Politicians can carry guns anywhere now in Oklahoma....

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Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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Some are more equal than others? Ya thats it, I keep forgetting because of the all men are created equal thing I learned in HISTORY CLASS.


The sentiment was good. Jefferson's heart was in the right place but DAMN! I just cannot forgive the man for saying such and utterly stupid thing.

Why couldn't he have just said what he meant which was that all men should have equal opportunity.

He caused a whole lot of trouble with his pithy, all men are created equal thing. What a load of bull. We ain't - created equal and it is silly at best and downright ignorant to believe so.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
It grants them more rights because I can't go get my CLEET certification and carry a gun anywhere I want in the state of Oklahoma.

You're right, but you can go sit in a classroom for 8 measly hours with a little range time and do virtually the same thing. I'm betting that's a lot easier.

I see your point about being able to carry where we can't, that's a tough pill to swallow for sure, but one could always go become a LEO or U.S. Attorney and deal with scumbags every day.

Anyone have a link to the bill itself? The article is unclear as to who is being proposed for unlimited carry - U.S. Attorneys and "lawmakers" or simply U.S. Attorneys?

I think this is the latest copy: http://e-lobbyist.com/gaits/view/258488

U.S. Attorney and Assistant U.S. Attorney only.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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No, he was right. We're all "created" equal: we're all born dumb and nekkid. From there it's pretty much up to us.


So a 5' 5" guy who weighs 125 is the same as a 6'4" guy that weighs 220 and can do the 40 in 4 secs or so? I don't think so. One could be an NFL QB while the other would have no chance at all. Not equal.

So someone with an IQ of 160 or so is the same as someone with an IQ of 80? One could be a rocket scientist or the CEO of a major corporation while the other is barely qualified to be a janitor or garbage man. Not equal.

So a guy or gal with 20/10 eyesight and uncanny fast reflexes is equal to a guy who's born blind and can't walk without stumbling over his own feet. Really? One could be a fighter pilot the other no chance. Not created equal.

Sorry guys but that whole created equal thing is pablum for the masses. Equal opportunity yes. Equal physical and mental abilities no.

We're not all created equal. God made every one of us different. Different physically and mentally. And different by its very nature means NOT EQUAL. That's just the way it is. Some win the genetic lottery some don't even buy a ticket.

Fair? What's fair got to do with it. GOD hasn't issued any life will be fair certificates to us all as far as I know and he probably never will.

And that's reality.

To be sure, equal opportunity should be guaranteed to us all and GOD gave us the smarts and the wisdom to make that possible - but created equal. Please. Just ain't so and all the purty words and wishful thinking there has been or ever will be said or written won't change that simple fact of nature.

Jefferson was a smart guy. He was a master wordsmith and an expert on human nature so he was either wrong (doubtful) or pandering to the masses (likely) when he said "all men are created equal", 'cuz it just ain't so.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Be sure to chat up a cop on OU's campus while you're carrying a concealed handgun.

Still missing the "rights" thing. Privilege maybe, but not rights. A privilege that comes at the expense of a particular job. Our 2nd Amendment rights are already infringed so railing about an obscure bill, that opens up LEO-style carry to a very small group of U.S. Attorneys does zip for the cause. Furthermore, doing it in an uneducated and civically ignorant way just makes us look like idiots and actually hurts the cause.

Outraged Ignorant Gun Owner: "OMG, Politicians can carry everywhere now! I'm outraged!"
Everyone Else: "Uh, no they can't. Who is this guy?"

The bill is out of committee, in one body, sent to another committee, still has to be reconcilled and/or voted on by the other body, and then signed by the Govenor. And, as I read the text of H.B. 1255, it doesn't apply to politicians, it applies to federal prosecutors.

Sorry for the interruption: Back to your regularly scheduled indignation hour......


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I know Ralph. I'm disappointed in him. Each and very citizen of Oklahoma needs personal protection. If he wants personal protection, he can remove the restrictions on all of us and get his along with the rest of us.


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