What are you tired of?

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Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I am tired of a complete lack of common sense especially in the government but also far to many everyday people.

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Hanging my junk out the window of my car doing 90mph. Got me in trouble recently.

Ok,ok. Illegals, freeloaders, Libs, gun grabbers, liberals, Bammy, liberals, Feinstein, liberals, taxes, Libs, politicians in general, liberals, mostmof the people of Calif, liberals.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
I'm beyond sick of corporate hijacking. Everything is influenced by Big Corp. Some examples are just annoying and others are disgustingly scary.

Annoying: Trying to watch a ballgame and seeing a corporate logo on EVERYTHING, like the State Farm logo on the padding of a freaking basketball goal frame. Or, instead of simply going to an "instant replay", they go to the "Chevrolet Quick Look Instant Replay, save thousands off year-end closeout models at your local Chevrolet dealership. Chevrolet, Find New Roads.".

Disgustingly scary: Exxon's oversight of the FAA No-Fly Zone over the spill in Arkansas. How does a company get away with dictating federal regulations?


I'm tired of the dumbing down of American media. History Channel, Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, all slowly being taken over by non-education and often fictional "reality" dramas. What useful knowledge am I "learning" about some chick who has 19 kids? Good thing I still have the Science Channel... for now.

While I find 0 charm, emotion, story or anything else constructive or creative in today's corporate-churned music, seeing music videos for this talentless crap would still be better than seeing MTV overrun by garbage like "16 and Pregnant".


I'm tired of ultra-conservatives and ultra-liberals, equally.

Ultra-conservatives demand that religion dictates every aspect of our lives, while criticizing the ultra-libs for demanding the Government do the same.
Ultra-liberals demand that the Government dictates every aspect of our lives, while criticizing the ultra-cons for demanding the Church do the same.

Most importantly, I'm just tired of being told that I need either entity in order to live a happy, healthy, productive life.

I'm tired of not being able to find a pulled-pork sandwich that wouldn't double as shredded beef jerky on a bun. I don't desire a pork soup sandwich, but it'd be nice for it to retain just a bit of moisture.


I'm tired of bad drivers -- The left lane campers, or those who fail to signal, for example. It doesn't necessarily bring my day down when somebody refuses to signal a lane change, but it does sadden me that common courtesy towards total strangers seems to be dying off more and more.


Special Hen
Oct 16, 2012
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Tulsa roads.

Highway 169. might as well be a sand blasting booth on my car. Really how Effing hard would it be to send a sweeper or 2 down it in the middle of the night and clean all that BS up. Its only 9 miles long!!

surface roads here. I think the Mayor and city council have a stake in alignment and tire shops.

Oh but we had a vote on building low water dams on the arkansas so it will "look" like a river again.

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