What do we do as conservatives if Trump loses?

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Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
In reality, if it in fact goes that way, I imagine we'll do what we've always done, man up, accept the consequences of our inaction, and move on to deal with the fall out, in what ever form it is manifest.

Politically, we'll need to get better about recruiting candidates, engaging in the local political scene, and remember even if we are not at war with them, they are at war with us. Complacency limits options if you are willing to assume your opponents are really just good people who generally want the same things as you. They, despite taking an oath to support and defend the constitution against ALL enemies foreign and domestic, simply replace their actions to tear it all down, with yours to support it, and call you the enemy.

If and when that happens, hopefully cooler heads prevail, but if the "reeducation camps" and anarchy, that some of them have clamored for emerge, well heck.....things change.
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Special Hen
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
You keep hearing Civil War 2.0 and Day of Reckoning bantered about. But, when it gets down to it who will do these things. It would be grass roots with the media and tech giants trying to squash it and the grass roots folks feeling like they are alone.

While many romantically wax upon this as a time to reset this country to the way it was they are unrealistic. You cannot return to a simpler time, you have to deal with the here and now and make tomorrow the day you want it to become by molding today into the future you desire. The cat is out of the bag so to speak, and the only way to put that cat back is with blood, yours as well as the cats. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to take a life? How about the life of your own child? Realistically speaking, our children are brainwashed and indoctrinated into this mentality as were we. It will keep coming back to a question of the future you want for your children, does that future involve them being alive or dead? Does that future involve them being imprisoned for their beliefs? How about for your beliefs? Are you willing to accept these actions for them even if they don't want those outcomes?

Too many things to consider in this idea to make just 1 thread. Too many potential outcomes to make an easy decision. Too many people who might die based in an ideology that may or may not proof to be the correct choice. But, choose we must or it will be chosen for us.

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