question about background checks

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 27, 2019
Reaction score
Norman, Ok
I have never had a concern about doing the background process when buying a gun. On the other hand, I have enjoyed the flexibility/freedom of being able to buy/sell a gun to with no knowledge of where it's been/goes. I have rarely left a sale with any question in mind about the person I had a transaction with.

Given that, I think I would not mind having an app on my phone that would allow a seller or a buyer to confidentially enter very basic info ie: Name, SSN and DOB that would provide an immediate "yes - no" answer. Might also add the SN of the gun to receive a "reported stolen" answer where it applies.

Believe me, I am not one to relinquish ANY of my precious rights - BUT I think something like this might get ahead of more complex restrictions on personal weapon sales and more importantly deter thieves from attempting to sell guns via the very loose system we currently enjoy. Something like this might even expand allow sales across state lines.

try to assume this information would not be stored in any device or central location - like the current checks are supposed to be

Any thoughts appreciated
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Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
Caddo County
He_ _ to the no!!
I am not/would not let anyone store my info on their phone/app whatever.

Just ask them to sign a bill of sale showing their age, dl# etc. And by the way, I’m a ffl holder and if there were an option between something like you’re talking about compared to the 4573’s I’d stick to the 4473’s.

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