National firearms act

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Jun 15, 2013
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Im not to educated on depression-era politics but when the unconstitutional national firearms act of 1934 was passed it was to combat the crime wave over the country but since like any gun control bill it seemed uneducated bc hardly anybody could afford things because of the depression and the ppl like machine-gun kelly, baby face Nelson, bonnie and clyde stole their military weapons from armories so this bill didnt really help much but liberals would likely soil themselves and thro a tantrum like 3 year old if we pushed to overturn this bill, but this bill probly wont b overturned because of money our spying federal government gets off of tax stamps and the guns if bought from NFA sales are sky high in price. I wanna know what my fellow oklahomans think of this bill that was passed in our great grandparents generation.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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I thought NFA was to combat poaching game animals during the depression but what do I know besides what I learn from others on here about firearms topics that I'm uneducated on until I learn from others Ok I give up it's way to hard to keep this thing going.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Im not to educated on depression-era politics but when the unconstitutional national firearms act of 1934 was passed it was to combat the crime wave over the country but since like any gun control bill it seemed uneducated bc hardly anybody could afford things because of the depression and the ppl like machine-gun kelly, baby face Nelson, bonnie and clyde stole their military weapons from armories so this bill didnt really help much but liberals would likely soil themselves and thro a tantrum like 3 year old if we pushed to overturn this bill, but this bill probly wont b overturned because of money our spying federal government gets off of tax stamps and the guns if bought from NFA sales are sky high in price. I wanna know what my fellow oklahomans think of this bill that was passed in our great grandparents generation.

Don't think the Federal government is making a whole heck of a lot of money on the NFA tax stamp, a one time per weapon (for a given owner or his legal heir) fee of $200.00.

The bill probably won't be overturned because no one of significance in Congress is trying to and because the main talking point that the NRA (and others) uses against any so-called "assault weapons" ban is that they aren't fully automatic military grade weapons. In the assault ban discussion we, rightly, make a great deal of support by showing that the ban supporters are either ignorant or being deceptive.

Well, you can't use that argument if the NFA weapon is, in fact, a fully auto "military grade" weapon can you? In the general public's mind there is a great prejudice against anyone other than the military, and perhaps some police, owning fully automatic weapons. Likewise there is a, to my mind much sillier, prejudice against suppressors/silencers which thanks to the movies have become associated with spies and assassins only. I wish everyone at the range had a suppressor so that my hearing was much better protected during a day of shooting.

As to what I think of the NFA, I think that suppressors should be more readily available as they have very practical noise abatement value and I don't see any particluar risk of crime sky-rocketing because of them. And I think that the average citizen should be able to own and train with the standard pistol/rifle that the U.S. military uses in combat without having to go through any special legal hurdles. Hurdles that to me do seem to be in violation of the 2nd Amendment's "shall not be infringed" language. I also think that any a**hole who uses any weapon (pick your choice) to harm innocents should be dealt with swiftly and severely including administering the death penalty.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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the NRA supported the national firearms act then, and still does. "enforce the laws already on the books" and all that...

shall not be infringed is pretty plain english. easy to understand.


Special Hen
Sep 6, 2005
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The biggest issue with trying to overturn the NFA is that with today's soccer mom mentality, it would not stand a chance. Too many voters do not think that we should be allowed to own NFA weapons and no politician would touch it . As for attacking it on a constitutionality basis, the Heller decision barely passed 5-4 and that was only dealing with handguns. I think the only thing that would happen by pushing for repeal of the NFA would be our current regime realizing that the $200 tax has not been changed since 1934 and they would "adjust it for inflation" which would be about $3400 today.

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