Nvrsatisfied- 2010 deer/yote season post(s)....

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Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
well its that time of year and my schedule is getting closer to opening up, to where i can actually get out!! finally! i am gonna make this my little post to see what i end up with this year...bow, rifle season. a good friend of mine/hunting partner had been busting his butt and me helping when i could, on some food plots. well the inevitable came up, he went into back surgery last week. he still told me to hunt away and get what i could on his time down. so i feel a little bad cause he did most of the work, so i decided this year not to press the deers too hard and just see what shows and if see a yote, their the first on the list to go.

well i went out last week on thursday and did some calling and got to overlooking my line of site and a yote snuck in about 30ydrs from me (tall grass), it took off when we both seen each other. so i hung out in the spot quiet for awhile and started calling again and this young pup was too curious to maybe leave well enough alone. so with thanks to OKHUNTER (Scott) with the calling seminar and tips and MR. THE MAN (Daniel) for the shooting sticks and lanyard which holds my Primos Lil' Dog hand calls, i bagged her up. she fell where she stood @ 52paces from me, bullet entered into upper left shoulder (she was looking at me quatered away a little) and exit out lower right ab side. she looked to be about a 1yr--1.5yr old female and a beautiful coat (which i am tanning now :). this was my first time to skin a yote so i was not too sure what to do, but i was happy with the turn out)

weapon of choice---.223 winchester model 70 bolt action, heavy barrell, srgt. major plaster stock, simmons glass, my new hand loads by Jack Branson useing a ballistic tip 55grain bullet (i will get more bullet info in here later).


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Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
well first thing i can say is happy b-day to me and it was a great one. opening season fell on my b-day and here is my attempt at a short story....

me and my partner (Ciara- 13yr old cousin) swung by my friend Lee's to pick him up, he said the night before that he was feeling good and thought he make the hunt (his recovery from back surgery is doing great!). so we get out to the spot about 6:15am and get him setup, he is facing his feeding area about 100yds north of him. me and my new camera girl make the hike up and over a hill about 500yds east of Lee. she and i get settled in and about 7:15 we have some doe come in from behind us from the west and make there way about 150yds to the south of us. the lead doe looks our way and thinks something is not right, she starts acting a little odd, then keeps watching behind her, i knew something was up but could not see anything, but all i heard in a raspy whisper was "hurry and shoot, i got her, hurry shoot, what are you waiting for"...LOL..i told my camera crew to relax :), as the doe turns and heads north taking the other three with her..no buck.

about and hour later and an inpatient camera crew, i said we were going to move further west over to a pond damn, this way when they come out they will be facing us and start out at about 275-300yds and come our way into an opening. so we make the move and set for about an hour, i get a call from Lee and he says that his younger brother and a buddy had showed up and were going to come in from the west and head east to try and push anything out into the opening...last year we did this and they all headed south, so i was reluctant, thinking we are not going to see much. well within the minutes of there arrival i hear gun shots ringing out (now don't panic we are in a very low, low area, and far from them and this is heavy, heavy thick wooded area they are in). about that time i see a deer jump over a brush pile, i put the cross hairs on it and see that it a one sided spike. he hits the ground and hangs a sharp left heading south along the top of the hillside, meanwhile my camera crew is saying "shoot, shoot it, hurry its getting away, what are you waiting on" i said relax, im not waisting a buck tag on a spike, her replay was "your just scared to shoot :tounge:". we keep watching and up jumps a doe over the brush and her boyfriend behind... camera crew goes "OH MY GOSH, tyson get ready". the doe makes a brake down our hill side and boyfriend gaining speed, i'm watching him threw the scope, i lte him get within about 170yds and let out a woot and no yield. so i put the cross hairs out front and squeeze---boom its a hit--- he slows up and staggers on up the hillside and stops about 50yds to the south facing me, i go to load round two and GUN JAM...camera crew is going :hyper::hyper:-- "hurry shoot him what are you waiting on, hurry, he is getting away", get the empty case out (seemed forever but was a few secs.), put it on him, as i squeeze he moves forward--- boom its a hit---second shot in the lungs, he pulls up a bit and takes off....WITH MY CAMERA CREW IN HOT PURSUIT!!! i tell her to stop and not to push him. we come up from about 50yds of the second shot and there he was on the side of this small hill...camera crew went CRAZY!!!

well Lee calls and said if i got anything, told him i had a nice buck down...hoping it was not the one he had seen on pics. he shows up and says holly S*** i have never seen this guy, so i was relieved. he weight in @ 170, had a nice 5x5 matching side with a small kicker at the base on one side.

