What Do You Think About This Mini-Sub deal?

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Special Hen
May 18, 2020
Reaction score
Del City, OK
Stupid articles all around. Dumb questions from the reporters. "Oh my gosh, you mean the hatch is sealed shut with 17 bolts that can be only removed from the outside?" at a depth of 12,000 feet it would be moronic to open the hatch. A styrofoam coffee cup is crushed to the size of a thimble at that depth. Even the passengers Rolex's will not survive, the average Modern Submariner can only survive a depth of 300 Meters or 1,000 Feet.

Could the passengers aboard the submersible be alive? Possibly assuming the passenger compartment is still intact, however the water is very cold at that depth.
If there is the tiniest leak, the whole submersible will crush. And the folks in the way of that leak will be cut like it was a laser beam a tiny fraction of a second before the implosion. If the power just went off for some reason, bad breaker, or something like that, by now they've probably died from the cold already. And we may never know what happened. There are currents down there that can move them, or bury the remains. Space is less hostile an environment.

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