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Zaphod Beeblebrox

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Sep 18, 2008
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C'ville, America
I was listening to of all things, NPR on the way home. They were running a story about (I think) the Yzidi retaking a city from ISIS. Apparently, some/many of the civilians in that city joined ISIS and the entire population is being viewed as collaborators. The interviewer asked a high ranking officer about clearing out nearby villages and if there are civilians in them. His response:

"Yes. They are all ISIS".


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
... and all utterly meaningless unless they're willing to renounce the teachings of Muhammad, the original Muslim terrorist. Take away the rhetoric and this is the doctrine of Islam:

View attachment 51850
precisely...theirs is not a religion of hate it is simply a religion...or cult as I see it....everyone tries to look at Islam and describe it using western words and cant do that, they have no such is only Islam...they are commanded by God to convert, kill or enslave all non-believers...therefore, to there way of thinking, it is not hate but simply a higher calling - to do God's bidding.

until the west comes to grips with this and realizes you cant beat their God you can only eliminate all of the followers then it will go on and on. there can be no treaties, no alliances, nothing can be negotiated....utter destruction is all they understand and that is how they must be dealt with.

maybe France is getting the idea....the last group that forced an alliance between Europe, Russia and the US didn't fare to well.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It's not often that I read something on this form and actually laugh out loud, but that did the trick.

In the last decade about 25 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrorist in the US.

In the same time, about 300,000 Americans were killed by firearms in the US. Well over 100,000 were murders committed with firearms.

About 30,000 Americans died in fires in that time.

More than 350,000 Americans were killed in auto accidents in that time.

Over 300,000 died in falls.

You literally have have a better chance of winning a multi-million dollar lottery than being killed by a Muslim terrorist. But, don't let the facts get in the way of your pants-wetting.

Well I see you've slithered out of your dirty hole again.

You should be thankful. I allowed your oft-repeated, incorrect, claim of floods of illegals crossing the southern border to go unchallenged. I don't point out every fib or hyperbolic claim you make. Just the ones that amuse me.

HaHa! I found the muslim sensitive link where you got your 25 people. You really believe that?

Remember 911?
During the September 11 attacks, 2,996 people were killed: 2,977 victims and 19 of the perpetrators.
As of August 2013, medical authorities concluded that 1,140 people who worked, lived, or studied in Lower Manhattan at the time of the attack have been diagnosed with cancer as a result of "exposure to toxins at Ground Zero". Over 1,400 9/11 rescue workers who responded to the scene in the days and months after the attacks have since died. Eleven unborn babies also died on 9/11.

At Ft Hood, 13 were killed, and 33 were shot and survived while Nidal Hasan screamed allahu Akbar.

Twin towers in 93, a truck bomb went off, killing six people and injured more than a thousand, all by muslims.

Below is a link that shows the list of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world. Americans were killed or wounded in some. Those of us that keep track of terrorism will recognize some that occurred on foreign ground that killed Americans.

As you will notice, airplanes, sky scrapers and restaurants are the primary targets of the terrorists for mass killings. Soft targets.

A counter terrorism expert has said that there are 250 foreign fighters here in the U.S. that have traveled to Syria, trained, fought, and returned to the U.S.

In addition to that the FBI has identified 1000 subjects of investigation. All numbers searchable on google.

As far as illegal immigration across our southern border, you again are not aware of the facts. There are hoards of illegal immigrants, Mexican and other nationalities still streaming across the border, almost unchecked. In 2014 and 15 it has slowed because there are not as many jobs because your God ostupid has ruined the economy so there are no jobs. Jobs is what brings them across the border illegally. Here is a little link:

For the first time on record, more non-Mexicans than Mexicans were apprehended at U.S. borders in 2014 by the Border Patrol, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of more than 60 years of Border Patrol data. This shift is another sign that unauthorized immigrants from Mexico are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border significantly less often than they did before the Great Recession.

U.S. Border apprehensions of Mexicans fall to historic lows. About 229,000 Mexicans were apprehended by the Border Patrol in fiscal year 2014 compared with 257,000 non-Mexicans during the previous year, according to recently published Border Patrol data. Taken together, total apprehensions of Mexican and non-Mexican unauthorized immigrants (more than 486,000) were up 16% over the previous year.

These numbers are dramatically different than in 2007 when Mexican apprehensions totaled 809,000, compared with just 68,000 non-Mexicans. The number of Mexican immigrants apprehended at the border peaked at 1.6 million in 2000, the Pew Research analysis showed. The last time Mexican apprehensions were as low as they are now was in 1970 when 219,000 Mexicans were apprehended. In 1970, non-Mexican apprehensions totaled just 12,000.

Be sure to take note of the Non Mexican numbers.

I'm weary of proving you wrong once again.

