Norinoo's Thread

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Special Hen
Jan 23, 2016
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Assad Visits Fight Against American Backed Terror

Norinoo ~ It's a rare thing to see a democratically elected president visit the front lines of a battle zone. You'll never see the USG Criminal in Chief coward do something like this. Neither would the Zio-b1tch Hillary or the Zio-clown Trump. 'Murikans have no morals as evidenced by their continual choosing of cowardly thieves who steal from them every payday. Idiots.
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Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Trump Will Not Recognize Palestinian Statehood if Elected President

Norinoo ~ A Zionist tool, no different than the current Criminal in Chief or the Hillda*****. 'Murikans are too stupid to see that they're being played for fools under the auspices of helping "God's Chosen" which is BS. It's a farce perpetrated by the same people who wrote that crappy book who naturally are going to view themselves as the superior race because after all, they are "God's Chosen". Only an idiot buys into the nonsense. God never had a "chosen" people and never will. We're all the same.
Actually the Israelites were God's chosen people. It says it repeatedly in the bible. But I guess if you ain't a Christian you wouldn't want to believe that. Now in the New Testament there are no chosen races that are more favored than others. Greeks and Jews were viewed the same way. And we still are. I wouldn't recognize it either. They are scum. They hate the Israelites because of their religion. The same with all Muslims. Of course there are Muslims that aren't violent but they all believe in the same book. Which teaches to be violent to people of other beliefs.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2016
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Actually the Israelites were God's chosen people. It says it repeatedly in the bible. But I guess if you ain't a Christian you wouldn't want to believe that. Now in the New Testament there are no chosen races that are more favored than others. Greeks and Jews were viewed the same way. And we still are. I wouldn't recognize it either. They are scum. They hate the Israelites because of their religion. The same with all Muslims. Of course there are Muslims that aren't violent but they all believe in the same book. Which teaches to be violent to people of other beliefs.

Outside of the Bible itself there is very little to substantiate any of it's stories as factual. While I was a Christian I started asking myself questions about my faith. All the answers to my questions came from the Bible or commentary on the Bible which was convenient but not worthy of acceptance as fact. No answers came from outside sources. This then was the beginning of the end of my Christianity several decades ago. My 'belief' didn't equate to fact which lead to my rejecting Christianity as nothing but another dead end in my desire to understand the Creator of the universe (God). I came to the realization that the Bible was written by Jews to self-serve the Jews and their claim to being 'God's Chosen' so the claim is entirely one sided and thus can be discounted as worthless. If you were to write a book more than likely you would write about yourself in a favorable light. This is what the writers of the Bible seemed to have done. This being the case, I reject it as propaganda.

I'll disagree on your assertion that the Quran teaches violence towards people of other beliefs. Having read the Quran I never discovered any passage within it that literally suggested physical violence towards others. The few versus that talk of 'fighting' when taken in full context of the passage is easily discernible as spiritual fighting. When I first began reading the Quran I was amazed at the reverence it had for the prophets of the OT, of Mary, of Jesus and so on. So much of the diatribe against the Quran by criminals in suits hiding behind Christianity in Washington was nothing but lies. Had I not read the Quran for myself I probably would still accept the lies as truth when the lies are nothing but false. I made a few friends who were Muslim and they have no ill feelings against those who call themselves Jews. They do have an issue with Zionist, both which come in Jew and non-Jew flavors. A neighbor of mine is a Christian Zionist and a complete tool. Unfortunately the label Jew combines a subset ethnic group of people and a religion into one entity. I have a difficult time calling an atheist 'Jew' an adherent of Judaism as much as I would calling an atheist Irishman a Christian.


Special Hen
Aug 28, 2007
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Outside of the Bible itself there is very little to substantiate any of it's stories as factual.

Historicity of the Bible is a doctorate level program in many of the world's best and oldest universities. When forensics/research/archaeology disagrees with the Bible, it becomes a notable deviation. And there is plenty of secular corroboration throughout. So your statement is just dumb.

Your personal beliefs are yours, but don't make it seem like you've devoted a bunch of cycles to forming your prerogatives. You make it seem like skepticism is some elite belief. uh, okay.

You just filled an entire thread with internet video clips and facebook platitudes. LOL.

I'll disagree on your assertion that the Quran teaches violence towards people of other beliefs. Having read the Quran I never discovered any passage within it that literally suggested physical violence towards others. The few versus that talk of 'fighting' when taken in full context of the passage is easily discernible as spiritual fighting.

Now who is espousing propaganda? Convince me Surat An-Anfal is about proselytizing and not lopping heads off. geez.

Don't act enlightened when you commit the same infractions you so bitterly despise others for. Hypocrisy always gives off the same stink no matter where it comes from.

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