Be Good Losers

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Balkanize it! We have such great division in this country that we might as well divide it up. On top of that, is there really ever any winners after our elections? Our side wins, their side wins, but nothing ever really changes. Funny how that works.

Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
Im registered red and vote red. Didnt work out for us last night. If I was a red senator or congressman instead of sitting back watching the blue man make mistake after mistake then it would seem to be advantageous for all of us if red and blue could find a way to work together to solve the problems the country is supposedly suffering from. Beats waiting 4 years and have the deficit go higher and things get worse.

Im a small business co-owner in several small businesses and I had the best year last year on my books since 1989. Ive had good years in the past but also bad years in the past even when the reds were in office. Some friends and family members have had bad luck here in the midwest and back home in California recently and I totally emphathize with them. A SIL here in Oklahoma lost a high paying long term corporate position in the city last year. A highly educated worker with a great resume and she couldnt find anything in her field or her salary requirements. So, she spent quite awhile unemployed. Spent some of her savings. Instead of helping my brother out in his body/paint shop she just sat around watching TV, eating pizza, and moping. Then she got sick of it and got out and hit the street and she not only found a better job in a small woman owned business but will be training to be an independant satellite owner of the business running her own agency, all in a small town in Oklahoma and also learning new skills. New jobs may have to be created instead of just finding one to be filled. Re-train older workers in new fields. Something.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Im registered red and vote red. Didnt work out for us last night. If I was a red senator or congressman instead of sitting back watching the blue man make mistake after mistake then it would seem to be advantageous for all of us if red and blue could find a way to work together to solve the problems the country is supposedly suffering from. Beats waiting 4 years and have the deficit go higher and things get worse.

Im a small business co-owner in several small businesses and I had the best year last year on my books since 1989. Ive had good years in the past but also bad years in the past even when the reds were in office. Some friends and family members have had bad luck here in the midwest and back home in California recently and I totally emphathize with them. A SIL here in Oklahoma lost a high paying long term corporate position in the city last year. A highly educated worker with a great resume and she couldnt find anything in her field or her salary requirements. So, she spent quite awhile unemployed. Spent some of her savings. Instead of helping my brother out in his body/paint shop she just sat around watching TV, eating pizza, and moping. Then she got sick of it and got out and hit the street and she not only found a better job in a small woman owned business but will be training to be an independant satellite owner of the business running her own agency, all in a small town in Oklahoma and also learning new skills. New jobs may have to be created instead of just finding one to be filled. Re-train older workers in new fields. Something.

I think you hit the nail on the head several times in this post....

1. Businesses can fail or grow regardless of who is in power.
2. Sitting on your ass and drawing unemployment isn't going to help you compete in the job market
3. Sometimes thinking outside the box and taking an unexpected position (i.e., one "beneath" your skills) can lead to a whole new avenue you never considered that could be much more satisfying/profitable/etc.
4. It's about doing what needs to be done to get people back to work and businesses back to growing. Overtaxation doesn't do that. Neither does overregulation.

Anyways... there is hope for small business, it's just going to be a longer, harder road, and you're going to be told the whole way that, "You didn't build that!" and you need to give more. If these are acceptable situations, then by all means, continue to work hard and struggle. If it is not, then you can go back to Quickie Burger and punch a timeclock. Either are perfectly viable and acceptable options.

Anyone else expect to find Hugh Akston serving up burgers and fries out in some little truck stop on Route 66?

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