Can we finally admit

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Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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No, I think this thread is progressing well. Just like poor Khalid's thread. These types of threads let the racists and xenophobes come out into the light for a brief moment and bask in the sun.

I don't think all Moslems are the enemy, but I sure as Hell wonder why the good ones don't root out the bad ones. Moral cowardice on a massive scale. And while I do not agree with the racist sentiments some have expressed, I am empathetic about the frustration of not being able to get payback for what happens to my fellow Americans.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 18, 2005
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i love how people here seem to demand that someone must rush into a mob attack to try to stop it just to prove they are a 'good muslim'.

I wonder how many people here would have rushed into a mob attack or the la riots just to prove they were 'good christians'.

Inaction doesn't make them bad, it makes them human. Not everyone wants to try to take on thousands alone. Heck, how do we even know the 'good muslims' even knew people were being killed? Thousands of people running around, mass chaos, but we still want them to know everything and prove to us they are different.
it's not like this behavor started with these incidents, had the "good" muslims stood up and put a stop to the evil in thier world long ago there wouldn't be these mob attacks but they know thier acts will go unpunished because thier brethern tolorate and even support these acts.


Aug 18, 2012
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Dukester, then you are part of the problem. You have likely dealt with thousands of muslims in your lifetime and none of them tried to kill you. It is the largest religous group in the world. There will always be fundamentalists, and Islam has a seriously large amount of them, but you can't make blanket statements like this because they are not true. It's kind of like saying all mexicans are drug dealers, or that every baptist is a ***-hating westboro nutjob. The Muslims are not attacking us, terrorists are, and there is a big difference. Don't be an ignorant redneck hick. Do you blame Muslims who are here in the US for what is happening in Africa?

You want to know why you don't see the peaceful muslims everyday? Because they don't walk up to you and say "hey, I'm muslim. Have you read the word of the prophet?" like every damn bible-beating, holier than thou christian you have ever met. You want to know why? Because they don't give a flying flip who you pray to. I have never once been preached to by a muslim, and I have known many. But I can barely walk down an aisle in walmart without seeing some fundamentalist christian bible beater "witnessing" to someone else. Muslims don't come to your door at 5 am asking if you want to read their satan kills comic books like the mormons do.

Islam has some extremely strict rules that many of us westerners don't agree with. They treat their women like cattle, and that isn't cool. But you know what? We have quite a bit of that type of thing going on here too. How many times have you heard a church preaching that homosexuals can be converted when that just isn't true? I am sure this falls on deaf ears, but that doesn't change that fact blaming an entire culture for the actions of the few is ludicrous, and you are playing right into their hands. that is what they want. Open your eyes and open your mind. If you want them to all change and be like you, then you are no different than the zealots you profess to hate so much.

You missed the part when I said I didn't care. I'm not a part of any problem becaus I haven't done anything to anyone.
Save your long winded platitudes 'cause I ain't buyin' 'em. No one is gonna give you the Nobel prize here. Being expected to be tolerant of a religion that preaches that I should be killed for not believing it is getting old.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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You missed the part when I said I didn't care. I'm not a part of any problem becaus I haven't done anything to anyone.
Save your long winded platitudes 'cause I ain't buyin' 'em. No one is gonna give you the Nobel prize here. Being expected to be tolerant of a religion that preaches that I should be killed for not believing it is getting old.

They are the most murderous peaceful bastards on the earth.


Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
Last 75 years...

1940s - nuked Japan.
Death toll: 145,000 to date in Nagasaki, 250,000 in Hiroshima

1947-49 - U.S. helps command extreme-right Greece party in Civil War.
Death toll: about 70,000 contributed by US-backed forces

1948-54 - CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion in Philippines.
Death toll: about 11,000

1950 - Independence movement crushed in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Death toll: conservative historians estimated about 8,000 peasants

1950-53 - Korean War
Death toll: about 1,776,000

1952 - CIA overthrows Democracy in Iran, installs Shah
Death toll: about 20,000

1954 - CIA directs invasion of Guatemala after new Democracy there nationalized U.S.-occupied lands
Death toll: about 140,000 missing and dead

1958 - In Lebanon, marine occupation against rebels
Death toll: about 2,000

1960-75+ - Vietnam War including Cambodia and Laos
Death toll: about 4,502,000 including civilians and resulting famines (conservative estimates)

1961 - Cuba's Bay of Pigs Invasion fails
Death toll: about 4,000

1963 - In Iraq, CIA organizes coup against President and agrees to back formerly exiled Saddam
Death toll: about 7,000 including civilians

1964 - In Panama, troops kill protesters against US-owned canal
Death toll: about 1,000

1965 - CIA assists Indonesian coup
Death toll: about 900,000

1966 - Troops and bombers threaten pro-communist parties in Dominican Republic
Death toll: about 3,000

1966-96 - Green berets in Guatemala against rebels, US backs pro-American forces in country until 1996
Death toll: about 200,000

1970 - Directs marine invasion of Oman
Death toll: about 2,000

1973 - CIA directs coup to oust elected Marxist president in Chile
Death toll: 30,000... 3,000 later disappeared under US-installed dictator

1976-92 - CIA assists South-African rebels in Angola
Death toll: median estimate at 550,000

1981-90 - CIA directs Contra invasions in Nicaragua
Death toll: median estimate at 30,000

1982-84 - Marines expel Lebanese rebels, aided by Israel
Death toll: 40,000

1987-88 - US intervenes for Iraq against Iran
Death toll: about 150,000 during time-frame, 100,000 during Desert Storm, 350,000 from resulting famine

1989 - US invades to oust CIA-installed Panamanian government gone rouge
Death toll: 2,000

1992-94 - US-led occupation of Somalia during civil war
Death toll: 50,000 in combat, 300,000 by starvation

2001+ - US Occupies Afghanistan
Death toll: 120,000 including civilians and combatants and resulting Opium Wars

2003+ - Iraqi War
Death toll: 665,000 also by starvation, displacement

TOTAL: 10,431,000

And that doesn't even include POWs, classified information, and WW2 pre-nuke!

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