Well here is the proof. I cropped out my recent trip to Jamaica but I think that when I go down there I will pull the data again and make another one. This is probably all of my location information since I have had an android device so probably about the last 10 years or so. You will see that when I go places I don't always take the same route to get there as well. The longer I was somewhere or more often the darker more green then orange and red it gets. There are some blips here and there like Las Vegas which are not correct, I have been there but at that time did not have an android phone. I also drove so there would be a trail.


So if you can figure it all out then share where you have been. If you can't figure it out you can use an online tool to do something similar otherwise link me the file through google drive and I can make something similar for you.


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
When I was a younger man I had a welding rig on the road.. I was working in Denver city Texas where they all had nice bass boats, so 1 day I say where do ya go fishing around here ? Answer, about 350 miles that way, LOL.. What I didn't find too funny was I asked where I could get a 6 pack of beer, answer Hobbs N.M. so I drive about 40 miles to Hobbs and grab a 6 pack, on the ride back I'm looking at the 6 pack strangely and notice that the cans are 10 ozs, SOB, I didn't get a 6 pack it's a dang 5 pack, cheated of 12 ozs..

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