Here is what I suggest. Try to be a forum member that will contribute to discussions vs coming out to attack people. We have several libs that do just that, and are valued members of this forum. Hell the owner is a professed liberal, but he wouldn't come out with false facts and try to impune and denigrate other forum members. I'd ask you to do the same.
Last edited:


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
HaHa! I found the muslim sensitive link where you got your 25 people. You really believe that?

Remember 911?
During the September 11 attacks, 2,996 people were killed: 2,977 victims and 19 of the perpetrators.
As of August 2013, medical authorities concluded that 1,140 people who worked, lived, or studied in Lower Manhattan at the time of the attack have been diagnosed with cancer as a result of "exposure to toxins at Ground Zero". Over 1,400 9/11 rescue workers who responded to the scene in the days and months after the attacks have since died. Eleven unborn babies also died on 9/11.

At Ft Hood, 13 were killed, and 33 were shot and survived while Nidal Hasan screamed allahu Akbar.

Twin towers in 93, a truck bomb went off, killing six people and injured more than a thousand, all by muslims.

Below is a link that shows the list of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world. Americans were killed or wounded in some. Those of us that keep track of terrorism will recognize some that occurred on foreign ground that killed Americans.

As you will notice, airplanes, sky scrapers and restaurants are the primary targets of the terrorists for mass killings. Soft targets.
I will bold the part you seem to have completely missed.
"In the last decade about 25 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrorist in the US."

So much for proving me wrong, eh skippy?

And even taking into account the 9/11 attacks you are still much, much more likely to die in a car crash on the way to the movie or by a criminal, a good old fashion American criminal robbing you for you wallet than by a Muslim terrorist. That is just a fact. Worrying about Muslim terrorist is pants-wetting.

As far as illegal immigration across our southern border, you again are not aware of the facts. There are hoards of illegal immigrants, Mexican and other nationalities still streaming across the border, almost unchecked. In 2014 and 15 it has slowed because there are not as many jobs because your God ostupid has ruined the economy so there are no jobs. Jobs is what brings them across the border illegally. Here is a little link:

For the first time on record, more non-Mexicans than Mexicans were apprehended at U.S. borders in 2014 by the Border Patrol, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of more than 60 years of Border Patrol data. This shift is another sign that unauthorized immigrants from Mexico are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border significantly less often than they did before the Great Recession.

U.S. Border apprehensions of Mexicans fall to historic lows. About 229,000 Mexicans were apprehended by the Border Patrol in fiscal year 2014 compared with 257,000 non-Mexicans during the previous year, according to recently published Border Patrol data. Taken together, total apprehensions of Mexican and non-Mexican unauthorized immigrants (more than 486,000) were up 16% over the previous year.

These numbers are dramatically different than in 2007 when Mexican apprehensions totaled 809,000, compared with just 68,000 non-Mexicans. The number of Mexican immigrants apprehended at the border peaked at 1.6 million in 2000, the Pew Research analysis showed. The last time Mexican apprehensions were as low as they are now was in 1970 when 219,000 Mexicans were apprehended. In 1970, non-Mexican apprehensions totaled just 12,000.

Be sure to take note of the Non Mexican numbers.

It's hard to grasp the fact that everything you posted not only does not prove your point, it bolsters mine.

Also, from the Washington Post:
"As the Department of Homeland Security continues to pour money into border security, evidence is emerging that illegal immigration flows have fallen to their lowest level in at least two decades. The nation’s population of illegal immigrants, which more than tripled, to 12.2 million, between 1990 and 2007, has dropped by about 1 million, according to demographers at the Pew Research Center."

Care to explain how "hoards of illegal immigrants" are entering the country but the number of illegals in the country is going down? Math, it's hard.

I'm weary of proving you wrong once again.

Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

Here is what I suggest. Try to be a forum member that will contribute to discussions vs coming out to attack people. We have several libs that do just that, and are valued members of this forum. Hell the owner is a professed liberal, but he wouldn't come out with false facts and try to impune and denigrate other forum members. I'd ask you to do the same.

Want me to slither back into my hole?

Notice how I didn't point out your moronic statement about Obama and the economy? Saying Obama has ruined the economy when he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression and by almost every measure the economy is in better shape now than it was 7 years ago is so idiotic it's not even worth mentioning. Opps.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I will bold the part you seem to have completely missed.
"In the last decade about 25 Americans have been killed by Muslim terrorist in the US."

I didn't miss that. I knew you would bring it up like a typical liberal that denies the facts of terrorism. Did I produce any number that was incorrect?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
"As the Department of Homeland Security continues to pour money into border security, evidence is emerging that illegal immigration flows have fallen to their lowest level in at least two decades. The nation’s population of illegal immigrants, which more than tripled, to 12.2 million, between 1990 and 2007, has dropped by about 1 million, according to demographers at the Pew Research Center."

Care to explain how "hoards of illegal immigrants" are entering the country but the number of illegals in the country is going down? Math, it's hard.

I quoted and stated the reason why immigration is down. Its because of the economy. Nobody want to go to a country that has rampant unemployment, and the economy is in the tank. Our national debt has officially reached an astounding $18 trillion.

