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Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
I had an anxiety attack back in early summer of 2014. During the first 3 months of that year I lost 2 family members and a friend/classmate of mine died. I was literally laughing and joking with my buddy in class on a Monday and then Tuesday he was just gone. The deaths really hit me hard. Two months after dealing with that my Aunt was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, needless to say I was a wreck.

For me it was evident that learning how to cope or manage my anxiety was not a battle that I thought I could win, the act of trying to cope with it alone can take a lot out of a person. For me it came down to resolving the stress in my life altogether and moving towards the things/goals that provide me happiness. I stripped my life down to the necessities and focused on making small tangible improvements on those two fronts. I'm in a way better state of total health than I was a year ago.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I think Xanax is thought to be a last resort type drug by many professionals. It can be very addicting.

I only WISH this were true. :( Unfortunately, writing a script for Xanax is the easiest, fastest and most sure way to get someone complaining of "anxiety problems" out of your hair, as a practitioner. And NO ONE complains about a Xanax script. Now... to be clear, when I say "anxiety problems" I'm not talking about the OP or his scenario. However, this drug, Xanax, is so vastly and overwhelmingly overprescribed in the US and especially in Oklahoma it is absolutely ridiculous. If you had any clue in the world how many people out there are driving the same roads as you, in their big ol' SUVs, all stoned out of their minds on Xanax, you'd never want to leave the house again, either.

I'm telling you, folks, it is CRAZY how damn many people are on this crap. CRAZY.


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
I only WISH this were true. :( Unfortunately, writing a script for Xanax is the easiest, fastest and most sure way to get someone complaining of "anxiety problems" out of your hair, as a practitioner. And NO ONE complains about a Xanax script. Now... to be clear, when I say "anxiety problems" I'm not talking about the OP or his scenario. However, this drug, Xanax, is so vastly and overwhelmingly overprescribed in the US and especially in Oklahoma it is absolutely ridiculous. If you had any clue in the world how many people out there are driving the same roads as you, in their big ol' SUVs, all stoned out of their minds on Xanax, you'd never want to leave the house again, either.

I'm telling you, folks, it is CRAZY how damn many people are on this crap. CRAZY.

Looks like someone didn't get his Hawaii junket from the Pfizer this year!


Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
CHenry, I'm working with a friend painting houses at the moment until I can find something permanent. Thank you for your suggestions about getting those items checked out, I'll call the Doc and see when I can get in. This wasn't just a job to me. My wife works there, my son, my best friend and most of my other friends. I was deeply involved and bought into this company. I started from the bottom and worked my way up to where I was. I believed in this this place. It has a good culture. I did the tours for visitors, vip's and students. I developed and designed training for this company, I learned how the product was made from top to bottom, their history, taught classes about resume building and interview skills at Vo-Techs for them, was on teams to improve the company and so on. I'm not trying to grandstand here, but it was way more than a job to me. They seemed to truly embrace family with all the family events they did and we went to. When we weren't at work, it was common conversation between us friends about work. I don't expect you to understand how I feel, but it's not as simple as just go get another job. Luckily the guy I work with understands and prays with me while I have a breakdown in the middle of the work day. I feel like I've failed my family and friends by losing that job.


Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
I had an anxiety attack back in early summer of 2014. During the first 3 months of that year I lost 2 family members and a friend/classmate of mine died. I was literally laughing and joking with my buddy in class on a Monday and then Tuesday he was just gone. The deaths really hit me hard. Two months after dealing with that my Aunt was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, needless to say I was a wreck.

For me it was evident that learning how to cope or manage my anxiety was not a battle that I thought I could win, the act of trying to cope with it alone can take a lot out of a person. For me it came down to resolving the stress in my life altogether and moving towards the things/goals that provide me happiness. I stripped my life down to the necessities and focused on making small tangible improvements on those two fronts. I'm in a way better state of total health than I was a year ago.

Sorry to hear, glad it's got better for you. It drains me trying to fight this every second of every day. Believe it or not, just reading in this post and replying helps a lot.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Looks like someone didn't get his Hawaii junket from the Pfizer this year!

Actually, I've never gotten anything bigger than a pen or some post-it type note pads from any pharm rep. Went to a few dinners where they were sponsoring presentations (few as in... can count on one hand). Hell, I couldn't even tell you who the manufacturers are of more than 2 or 3 drugs total. Pharm companies have a lot less influence on physicians' prescribing habits than the media or the uneducated public would have you think. The only exception is the provision of free samples to some offices, specifically specialists.

Of course, this is only in my very limited personal hands-on experience. lol


Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
The first stuff they gave me I thought I was going to die. I was freezing, sweating, heart pounding, shakes and so on. It was bad stuff, I stay away from that one. The one I'm on now, I don't think it works. The one I want, Atavan(sp?), they won't prescribe me. It's the one they give me in the ER and it's the only one that stops the attacks. I haven't found it easy to get them to give me anything.

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