Constitutional Carry (SB 1212) on the OK House floor 4/23

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Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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I may be wrong, but the way I see it, if it passes you will see two things happen. Anyone 21 or over without any convictions will be allowed to carry a concealed firearm. That include people with nefarious desires that may belong to a group of people, who all identify by wearing the same colors, and LE won't be able to do anything about it. The second would be the loss of reciprocity by many states that currently allow us to carry in their states due to the training received.
You really haven't read the bill, have you?

In order: people with "nefarious desires" won't be affected. If they have disqualifying convictions, those convictions still disqualify them. If they don't, they're not affected. The permit doesn't require a brain scan, and we all know that laws don't constrain criminals anyway; that's kind of the definition of "criminal." Point 1: fail.

Loss of reciprocity: Constitutional carry doesn't end the permit system, it simply supplements it. I know this has been mentioned numerous times, including several by yours truly (one just this evening--or last evening, as it's a bit past midnight, count it as you please). Please go back and read the whole thread, paying close attention to such notes.

So, your "may be wrong" is partially, technically, correct, but even the "technically correct" portion is meaningless, as the people "without any convictions" wouldn't be prevented from having a governmental permission slip...even if they cared in the first place.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
I may be wrong, but the way I see it, if it passes you will see two things happen. Anyone 21 or over without any convictions will be allowed to carry a concealed firearm. That include people with nefarious desires that may belong to a group of people, who all identify by wearing the same colors, and LE won't be able to do anything about it. The second would be the loss of reciprocity by many states that currently allow us to carry in their states due to the training received.

I see two sides to this that are conflicting. One, following our constitution is very important and necessary for the US to survive. But like freedom of speech, you should not yell "Fire" when there is none.

Some idiot standing on a street corner spewing out speech you do not agree with can be ignored. Some idiot standing on a street corner capable of spewing out lead you do not agree with can be a problem.

2A, every one should have the right to carry a firearm, but I have to add my opinion of something that makes the gray area "If they are competent to do that" which falls into "who decides?" Many people are not capable of being responsible enough to take the time to learn to carry safely, hell we see that with some people that currently have a SDA frequently.

We should also realize most people will not take the time to read the laws we have on the books that we will still have to follow, like some existing no gun zones that can get us into FED trouble. Joe Blow may not be aware that pulling into a midnight drive to drop a letter off at the Post Office puts him into jeopardy. Not likely a problem, but. To me there is a difference knowing I am driving 72 in a 65 zone, I consciously make the decision to break the law by choice. He may not take the time to pay attention to what the law is, (what's that saying ignorance of the law does not get you out of the ticket or something like that?

Not everyone takes the time or has the ability to think about you can get P'sed of at someone about something, but the firearm you are carrying should be the last thing you think about to resolve the issue.

So it is a mix of things and a mix of people that many have grown up without much common sense, but I definitely do not think there should be a "special fee" for a license to carry a firearm." No more than a special fee to land one of my planes at an airport or have my DL license number start with an M because I have shown I am competent to ride a motorcycle. (Pulling up on my 1972 H-2 Kawasaki with slightly baffled expansion chambers to exhibit my competency kinda gave me an automatic pass, he did not want to follow me around the block). Cost me nothing extra and that is not even an amendment to the constitution.

Used to, you had total freedom of speech to spew out stupid stuff, but you also had to be aware you might have a black eye in the morning if you threw out too much stupid stuff in the wrong direction.

At a minimum providing an SDA safety training to get anyone to a competency level should be a free public service provided by our state for anyone legal with the feds. Not everyone who picks up a firearm is "safe" the first time even though it my be their 2A right.

I think I will just stand by for now and see what happens next.


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
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Southern Oklahoma
The problem arises when people think the issue is up for debate.

The 2A doesn't grant the right to keep and bear arms. It simply acknowledges that the right exists, and proclaims that the right shall not be infringed.

Like it or not, it's acknowledged as a pre-constitutional right without limitations. Any/all man-made laws regarding this right do not (or at least should not) apply. :drunk2:


Special Hen
Aug 27, 2017
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Near E. C.
She is being a *****, From what I read she did it to save 60 jobs and worried about the money it creates from the CCW lic. I did not know rights and jobs were tied together. Maybe the state could have saved money by cutting this department from the state coffers. vs long term cost of pensions/pay.

Maybe she will contact Stormey for help with finding her next job.


The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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Surely there is a Silver lining to this?? Someone? Anyone?
As soon as the Senate put the emergency measure on it and looked at the votes in the House, I figured she would veto the bill because the Senate did not really want it signed.
Is there a silver lining in her veto, I think it is the up coming election. Her job as the out-going Governor is to set the platform for the party to run on. If she legalized constitutional carry one of the major platforms that republicans run on is a nonissue. If she gets the base excited about a major issue, that democrats cannot run on, Republicans can win the next race if they are just pro constitutional carry.
As a teacher, a Right is more important than being pro education because Rights make us free, more money only makes me happy. Mary has to get the Republican Base out to vote.
On a side note, one of my better work friend's wife is going to be Central HS's new principle. She is an educator that has spend most of her life in the business world. It think you are lucky to get her in your school system.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I still believe it was decided long ago to wait until the last minute to pass ir, so there would be no real chance of an over ride so they can go out and stump about how they passed it but that durned ole Mary just would not sign it! As I have said, a couple of times, just a big tap dance!

I agree, this was likely very much the case. Just what I said way back early in the thread. Freaking politicians.

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