All Indian Smoke Shops to close across the state?

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B Gordon

Special Hen
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
My first wife smoked and after we split and divorced I wrote a quick list of "deal breakers" for dating women in the future while all the negatives of the first relationship were still fresh in my brain.
Never date another smoker was #1 on the list and I stood by it all the time I was dating.

I know it is prejudice on my part but even now, 25 years later, I dislike being around anybody who is a smoker and my wife of 21 years feels the same way.
The stink follows smokers wherever they go and getting stuck in a vehicle with one just makes me want to heave up my last meal.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
LTown to the Lst
I am not a smoker. I realize the dangers of smoking. I'm a heckuva lot more afraid of "sin taxes" than I am of tobacco....

Ill agree smoking is not good for you , so, lets put a law against it and arrest all the people who have anything to do with it....oh ...wait ...they did that with alcohol and it didnt work...

how many ways can this mispost be convoluted...I say it should be stricken, and sent to the abyss of internetium


Sorry for the loss of your Loved ones, Peace be with you


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I agree with the Governor and NewsOK that tobacco taxes should be consistent, and that no one should have a competitive advantage due to lower taxes. To that end, I support repealing the state tobacco tax, and encouraging the Indians to do the same.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Secret mission
Ill agree smoking is not good for you , so, lets put a law against it and arrest all the people who have anything to do with it....oh ...wait ...they did that with alcohol and it didnt work...

how many ways can this mispost be convoluted...I say it should be stricken, and sent to the abyss of internetium


Sorry for the loss of your Loved ones, Peace be with you



Special Hen
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Secret mission
My first wife smoked and after we split and divorced I wrote a quick list of "deal breakers" for dating women in the future while all the negatives of the first relationship were still fresh in my brain.
Never date another smoker was #1 on the list and I stood by it all the time I was dating.

I know it is prejudice on my part but even now, 25 years later, I dislike being around anybody who is a smoker and my wife of 21 years feels the same way.
The stink follows smokers wherever they go and getting stuck in a vehicle with one just makes me want to heave up my last meal.

I don't think it's prejudice. We all have a right to be picky on who we date, especially if it's the second time around! 21 years later, seems like you had it right or you had alot of $$$$! :wave:


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
I smoked for 41 years, first with cigarettes and then about the last half with a pipe. Cigarettes were filtered but the pipe wasn't.

One day, in the wee hours of the morning, I experienced some chest pains that were stronger than my normal "muscle spasms" and even gravitated towards my left arm. Had the wife take me to the hospital and I spent the rest of the day getting stress-tested and everything else and they found nothing. But, it was enough that we went to the doctor and discussed quitting. He told me that he could help me with a medicine, but because it was an anti-depressant, he was hesitant to prescribe it. I said, "Hell, Doc. You and the wife telling me to quit IS depressing."

He prescribed a regimen of Wellbutrin with so many pills a day for so many days and then tapering off of them. He told us to pick a date about 2 to 3 weeks out and call it the "stop smoking" date. We picked a day that was also "in the sign" based on the Farmer's Almanac. (Don't laugh, folks. I've seen it work all to often.)

Got up that day, smoked the pipe at 7:00 am and the wife, our two sons and I left to just kill time in OKC for the day, leaving behind the pipe, pipe tool, and tobacco. The next morning (24 hours later), I was so out of it I couldn't focus on any one thing for more than about 10 seconds. I refused to drive to church and continued to suffer through the day, but held to the intent to quit. At about 9:00 that evening, I was sitting at the computer and realized that I hadn't had an urge for the pipe in quite some time. So, at 38 hours past the last smoke, I realized that I might just lick the habit.

That was in April of 2003 and I've been smoke-free since then. However, I will admit that there are times when I do yearn for the pipe. The last time was the day last May when I had cataract surgery on my first eye. Man, was I stressing that morning.

The point is, it can be done. I didn't really want to quit because I really enjoyed smoking that pipe. All said and done, even after 41 years of smoking, I've always had clear lungs and no heart issues. Both my wife and my youngest son have had heart issues, although somewhat minor with the son having a stent implanted and the wife having angioplasty. In spite of the benefit of quitting, I've also gained about 50 to 60 lbs. That, and age, are probably harder on me than the smoking was.

It has been nice to save all that money, though.

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