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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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The radicals understand only one thing, brute force hard and unrelenting. Then and only then will they step back. But, I doubt if The United States has to will to fight to win due to PC and world opinion and our leaders are letting our boys die for nothing. We have nothing but an empty bank account to show for the past twelve years in the mideast.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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It's not often that I read something on this form and actually laugh out loud, but that did the trick.

In the last decade about 25 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrorist in the US.

In the same time, about 300,000 Americans were killed by firearms in the US. Well over 100,000 were murders committed with firearms.

About 30,000 Americans died in fires in that time.

More than 350,000 Americans were killed in auto accidents in that time.

Over 300,000 died in falls.

You literally have have a better chance of winning a multi-million dollar lottery than being killed by a Muslim terrorist. But, don't let the facts get in the way of your pants-wetting.

There is also a better chance of meeting a radical Muslim in the U.S. than of OU winning a national championship in the next 10 years.

I made that OU stat up.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It's not often that I read something on this form and actually laugh out loud, but that did the trick.

In the last decade about 25 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrorist in the US.

In the same time, about 300,000 Americans were killed by firearms in the US. Well over 100,000 were murders committed with firearms.

About 30,000 Americans died in fires in that time.

More than 350,000 Americans were killed in auto accidents in that time.

Over 300,000 died in falls.

You literally have have a better chance of winning a multi-million dollar lottery than being killed by a Muslim terrorist. But, don't let the facts get in the way of your pants-wetting.

Well I see you've slithered out of your dirty hole again.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I can not take any more of the Muslim apologists after the Paris attack. They keep claiming that ISIS is just a small percentage of Muslims but attacks against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims are increasing all over the world and have been long before ISIS was even formed.

All over the mid-east, Asia and Africa people of other religions are being burned out of their homes, robbed, beaten, beheaded and all because they are not Muslim.

Young women and girls as young as 10 are being kidnapped, beaten, forced to convert to Islam and then married off to older Muslim men. Egypt is a hotbed of this.

Even in the US and Europe women are being sexually mutilated and "honor killing" are increasing.

I am not saying that there are not good, peaceful Muslims. There are and I have known a few over the years. I am saying that a majority either are the violent type Muslim, condone it, or are letting the violent Muslim take over and use their faith for cover of their evil deeds.

Until the majority of Muslims speak out against the violence and rise up to take their faith back from the terrorist, the Muslim apologists can shut the hell up!


Jan 24, 2013
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Until the majority of Muslims speak out against the violence and rise up to take their faith back from the terrorist, the Muslim apologists can shut the hell up!

One hundred percent agree. Moderate Muslim countries (and with Muslims, moderate is a relative term) like Saudi Arabia should be leading the fight against ISIS with both resources and troops. When the SHTF to the point that we have to start indiscriminate bombings, like what happened in Iraq, a lot of truly moderate Muslims are going to pay the price for ISIS. But the problem is, even with moderate Muslims countries, there is no shortage of radical Muslims. I have zero doubt that many Saudis were secretly cheering the 9/11 attacks. If moderate Muslims won't actively help in identifying and eliminating radicals, they are as guilty as the radicals.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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One hundred percent agree. Moderate Muslim countries (and with Muslims, moderate is a relative term) like Saudi Arabia should be leading the fight against ISIS with both resources and troops. When the SHTF to the point that we have to start indiscriminate bombings, like what happened in Iraq, a lot of truly moderate Muslims are going to pay the price for ISIS. But the problem is, even with moderate Muslims countries, there is no shortage of radical Muslims. I have zero doubt that many Saudis were secretly cheering the 9/11 attacks. If moderate Muslims won't actively help in identifying and eliminating radicals, they are as guilty as the radicals.

Just as Americans and/or Christians should stand up and speak out vehemently against the morons like the Westboro clan - it makes me proud to see the lines of patriots standing guard at funerals and such when those idiots show up to protest. We have just as much responsibility to decry the actions of those of traditional American faiths/values who behave badly as do the Muslims. Fortunately, in modern times, it seems most (not all, but far and away most) of the so-called "Christian" extremists who tolerate and advocate violence as a way of life or protest have either gone underground or disappeared. Thankfully.

Now we need to call upon the moderate and peaceful Muslims to stand up and vehemently and vocally cast out from their faith those who are emulating some of the Christians of the Dark Ages.

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