2A Auditors back at it again last weekend.

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Jan 22, 2018
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I get both sides of the argument here. I get that cops should not be able to enforce their personal interpretation of any law. But as some of you all probably been in a situation where you were speeding or doing something mildly against the law and the cops cut you a break and sometimes they don’t. It can work both ways, the cops can and do sometimes apply common sense reasoning to why and how they enforce laws with their own interpretations. So I think in this case, some of cops obviously had dealt with these guys before and just wanted to end it before it got too bad, the first cop, that woman, seemed to try to reason with them, but they kept reciting the laws and statutes. The second one, the man, just didn’t want to deal with them. The male cop was the one the idiot with the camera was cussing and saying things like “I bet he beats his wife” and “he got in trouble for steroids, but I can’t tell you how I know”, this is just ridiculous. If they were working for a group or trying to make these things better, this is not the way to do that. It makes you look like an unintelligent buffoon, that’s looking to cause problems where there was not one. If you want to make it better for 2nd Amendment, go out with literature, or organize an event. Don’t show up places where you know that it’s a good possibility that you are going to cause alarm. In my personally opinion this was why the cops just ended it. As my dad told me you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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OK, for those defending this clown show I get that you want 2A rights expanded and protected. Can you just explain to me how wearing a "Slot Floppies" shirt represents your viewpoint? Because I'd really like to know what it is about it, that makes you think it's a good idea while carrying an AR and a bunch of gear that no defense oriented citizen would ordinarily strap on for their daily routine. :(
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Show me the law that states that. As far as I read when a private entity signs a permit to exclusively use city property they become a leaser and have full control of the property listed in the permit. For example: Normally you could not openly consume alcohol, nor sell it, at riverpark west. However, this is the sight of Oktoberfest Tulsa, and the amount of beer sold in those 4 days dwarfs what a bar or two sell year round. At that point Linde Oktoberfest leases the park and is allowed to write their own rules.

Any other time these yahoo's walked that area with no event going on, yes they have every right to carry legal pistols. However, at that particular point and time it was leased city property and the event management has the right to set the rules to attend that event, even if its free and open to the public.

So please, provide legal proof of your statement. If I believed everyone on the interwebs I would stop paying my taxes, take the tags off my car and shred my driver's license.

In 2015 at the Norman Music Festival, a similar issue took place. A judge ruled that the city could not enforce a no weapons policy on public property even if a private entity leases it. The ruling was later upheld that year. So the entity has the right to say "no guns" but the city cannot tell police officers to enforce the policy for that event.



Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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OK, for those defending this clown show I get that you want 2A rights expanded and protected. Can you just explain to me how wearing a "Slot Floppies" shirt represents your viewpoint? Because I'd really like to know what it is about it, that makes you think it's a good ideal while carrying an AR and a bunch of gear that no defense oriented citizen would ordinarily strap in for their daily routine. :(
I'd like to see them explain it as well. Explain the difference between an attention whore with a messiah complex trying to "educate the public" with self-aggrandizing, idiotic displays of half-baked ideas, and a sound argument for furthering 2A rights.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
It appears that to be a real 2A supporter, you must play fully dress up, strap on a couple of ARs, walk through a children's playground, wait for law enforcement to arrive, play know-it-all, and oh yeah you have to believe that all cops break every law.

Defcon Shooter

Special Hen
Mar 20, 2017
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Park Hill Oklahoma
It appears that to be a real 2A supporter, you must play fully dress up, strap on a couple of ARs, walk through a children's playground, wait for law enforcement to arrive, play know-it-all, and oh yeah you have to believe that all cops break every law.
Don't forget to carry your weapon on a single point so if it goes off the round blasts across the pavement

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