Execution or defending his home? You make the call

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Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
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I think we'll find out the kids didn't break in that day. The entire story sounds sketchy. Home owner is in the basement when he hears a window break upstairs(seems a long distance and through several barriers), fires on both kids individually as they come down the stairs(after hearing the first shot, she still continues to the basement...not likely), dragging the boy aside(understandable), dragging the girl over(understandable...unknown # of intruders), waiting a period of time to make sure it's safe to come out(understandable...not for an entire day), calling for an attorney before the authorities(shady). I think this was a planned homicide from him believing that these 2 kids were the ones burglarizing his home. Everything seems to rehearsed for me. This guy seems twisted and was looking for an excuse to kill someone. The only thing he didn't account for was his own bravado getting out of control and out of the plan. Sad as it is, it will make a good movie someday.

P.S. On second thought, it could be just as it seems...2 criminals burglarizing the wrong houseof a crazy bastard waiting to kill someone.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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A good lawyer shold be able to get him off if he was burglarized before. If an old woman can sue over getting burned with coffee a burglar victim can claim temporary insanity or crime of passion type emotions. Basically he had PTSD from being burglarized and went off a little.

Nope. The old woman was seriously injured.


From the article:

"On February 27, 1992, Stella Liebeck, a 79-year-old woman from Albuquerque, New Mexico, ordered a 49-cent cup of coffee from the drive-through window of a local McDonald's restaurant located at 5001 Gibson Boulevard S.E. Liebeck was in the passenger's seat of her grandson's Ford Probe, and her grandson Chris parked the car so that Liebeck could add cream and sugar to her coffee. Liebeck placed the coffee cup between her knees and pulled the far side of the lid toward her to remove it. In the process, she spilled the entire cup of coffee on her lap.[11] Liebeck was wearing cotton sweatpants; they absorbed the coffee and held it against her skin, scalding her thighs, buttocks, and groin.[12] Liebeck was taken to the hospital, where it was determined that she had suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her skin and lesser burns over sixteen percent.[13] She remained in the hospital for eight days while she underwent skin grafting. During this period, Liebeck lost 20 pounds (9 kg, nearly 20% of her body weight), reducing her down to 83 pounds (38 kg).[14] Two years of medical treatment followed."

You guys really ought to read the article. It's short.

The PTSD defense is not gonna make it. He murdered those people. Is proud of it, and ought to burn for it.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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I don't even know where to start on this one.

The guy is either nuts, or I'm with Kennedy - something's fishy.

Moving the body(s) doesn't make sense.

The second "burglar" coming down the stairs after hearing gun shots doesn't make sense. Especially given the fact that if the first victim was shot on the stairs, fell down, and was shot at the base of the stairs again; there would be blood all over.

Sitting in the chair, just waiting for more doesn't make sense.

"finishing shot" is just sick.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Maybe i misspoke a bit. I don't think the gun community can do anything more than the law can to punish him. However, i do think the gun community needs to be the most vocal about his mistakes to show that he is the exception and not the rule when it comes to gun owners. Rationalizing his actions (post defending himself) only serves to give the anti-gun crowd ground to stand on.

Similar to our millions of non-violent, rational and peace-loving Muslims in this country who can and should vehemently denounce the radical Islamic terrorists blowing up innocent people.


Special Hen
May 14, 2009
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The story, as told on the link, just doesn't add up. More to it than a simple home invasion/burglary. I break into a guy's home with a buddy of mine, said buddy goes down the basement steps, two very loud shots are heard along with the sounds of my buddy falling down the steps possibly screaming for his life. I've got no gun and I'm going to tiptoe down there and see if something went wrong? Don't think so. And that's only one of the non-believable parts of the story. The guy is gonna fry.
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