Well, maybe not a rant per se,,,
But at least my comments about these threads.
I frequent three fiery-arm sites,,,
Just this morning I read 6 new threads,,,
They all were griping about bad rimfire ammo.
Titles like:
Federal Auto Match is junk,,,
Golden Bullets are crap,,,
Thunderbolts are bad.
The common theme in all of the threads was,,,
They had huge groups so the ammo must be crapola!
Not once in any of the threads did the OP say,,,
Wow, I shot terrible today.
Just something I noticed,,,
But at least my comments about these threads.
I frequent three fiery-arm sites,,,
Just this morning I read 6 new threads,,,
They all were griping about bad rimfire ammo.
Titles like:
Federal Auto Match is junk,,,
Golden Bullets are crap,,,
Thunderbolts are bad.
The common theme in all of the threads was,,,
They had huge groups so the ammo must be crapola!
Not once in any of the threads did the OP say,,,
Wow, I shot terrible today.
Just something I noticed,,,