Son in laws

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Aug 14, 2012
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Whos got son in laws? Good or bad?

Ive got one son in law and getting another next week. Both hunt, fish, shoot, have good jobs (oil field), and so far have not disappointed.

Ones a Republican, other a Democrat.

The bad, they cant clean a gun, cant clean game or cant clean a fish.
Wont leave my guitars alone.


Special Hen
Jun 25, 2010
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My SIL is an ok guy. Covets my guns but that's understandable and I'd wonder about him if he didn't.
I only ask two things of him, that he treats my daughter right and makes her happy. For over 10 years he's done a good job so I'm a happy dad.


Special Hen
Aug 28, 2007
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I reckon I'm a bad SIL. I took away the youngest daughter by marrying her, got her pregnant, and now she washes my socks. *BOOM*

Thankfully, I've got a great MIL with a great sense of humor and doesn't mind her daughter married down.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
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Del City, Oklahoma
I'm very lucky. I have a great son-in-law. Treats my daughter like a queen, good father to my granddaughter, responsible in his lifestyle and finances... really good guy.

Now if I could only get him into shooting........

Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
You really wanna hear about my SIL? :shocked:

Ok...I'll tell ya - buckle up! :rolleyes2

Where do I begin...hmmm...:uhh:...well, let's just start by saying he's lazy, unemployed, a slob, a failure, a quitter, a liar and a thief.

He lies so much that you can't believe a word he says. Just last week he went to the movies with his buddy, got home at 4am and told my daughter (his wife) that they got locked in the theater because of the bad weather.

He's stolen his wife's college pell grant money to buy dope, beer, snuff and cigs. She has to hide every penny she has from him, otherwise he'll blow a hundred bucks on absolutely NOTHING!

Because of that, we too have to hide our money and Mrs GED's father's meds from him. Her father takes some kind of Rx that she takes him every morning because there's an ol' gal that lives with him and his GF that steals his meds and sells them, so he can't leave them there.

She's suppossed to do their cooking and cleaning but...ya know. :grumble: I've tried to get him to buy one of those little houses/office type things you see at Home Depot and places. I told him we could run electric to it and he could come in the house for his bathroom needs but at 82 years old, he's a little stubborn. He wants to be there to take care of his girlfriend.

Anyway...I'm getting off track and that's a WHOLE other story! :rolleyes2

Moving right along, the SIL recently got "chaptered out" of the U.S. Army because he has an addiction to Rx meds (Lortabs, Oxycontin). He has no job, they've been living in our house since the last of March. Actually, my daughter has been living with us since the last of January when she got sick of his crap, grabbed up the baby and some clothes and came to stay with us, leaving him in Kansas to deal with it on his own with no car and no money.

He failed in the Army, just barely meeting the standards required of an American soldier. While others in his unit were climbing the ladder to E-3, E-4 and even one kid made E-5, he stayed at E-2 status until he finally made PFC about 2 weeks prior to his "departure" from the U.S. Army just six months shy of the completion of his enlistment. Six months! :slap:

He stays up all night lying on MY couch, eating MY food, drinking MY Mt. Dew, watching MY television. He goes to bed around 4am, gets up and leaves with my daughter and grandson at 7am. He drops her off at one of her TWO jobs, and then drives to his mother's house for breakfast, after he's already eaten breakfast at my house.

He's unemployed, so he goes to his momma's house and sleeps until noonish, 1 or 2 in the afternoon, whatever. He then leaves there around 3pm, goes and picks up my daughter (oh - this is with HER car, BTW! He tore his up as well as his friend's pickup.) and takes her to her OTHER job where she works until 8pm. He then picks her up from there, drives them back to his momma's house where they sit around and do nothing. Then, around 9 or 9:30, they saunter out to our house where we get to see the baby for about 30 minutes until it's time for bed.

Well...all except for him. He lays on MY couch, eating MY food, drinking MY Mt. Dew, watching MY televison until about 4am.

I've told him about several jobs in the area. He says that he's still too strong in his addiction and his PTSD to entertain the idea of employment at this time.

My daughter has seen a lawyer about a divorce, but everytime she gets ready to have her serve him the papers, he does something to change her mind. So, she calls off the lawyer and puts up with his ******** for a few more days until he screws up again.

This kid is an only child of a single mother, so he never had a chance from the git-go. She's as left as any lib can get! She's a firm believer that all guns should be melted down into paper clips or playground equipment (her exact words) and she's also a member of the save the whales, but kill the babies organization. Even after she heard her own grandson's heartbeat on the ultra-sound 2 years ago, she STILL believes in pro-choice.

Things are really getting tense at my house. I'm about ready to kick 'em all out but I worry about my daughter and grandson. About 7 years ago, I went thru a mid-life crisis and was staying with my folks. On the 3rd day there, I did something with someone other than my wife that my mother didn't like, so she kicked me out, saying that she couldn't deal with the stress of my "emotional rollercoaster" anymore, and that I needed to live somewhere else. So yeah, I was homeless for about a week until I found an apartment. Luckily Mrs GED and I got back together and yaddida, yaddida, yaddida :blahblah:

Anyway, I still resent my mother for that and I don't want those same resentments between my daughter and me. And I DEFINITELY don't want my grandson raised by that other grandma who is a psycho, pill-poppin' hippie because that is where they will go if I were to pack their gear and send them away.

Anyway...I could go on and on, but I think I've said enough. :pissed:


Special Hen
Sep 9, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds JUST LIKE ONE OF MINE!!! Bought me a safe because of him. The other one has turned out pretty good!!! Was just a little young, got to take him on a youth hunt the first year they were married. Gave him my DB9 yesterday for his birthday and for mowing my lawn.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Thread is lacking Pauly Shore content.

GED, I really wish you had a weekly column in the Tulsa Whirled called "GED says". Solid posting, as usual.

Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Good gosh GED!!

Lurker, maybe is high time you teach em how to skin that buck, run that trout line.

Country folk can survive!!

None of that is embelished or exagerated either.

To you fathers of daughters that have good son-in-laws, hug them and tell them you love them as if they were your own sons.

To those with piece of **** son-in-laws like mine...God help you. :comfort: If you ever wanna talk about it, shoot me a PM. We'll talk about it. :chat:

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