(as far as video goes....not much, she followed the lead doe and got a little shot of the buck as he came to a stop, then sound of my second shot, then it goes ground, sky, ground, sky....she got a little buck fever but had a blast.. :))

weapon of choice--- winchester .223, 55grain hand load, ballistic tip.

:hbd: to me!!!!


special thanks to camera crew :thumbup3:



Special Hen
Oct 1, 2010
Reaction score
Fantastic and great buck! He's a beauty! Glad you are brushing up on your yote calling. I'm thinkin we need to have a "cleaning out" out our way.
Happy Birthday and hopefully Lee will get his too!


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2010
Reaction score
Congratulations on a terrific birthday buck. He is a big one that is for sure and your story was great. Hope all your birthdays are as great as this one was.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2008
Reaction score
Love the pictures! Looks like you did a good job on skinning the coyote! I bet you get a bunch more this year.

Hey Dennis I'm still here. Hope your hunting season is going well!

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
thanks for the compliments guys/gals. Ciara had a blast and says she wants to redo the camera so it turns out better....lol...i said its o.k. its just the blair witch type camera angle...LOL

hey scott glad to hear from ya!! yes they seem heavy in population it seems like in some of the parts i have always been around, so i am going to be gunnin over this holiday break and a couple cough, cough sicks days from work...LOL.

i might have to ask dogbabe/redearth for an invite to come out and see what i can do.....

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
i would of like to get some pics but just got to busy. i ended up getting a doe over the weekend. i got to my spot with my rifle and bow. usually take the rifle for that time a yote or yeti might step out or something. so i got situated and about 8:00, i had 6 doe came my way. The head doe gottem about about 80yds from me and she thought something was up, so her white flag went up, and she headed north with the rest of them folllowing. so i sat there a little longer and caught a buck and two doe bed down about 350yds north/west of me. as time went on i seen my buddy heading back to the truck and thought i would do some coyote calling. i did some howling and rabbit distress with no luck and then did a fawn bawl. outta the corner of my eye i seen movement to the north, it was two of the does from the first batch, they had just jumped the H brace in the fence from about 400+ yards out and were coming my way. they came a running in, stop look around, run in a bit more, stop a few times and then running again towards me. they dropped down into a bottom that is a few yards from where i'm at. i draw back and wait, she pops up over the edge and keeps coming in. so i let the muzzy eat, down she went the other turned and ran outta the bottom and i bawled again, she stopped and was about 70yds out broad side, thought about reaching down and grabbing the rifle but thought i had enough meat.

now what i am finding interesting and take it for what you will...:uhh:..

with this time and others (outta deer season) i have had luck calling in doe's with the fawn ball from my hand call; the "PRIMOS little pup" using the white call with the extention and my hands to muffle a little bit. making my rabbit distress drag out a little longer and a going a little higher up on the reef to get that "deeper" bawl. i have been out a many of times coyote calling and went down my lists of calls and seem to have momma deer pop up looking for that fawn when i do the fawn bawl. im not saying every single time but more than often. (i have witness' to this story--- i have called in 7doe and a buck that was tagging along with them. we seen them a long, long ways out and the wind was caring my call and i started to notice that they were taking intrest in it and before i knew it they all came within 100yds)

now i know some don't give a care for a doe, but those that do and have not had much luck or might want to bring them in a bit closer for that shot, this might help ya out. also i have messed around with a younger buck, just to entertain and experiment what the bawl might do. he wondered back and forth in front of me long enough for anyone to take the shot (rifle he was under 100yds), now i know he was young and dumb, so i won't say it will work for a buck like it does the doe, but it defiently makes them wonder out there a little longer than normal.... :wink2:

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