Camping out in the passing lane!!

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
You don't like me speeding in the left lane? I don't blame you, and here's what you do. Activate your overhead lights and pull me over. Take out your ticket book and issue me a citation. What's that? You don't have overhead lights or a ticket book? No badge either?

Well, I guess you better give up the passive-aggressive traffic cop without a badge act and g'head and move the fawk over.

The same can be said about y'all. Don't like that I'm going slower than you, but still at or above the limit, in the fast lane...activate your lights and pull me over. What's that? You don't have that either. Too bad. Deal with it.

I was driving around downtown Tulsa yesterday and people were jaywalking like a sumbitch. I don't cut my truck in front of them, lock up my brakes in the crosswalk and yell out the window "try walking when the light says 'don't walk' now, *******".

Some guy driving 15mph faster than you is not a threat to your manhood. Just let him go, just let him go. It'll be alright. Traffic flow and what causes of accidents is simple, provable stuff. You are are best silly, and at worst a total tool if you feel the need to use your vehicle as a roadblock in some demented way of amateur speed limit enforcement. Get on with the OHP and getcha one of of those snazzy hats and then you can enforce the speed limit. But for now, just get your car out of the way.

Some guy driving slower than you in the fast lane is no threat to your manhood either....just slow down or wait a'll be alright. But I agree, intentional roadblocking is dangerous...and so is tailgating. Ditto on the OHP thing...if you want to be a "slower traffic keep right" crusader, then go get a badge. (but I venture they write more speeding tickets than "slower traffic keep right" tickets.)

If there is no car in front of you in the left lane, and people are passing you on the right, you fail at using a limited access highway. Please use public transportation and quit making the roads a more dangerous place so you can prove some bizarre point to yourself.

Fully agree.

My entire beef is based on the following scenario: Cruising along at or above the limit making steady, if not rocketship like, progress on any traffic in the right lane and some jackass decides I'm not proceeding fast enough....I will not modify my behaviour to fit his/hers...I will progress with my plan. When and if I clear any traffic on the right, I will eventually move over...but I will not allow myself to get trapped in the middle of slow lane traffic just because you want to go faster than me.

So I guess that puts me somewhere in the middle of the camper/anti-camper argument.....


Jan 16, 2009
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Yep, left lane camping gets to me. Driving slower in the fast lane just cause you can? tard. Must have some kind of ego issue going on there.
See it a lot on 169 North and South. I don't care if I'm doing 10 over speed limit and someone wants to do 15 over I'll yield to him and let him be on his way. Not my duty to regulate his speed. If you feel it's your duty--see above.


Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
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The difference is, the speeders are just in a hurry. Whether their increased speed is justified or not, they just want to get somewhere fast. They might just be impatient or maybe their mother is dying. Who knows? The intentional blockers and campers on the other hand, are doing their best to try to control someone else's behavior. They've found this one little inkling of power and they are doing their dangedest to hold onto it. They are like the airline lady on Meet The Parents. Keep exerting your power over your mini-fiefdom, dude.

Disclaimer: Anyone driving like a total jackass, going way too fast, flashing their lights and/or honking repeatedly is in the wrong regardless of other circumstances. Likewise, anyone who is driving responsibly, passes appropriately and gets over when clear but refuses to alter their driving simply to accommodate someone else isn't necessarily in the wrong.


Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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The difference is, the speeders are just in a hurry. Whether their increased speed is justified or not, they just want to get somewhere fast. They might just be impatient or maybe their mother is dying. Who knows? The intentional blockers and campers on the other hand, are doing their best to try to control someone else's behavior. They've found this one little inkling of power and they are doing their dangedest to hold onto it. They are like the airline lady on Meet The Parents. Keep exerting your power over your mini-fiefdom, dude.
Not necessarily....some of them are just clueless. (or on the phone)

Disclaimer: Anyone flashing their lights and/or honking repeatedly is in the wrong regardless of other circumstances.
I disagree.....I see nothing wrong with a person flashing their lights/horn in order to prompt someone to pay attention.
You know...."I'm flashing my lights to alert you because you obviously did not see me approaching"

Likewise, anyone who is driving responsibly, passes appropriately and gets over when clear but refuses to alter their driving simply to accommodate someone else isn't necessarily in the wrong.
No, but it can be very discourteous.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 12, 2005
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West OKC
I will not allow myself to get trapped in the left lane just because you want to go slower than me.

I saw a guy one time trapped behind 2 cars pacing each other on a 2 lane hiway and he used the shoulder to blow by them while giving the bird. I was in the slow lane behind the 2 cars but admit I laughed a little bit.

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