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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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The threat of domestic ISIS inspired attacks is significant. Hard to say whether these are entirely lone wolf attack threats or a coordinated Paris style attack is also likely. Importing thousands of new muslim immigrants who cannot be effectively vetted is a bad idea by any reasonable standard.

FBI using elite surveillance teams to track at least 48 high risk ISIS suspects
Catherine Herridge

Fears of Paris copycats on busiest travel time of year

With as many as 1000 active cases, Fox News has learned at least 48 ISIS suspects are considered so high risk that the FBI is using its elite tracking squads known as the mobile surveillance teams or MST to track them domestically.

“There is a very significant number of people that are on suspicious watch lists, under surveillance," Republican Senator Dan Coats said.

Coats, who sits on the Select Committee on Intelligence, would not comment on specifics, but said the around the clock surveillance is a major commitment for the bureau. "The FBI together with law enforcement agencies across the country are engaged in this. It takes enormous amount of manpower to do this on a 24-7 basis. It takes enormous amount of money to do this," Coats explained.

These elite FBI teams are reserved for espionage, mob violence and high priority terrorism cases, like a joint terrorism task force case last June, where a 26 year old suspect Usaama Rahim, was killed outside a Massachusetts CVS. When a police officer and FBI agent tried to question him, the Boston Police Commissioner said Rahim threatened them with a knife, and was shot dead.

With at least a dozen agents assigned to each case, providing 24/7 coverage, this high level of surveillance reflects the severe risk associated with suspects most likely to attempt copycat attacks after Paris.

"It is a big resource drain. Yes it is. Almost overwhelming," Coats said when asked about the demand placed on the FBI. "There will be a lot of people over the Thanksgiving weekend that will not be enjoying turkey with their family. They'll be out there providing security for the American people and the threat is particularly high during this holiday period."

One of the lessons of Paris is that the radicalization process can be swift. According to published reports, friends of the female suspect who was killed in the siege of Saint Denis, Hasna Ait Boulahcen, abandoned her party life only a month before joining her cousin, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the plot's on the ground commander. He was also killed in the siege.

The FBI Director James Comey has consistently drawn attention to this phenomenon, calling it the "flash to bang," that the time between radicalization and crossing the threshold to violent action can be very short. Last week, in a rare public appearance with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, Comey would only say that "dozens" of suspected radicals have been under "tight surveillance."


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
That's Ace. He mindlessly parrots liberal talking points because he is an apologist for the progressively challenged ... with a raging man crush for Dennis.

I think your right. Its kind of embarrassing too. I've never got so many man pats for a good job on the butt before from anybody. Makes me blush. :anyone:

6 Strings

Jul 11, 2015
Reaction score
Exiled On Main Street
I think your right. Its kind of embarrassing too. I've never got so many man pats for a good job on the butt before from anybody. Makes me blush. :anyone:

Need to start timing how long it takes Ace to troll one of your comments. Maybe we could develop a drinking game on how long it takes for him to spin up some progressively challenged whine and sound like a dick?


Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
It's amusing that you say, "...with a raging man crush for Dennis." when you chase me around the board like a spurned suitor. Even more pathetic is that you know I have you on ignore, and only see your post when they are quoted by another poster, yet continually reply to my post. No doubt with inane drivel and childish insults.

6 Strings

Jul 11, 2015
Reaction score
Exiled On Main Street
Wow. 38 minutes.

It's amusing that you say ..., "...with a raging man crush for Dennis." when you chase me around the board like a spurned suitor. Even more pathetic is that you know I have you on ignore, and only see your post when they are quoted by another poster, yet continually reply to my post. No doubt with inane drivel and childish insults.

Actually I really don't know what you can or cannot see on this forum. Please note that it is not due to the reasonable suspicion that your head is wedged too far up your rectum to see anything but because I could give a ___________ (fill in the blank with a word that sounds like you lisping "duck") what you see.

First to address your concerns of me insulting you, please understand that I am not “insulting you” but describing your behavior.

Secondly and to address your puerile deflection to make this about me when the point is your trolling of Dennis’ comments; you do not appear to be very bright since you have not figured out that like many others I follow threads on politics and world events. When someone or anyone makes a mindless apology for any of the failed policies of Barack Hussein Obama I will (if I see them) reply. You tend to make more vacant apologies for progressively challenged causes than anyone else here. Naturally there will be more comments/replies by myself and no doubt others directed at the shrill nonsense you post that tries to validate your political convenience.

Back on point. If you don’t want to be called a “troll” that stalks Dennis ... don’t be a “troll” that stalks Dennis. It is rather obvious that when he posts something you go to full tilt *****-mode. You have called him a “liar” and regularly accuse him of being “dishonest”. With that please understand that I am not saying much less implying that you are a cyber-bully. I think you are troll albeit not a very good one.

That said, your raging hard-on for Dennis has lasted for more than four hours. See a doctor. I hope Obama Care has you covered.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
Wow. 38 minutes.

Actually I really don't know what you can or cannot see on this forum. Please note that it is not due to the reasonable suspicion that your head is wedged too far up your rectum to see anything but because I could give a ___________ (fill in the blank with a word that sounds like you lisping "duck") what you see.

First to address your concerns of me insulting you, please understand that I am not “insulting you” but describing your behavior.

Secondly and to address your puerile deflection to make this about me when the point is your trolling of Dennis’ comments; you do not appear to be very bright since you have not figured out that like many others I follow threads on politics and world events. When someone or anyone makes a mindless apology for any of the failed policies of Barack Hussein Obama I will (if I see them) reply. You tend to make more vacant apologies for progressively challenged causes than anyone else here. Naturally there will be more comments/replies by myself and no doubt others directed at the shrill nonsense you post that tries to validate your political convenience.

Back on point. If you don’t want to be called a “troll” that stalks Dennis ... don’t be a “troll” that stalks Dennis. It is rather obvious that when he posts something you go to full tilt *****-mode. You have called him a “liar” and regularly accuse him of being “dishonest”. With that please understand that I am not saying much less implying that you are a cyber-bully. I think you are troll albeit not a very good one.

That said, your raging hard-on for Dennis has lasted for more than four hours. See a doctor. I hope Obama Care has you covered.

He's sweet on RugersGR8 too. He tends to disagree with anyone that doesn't worship his messiah Obama. ;)

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