totally creeped out!!

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Special Hen
Jan 28, 2010
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Hey guys first post for me I figure this would be a great thread to introduce myself. I'll warn you ahead of time this will probably sound made up and be hard to read as I am a terrible story teller :uhh:

When I had just turned 18 in '05 a city friend of mine said he wanted to go coyote hunting, cool with me I used to go at least once a week when I had the time. He sleeps over at my place and we get up at 3:30'ish in the morning so we can drive to the lease. The whole drive there I felt something just wasn't right with this trip I had made this drive hundreds of times and never felt so uncomfortable with my surroundings, at the time my dad and his buddies had a lease around pawnee I think it was 300 acres or so. I brought our two ruger 10/22's and my dads ruger mark3 with us I don't know why I brought the pistol but for some reason when I was in the gun safe something said you may need this.

Any way we get to the lease and as we are getting out of the truck i can just feel eyes on my back, we are at least half a mile off the road and had to go through two gates to get to the old camp site we had there was no way anyone was out there. I told my friend that if anything weird happened or I said to that he needed to high tale it to the truck. He seemed kind of offput by it but shrugged it off as me trying to scare him.

We started walking to the first stand and I heard something walking with us it sounded about 20-30 feet to my left I kept looking but it was still too early for me to see, i asked my friend if he heard the foot steps he said he did but assumed it was wildlife. Let me tell you I know human foot steps when I hear them and thats what this was.

We were probably 50 yards from our first calling spot when I heard a big gruff voice yell "WHO THE F*** ARE YOU?" I spin to my left to see a 5'6"ish 180lb guy come flying out of the woods onto the path we were walking, my friend was already gone he turned heels and hauled ass back to the truck and left me with this crazy. Id been to this lease hundreds of times and met the owner and knew anyone who should have been there, I did not know this fellow.

As I stumbled trying to back peddle my way away from this guy I tripped on something with this guy still coming towards me screaming like a banshee that I needed to "GET THE F***" out of there right now, when I hit the ground I remembered the ruger on my hip I drew on him and he still hadn't stopped coming towards me I warned "Stop or I will shoot" no response but a slow down to a steady walk I let three fly missing like a stupid kid would but it was enough to scare the man and he turned and was gone. I never saw any kind of sign after the sun came up of who he was or where he came from. I spoke to the sheriff in the area that day to report the incident and he told me they had found mobile meth labs in the area and I probably interrupted someones kitchen time.

Sorry I know that was a bear to read and was just a flat wall of text. Scariest thing that has ever happened to me and the only time I've ever had to draw a weapon on a human. I just wish I had brought a larger caliber with me!

Oh yea and when I made it back to the truck my friend was inside doors locked with the 10/22 shouldered attempted to scan with the rifle in the truck all i could do was tell him I had taken care of the problem. :rollingla

Awesome story! :thumb:


Special Hen
Jun 20, 2007
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I've got a couple....the first one was from early last year....the contract that I work on was comming up for renewal and the company I work for lost there were a lot of rumors flying around about the new company that won the contract....none of them were really good...was told that most of us would be laid off, so I get a call from a buddy of mine who is an ex-coworker...he works for a mediflight outfit here in OKC.....tells me there is an opening and so I make a call and turn in a resume, after a week of negotiating and paperowork, I am givin an official offer and I accept.....the only thing left is a drug test and a lil more paperwork.....well, the night before I am supposed to meet up with them to sign the rest of the papers....I get a really really bad feeling comeover me in the middle of the i'm making a really big mistake by taking that job....I couldn't go back to first thing I did was call them and respectfully declined the job...after I hung up...feeling went away. Never figured out why i got that feeling. I will say that my friend that works there is desperately trying to find another job.

About 10yrs ago, i was looking for an apartment on the north side of the city and stopped by one of the complexes off of NW Exp...asked about a 1 bedroom and they said they had one to show me and it was ready to move the lady walked me up to the apartment, I started getting the feeling of dread and was getting that sick feeling....I walked into the apartment and this dark feeling came over me....I didn't even look around, told her thanks but it wasn't for me....I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Again, don't know why I got that feeling.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 30, 2010
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when i was a middle age teenager i desided i wood walk to town to see amovie might have been jail house rock. got to the highway at dusky dark, started walking on the blacktop, then across the railroad tracks to the west something starts going ooh ooh ooh, i stopped walking an it quits making noise, i start walking it starts ooh ooh again, this happened 2 or 3 times . i pulled off my boots & ran about i half mile down the highway , a car came a long and picked me up . rode into town. buddys said it was just a cow bauling. but it was just a open field over there. any way i was a shoke up kid, the near house was over a mile away


Nov 9, 2009
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I tend to sleep on my stomach at night. There were a few nights when I was a kid while living at home, where I'd wake up into that half sleep/half awake state in the middle of the night and feel a pressure pushing down on my back, as if someone was holding me down. When I'd try to turn over onto my back, I was physically unable to do so. When I would try to call out to my parents, I wouldn't be able to make any vocalizations at all. This happened a few times over a number of years, but not terribly frequently. Flash forward to college.

One night in the dorms at OU, I was asleep in my room and woke up into that half sleep/half awake state. I was laying on my back and absolutely, unable to move my body physically, as if I had been placed into some kind of a trance hold. I started to hear growling, not like a dog, but more like a demonic growl. I had just recently converted to Catholicism and did the only thing I could think to do - I started saying Hail Mary's. Next thing I remember, my eyelids started fluttering very rapidly and I saw a vision of the Virgin in the air above my bed. She never moved or said anything, but she appeared to be praying, with her hands together and head slightly bowed down. Once she appeared, the growling got louder, as if there was a struggle occurring. I don't know how long this all lasted, but it felt like just a few minutes. Then, the growling stopped, my eyes stopped fluttering, the vision disappeared and I was WIDE awake laying in my bed. I can't really describe the feeling I had throughout my body as I laid there afterwards - it was just like an absolute release, like maybe you'd get after an extreme physical effort and now you're resting on the sideline. Not a feeling of tiredness, but just recovery.

I had a roomate and he was asleep the whole time.


Nov 9, 2009
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This is a story my mom relates. She was in Air Force tech school at Keesler and had a roomate who had just had a fight with her boyfriend. My mom woke in the middle of the night and looked at her roomate, who was sitting straight up in her bed staring at the wall. Mom looked at the wall and in what appeared to be blood, was written "I'm sorry". The next day, my mom's roomate found out her boyfriend had been killed in a motorcycle accident the previous night, before they'd had a chance to make up.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Sooner, it sounds like you had some sleep paralysis. I have had a similar experience several times. Feel like I am awake, but unable to move or speak and there is somethng "evil" in the room.

One time I was asleep on the couch and it happened and my wife woke me up because she said she could hear me barely calling her name.

It's not an uncommon condition and accounts for a lot of so-called paranormal exoeriences.


Special Hen
Jun 8, 2008
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When I lived in Oregon I was walking up a trail one night from my friends cabin to where we had to park the trucks on the gravel road and the hair stood up on the back of my neck, I stopped and shined the flashlight all around and saw nothing. Later when telling my friend about the experience he said that he had seen a mountain lion in that exact area several times.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
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Sooner, it sounds like you had some sleep paralysis. I have had a similar experience several times. Feel like I am awake, but unable to move or speak and there is somethng "evil" in the room.

One time I was asleep on the couch and it happened and my wife woke me up because she said she could hear me barely calling her name.

It's not an uncommon condition and accounts for a lot of so-called paranormal exoeriences.
there was something evil in the attorney:laugh6:

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