Media misrepresents Heartland Outdoors

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Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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Guthrie, Oklahoma, United States
I love Heartland Outdoors and I have dealt with Cleo several times and can say he is a nice guy and gave good reasons for his opinion which the originator of this thread failed to mention. It was not Heartland Putdoors position on open carry should be mentioned as well.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I went back and read the article...didn't watch the video but the direct quote from the article is as follows.

"Cleo Land is an employee at Heartland Outdoors in Edmond and has over 30 plus years of experience as an Edmond police officer. He said he worries those like Wesselhoft have the wrong message.
"I prefer the element of surprise when it comes to carrying firearms," Land said.
Land said he believes openly carrying a weapon won't deter criminals but instead make those who choose to openly carry a target.

Two big points before I get all up in arms about Heartland. (my mistake for making an assumption before first cup of coffee is gone).

1). Mr. Land is an employee, so that doesn't mean "Heartland Outdoors" as an entity is against open carry.

2). Mr. Land, in the context of the article, does not state that he is against the open carry legislation. He states a personal opinion about the actual practice of open carry.

He's actually close to my feelings. I don't think the practice of open carry is a wise choice for me....but I don't oppose the legislation.

Just some thoughts before we get out the pitchforks and torches.

Mitch H.

Special Hen
Dec 31, 2008
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The interview did take place INSIDE Heartland Outdoors by an employee of Heartland Outdoors that was speaking out AGAINST a fundamental gun rights issue. I'll admit I was a little shocked to see them speak out against something that is firearm related. I'm not necessarily a fan of open carry, but I don't make it a habit to suppress any form of gun right.

I believe we all have a Constitutional right to possess and carry firearms. As far as I'm concerned, we don't need the permission of the government nor the approval of Heartland Outdoors to exercise our inalienable gun rights.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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Making me get a license to carry a weapon, making me carry concealed, and even preventing convicted felons from owning firearms are all unconstitutional. Yes, even convicted felons deserve the right to protect themselves.

This. (emphasis added)

I AM IN NO WAY AGAINST OPEN CARRY. But, the way Senator Russell's bill is written, which he is a friend, and I like the guy, scares me... And i told him so. As it stands, the bill will require NO training, No licenses, nothing. if you can own a gun, u can open carry. I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS. I have seen TOO MANY IDIOTS PULL OUT LOADED GUNS AND TRY THEM IN HOLSTERS IN OUR LOCAL STORES. I suggested requiring a CCW or an all together new lic. TRAINING MUST BE A REQUIREMENT FOR OPEN CARRY. In my humble opinion.

Why should training be forced?

I also stated in another thread that forcing someone to take a course is guaranteed to cost them money. Some just don't have it. So now you are stripping that person of their 2nd admendment rights.

This. The permit system is designed to make it more difficult for poor working class folks to defend themselves.
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