Can we finally admit

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Jim Corrigan

Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
I was originally going to post this here, but it got locked for a bit, so I here go again:

Comparing 9-11, Iraq and Afghan US deaths to Iraq and Afghanistan deaths, the score is 9,352 US to ~150,000 "Mooslims" at generous estimates. We don't have any idea how many people have died in Iraq, nor Afghanistan, and our depleted uranium rounds have caused severe birth defects that are ruining the lives of generations to come. This is not counting the people we have killed in Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Syria with drones that we don't acknowledge.

It seems pretty obvious we've been at "war" with them for the last decade. This also doesn't count how many deaths private mercenary groups are responsible for. Just for one second think about yourself being in their position, and them being in ours. If the US was occupied by a foreign force, thousands of civilians were being killed monthly, your ground water was being contamited with radioactive elements, your children were being born with serious defects (the ones that didn't get bombed by a flying robot), you couldn't start a new government because they were choosing your leaders, after overthrowing the ones they had already put in place three decades prior, wouldn't you be a little pissed? Your pissed about 4 deaths. Why not 40,000?


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
War is not the same thing as what these people are doing. If America is so evil then why don't you go live somewhere more suited to your sensibilities?

Great thing about America is that he doesn't have to. He can instead stay and try to reshape the country. That is what is great about this place.

It's human nature to want to bring down any religion, race, country, or leader that kills our fellow Americans, that's not racism!!! All of you that claim to know so many Muslims... You don't because true Muslims are not here, they despise our western culture. They are willing to kill or die for what they believe and consider us weak because we are not. And if there are good ones answer me this. How long would you call yourself a christian if Christians were filling truck loads of body bags with innocent men, women, and children

This is a contradiction. You say we don't know true muslims and yet go on and on what about a true muslim is. Unless you pretend to know all the 'true muslims' then how can you say with certainty what a true muslim believes? It's like saying that Catholics aren't true Christians since they believe something different than the Westboro nuts.

Pointing out the previous failings of our country or faith does not justify what Muslims are doing and trying to make that
argument is both moronic and offensive.

Previous failings point to a longer history and possible underlying issues that can contribute to their hatred of us. Saying it's religion and religion alone is what is moronic and offensive. Especially when speaking so generally as to encompass hundreds of millions of people.

It's kind of like how everybody has a black best friend when it's convenient......

From the guy who doesn't know and muslims or want to. Go meet a few, maybe they'd change your mind. I had a drink the other night with a lovely, female, professor of history who is an Egyptian muslim. I fully expect you to doubt me, but i don't really care. I've got the receipt to prove it ;)

I don't think she is representative of all muslims, nor would i ever be so dumb as to point to her as an example of what a true muslim is. But she does break the mold on what many here consider a muslim to be, which is just as relevant a counterpoint to all those who want to generalize entire countries based on the actions of a few.


Special Hen
Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
Can I back up a page or two? Ok, thanks! Christianity is based off the NEW testament, Judaism is based off of the OLD testament. All 3 religions have the same GOD, but by different names, and have different prophets. Christians do study the old testament, but are not bound by it. Jesus Christ came to make a new testament. Yes I know some of the teachings of Christians are from the old testament, can I explain that, no.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
Reaction score
I was originally going to post this here, but it got locked for a bit, so I here go again:

Comparing 9-11, Iraq and Afghan US deaths to Iraq and Afghanistan deaths, the score is 9,352 US to ~150,000 "Mooslims" at generous estimates. We don't have any idea how many people have died in Iraq, nor Afghanistan, and our depleted uranium rounds have caused severe birth defects that are ruining the lives of generations to come. This is not counting the people we have killed in Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Syria with drones that we don't acknowledge.

It seems pretty obvious we've been at "war" with them for the last decade. This also doesn't count how many deaths private mercenary groups are responsible for. Just for one second think about yourself being in their position, and them being in ours. If the US was occupied by a foreign force, thousands of civilians were being killed monthly, your ground water was being contamited with radioactive elements, your children were being born with serious defects (the ones that didn't get bombed by a flying robot), you couldn't start a new government because they were choosing your leaders, after overthrowing the ones they had already put in place three decades prior, wouldn't you be a little pissed? Your pissed about 4 deaths. Why not 40,000?

Completely irrelevant under the circumstances. This is Lybia, not the middle east. We haven't done any killing in Lybia since the retaliation for Pan Am 103, except to aid the rebels in their fight to depose Gadhaffi. Yes, we helped them. This is not a protest over a crappy movie by a Copt in California, this was a skilfully planned and executed attack by professionals, not a mob action.

Grab some facts before going off on a tangent. That way you won't look so silly.


Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Previous failings point to a longer history and possible underlying issues that can contribute to their hatred of us. Saying it's religion and religion alone is what is moronic and offensive. Especially when speaking so generally as to encompass hundreds of millions of people.

Wait Wait Wait, are you really trying to say that history shapes our present? That just makes......sense?

Jim Corrigan

Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
Completely irrelevant under the circumstances. This is Lybia, not the middle east. We haven't done any killing in Lybia since the retaliation for Pan Am 103, except to aid the rebels in their fight to depose Gadhaffi. Yes, we helped them. This is not a protest over a crappy movie by a Copt in California, this was a skilfully planned and executed attack by professionals, not a mob action.

Grab some facts before going off on a tangent. That way you won't look so silly.

Nah, we've had drones in Libya since we kicked Gadaffi out, whom we put in power in the first place, right? Has anyone read 1984?


Special Hen
Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
FEMA Reigion 6 Broken Arrow
Completely irrelevant under the circumstances. This is Lybia, not the middle east. We haven't done any killing in Lybia since the retaliation for Pan Am 103, except to aid the rebels in their fight to depose Gadhaffi. Yes, we helped them. This is not a protest over a crappy movie by a Copt in California, this was a skilfully planned and executed attack by professionals, not a mob action.

Grab some facts before going off on a tangent. That way you won't look so silly.

I dont think it was so silly, OK. so did our military PLAN for the DU rounds (Depleted Uranium)
To cause cancer and destroy lives for the next what.. whats the half life of DU? 1/4 million years?

That didnt sound silly to me, it sounds SICK, and freaking retarded.

Do we have ANY idea how many 20-30MM rounds are stuck in the mud and such?

Jim Corrigan

Aug 23, 2012
Reaction score
Previous failings point to a longer history and possible underlying issues that can contribute to their hatred of us. Saying it's religion and religion alone is what is moronic and offensive. Especially when speaking so generally as to encompass hundreds of millions of people.

This x1000. We can't piss off China too much because we actually fear China. It can't be the Ruskies anymore because people realize a fair amount of the anti-communist propoganda was BS. So let's piss off the middle East because they can't really do anything about it. We haven't lost anything compared to what they have.

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