This is a historic number, which represents an increase of $32 billion every single day.

When Barack Obama became president in January 2009 our national debt was a little over $10.5 trillion.

While that was already an astounding figure, our debt has now increased 70% during Obama's presidency.

It has now surpassed 100% of our debt to GDP ratio.

That's my math.

As far as ostupids employment, that a big lie using your math.

So I don't have to retype it, I'll copy and paste the part you conveniently left out.

Remember 911?
During the September 11 attacks, 2,996 people were killed: 2,977 victims and 19 of the perpetrators.
As of August 2013, medical authorities concluded that 1,140 people who worked, lived, or studied in Lower Manhattan at the time of the attack have been diagnosed with cancer as a result of "exposure to toxins at Ground Zero". Over 1,400 9/11 rescue workers who responded to the scene in the days and months after the attacks have since died. Eleven unborn babies also died on 9/11.

At Ft Hood, 13 were killed, and 33 were shot and survived while Nidal Hasan screamed allahu Akbar.

Twin towers in 93, a truck bomb went off, killing six people and injured more than a thousand, all by muslims.

Below is a link that shows the list of Islamic terrorist attacks around the world. Americans were killed or wounded in some. Those of us that keep track of terrorism will recognize some that occurred on foreign ground that killed Americans.

As you will notice, airplanes, sky scrapers and restaurants are the primary targets of the terrorists for mass killings. Soft targets.

A counter terrorism expert has said that there are 250 foreign fighters here in the U.S. that have traveled to Syria, trained, fought, and returned to the U.S.

In addition to that the FBI has identified 1000 subjects of investigation. All numbers searchable on google.

As far as illegal immigration across our southern border, you again are not aware of the facts. There are hoards of illegal immigrants, Mexican and other nationalities still streaming across the border, almost unchecked. In 2014 and 15 it has slowed because there are not as many jobs because your God ostupid has ruined the economy so there are no jobs. Jobs is what brings them across the border illegally. Here is a little link:

For the first time on record, more non-Mexicans than Mexicans were apprehended at U.S. borders in 2014 by the Border Patrol, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of more than 60 years of Border Patrol data. This shift is another sign that unauthorized immigrants from Mexico are crossing the U.S.-Mexico border significantly less often than they did before the Great Recession.

U.S. Border apprehensions of Mexicans fall to historic lows. About 229,000 Mexicans were apprehended by the Border Patrol in fiscal year 2014 compared with 257,000 non-Mexicans during the previous year, according to recently published Border Patrol data. Taken together, total apprehensions of Mexican and non-Mexican unauthorized immigrants (more than 486,000) were up 16% over the previous year.

These numbers are dramatically different than in 2007 when Mexican apprehensions totaled 809,000, compared with just 68,000 non-Mexicans. The number of Mexican immigrants apprehended at the border peaked at 1.6 million in 2000, the Pew Research analysis showed. The last time Mexican apprehensions were as low as they are now was in 1970 when 219,000 Mexicans were apprehended. In 1970, non-Mexican apprehensions totaled just 12,000.

Be sure to take note of the Non Mexican numbers.

229,000 Mexicans were apprehended. How many of the hoards got through?

257,000 non-Mexicans during the previous year. How many of those might be terrorist or criminals?

According to the analysis conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety, foreign aliens committed 611,234 unique crimes in Texas from 2008 to 2014, including thousands of homicides and sexual assaults.

The report describes an alien crime wave of staggering proportions exacerbated by federal officials unwilling to enforce immigration laws.

The Texas DPS report says well over 100,000 individual criminal aliens have been booked into Texas jails:

From October 2008 to April 2014, Texas identified a total 177,588 unique criminal alien defendants booked into Texas county jails. These individuals have been identified through the Secure Communities initiative, in which Texas has participated since October 2008.

There are almost certainly more criminal aliens who haven’t been identified as aliens. The 177,588 criminal aliens identified by Texas through the Secure Communities initiative only can tag criminal aliens who had already been fingerprinted. Arrests of illegal aliens who have not been fingerprinted prior to arrest are not included in these arrests numbers derived from the Secure Communities initiative.

If you want your liberal arguments blown out of the water even more, I'm ok with it. S4F seems to want to chime in on your attempts to inpune me, so maybe he might want to dispute some of these facts? Maybe you are him? LOL.


Special Hen
Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
It's kinda funny watching the two of you argue ^. One person gives numbers and links, the other calls names and spouts argumentativeness. Militant liberalism is getting desperate just judging by the rhetoric and tone used.


Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
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FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
It's kinda funny watching the two of you argue ^. One person gives numbers and links, the other calls names and spouts argumentativeness. Militant liberalism is getting desperate just judging by the rhetoric and tone used.

Been that way for years, that's why a normal mawther focker can only last a couple years around here. I just came back from an extended vacation and nothing has changed. That's really too bad.

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