I cried like a baby...

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Special Hen
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
I have seen all of the movies put out by these guys and the production gets better with each movie they release. This movie definitely grabs your attention from the opening scene and then grabs your heart and jerks your tears especially if you are a Daddy or a Son.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
You and GED are the exact opposite of GC. He is a completely different man at work than at home, but it's not the bad guys who get to see his grumpy side, it's ME! I met him at work so the first year we were together was a real eye-opener for me. One of the reasons I fell so deeply in love with him was the respect and courtesy he showed to people who obviously did not always deserve it. Took me some time to realize just what a toll that can take on a man and that his frustration had to go somewhere (lucky me, huh? ;) ).

And I'm the one who drinks (or used to - danged doctors and their pills) and cusses like a sailor with his pecker stuck in a drawer ...

But I'll give credit where credit is due -- he has worked really hard to find other ways to deal with that frustration. I truly couldn't ask for a better husband.

Damn I wish my wife talked about me like that!! Im very similar to GC it seems, I give more respect and courtesy to those that dont deserve it, than I do at home. That and I have really gotten a sewer mouth since taking this job, but Dambit if I dont love my job!! I need to work on things within myself, and I struggle everyday with those things; since I rarely drink(special occasions and very little then) and dont smoke, I curse, speed, and anger (usually at home).

This movie is now on my list of things to do on my next set off!!


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Wow - wish I could give rep here. Major +1!

Says a lot for a couple and their relationship when they talk like that about each other.

You know, I went to visit him at work one afternoon when I was still wondering just what the heck I had gotten myself into and the fella that took me back to where he was stationed was making idle chit-chat with me. He said "You know, GC is the only guy here who doesn't complain about his wife. I've never heard him say a bad word about you." My teeth nearly fell out -- Cuz I'm a lot of things, but easy to get along with ain't one of them! ;)

I've always said I don't know why he puts up with me, but I'm glad he does!!

Damn I wish my wife talked about me like that!! Im very similar to GC it seems, I give more respect and courtesy to those that dont deserve it, than I do at home. That and I have really gotten a sewer mouth since taking this job, but Dambit if I dont love my job!! I need to work on things within myself, and I struggle everyday with those things; since I rarely drink(special occasions and very little then) and dont smoke, I curse, speed, and anger (usually at home).

This movie is now on my list of things to do on my next set off!!

How do you know she doesn't? ;) You know, it's really not hard to understand why people treat those they love so poorly sometimes -- home is your safe haven. At work you have the department and the public scrutinizing every single breath you take. It's not humanly possible not to feel an immense amount of pressure from that -- especially if you took the job for all the right reasons.

It took me going on a 4th of July ride-along to realize just what the job entails. I am embarrassed to say that I used to think all he did was drive around handing out tickets and flirting with the fat chicks at OnCue ... :lookaroun

I won't lie to you, we used to fight pretty regularly. And I was the one who usually started it because I didn't understand what was going on and thought he was being disrespectful. Now I do whatever I can to make sure he has other things to do (get your mind outta the gutter guys!!) so that frustration doesn't build to a boiling point. Of course, it costs him his ENTIRE paycheck for me to offer that service ;) but hey! A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, huh?? LOL

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