CDC admits death toll is inflated! Of 161,392 deaths ONLY 6% / 9,683 ARE DIRECTLY CAUSED BY COVID.

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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When anyone makes an extraordinary claim the burden of proof is on them. If someone says a flying saucer lands behind my house several times a year, that is an extraordinary claim. I would want to see photos, or imprints from landing gear or something similar. It is not reasonable to say you must have data proving their extraordinary claim is wrong.

Do you know anyone who wears a mask regularly who has become brain damaged as a result? It strains credulity - it is an extraordinary claim.

The video speaks to her extraordinary beliefs: Everything man-made, including the adhesive on bandaids, is a toxin and should be avoided.

As to your other post, pulse-oximetry data needs to be collected under experimentally controlled conditions, not in the way you describe.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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When anyone makes an extraordinary claim the burden of proof is on them. If someone says a flying saucer lands behind my house several times a year, that is an extraordinary claim. I would want to see photos, or imprints from landing gear or something similar. It is not reasonable to say you must have data proving their extraordinary claim is wrong.

Do you know anyone who wears a mask regularly who has become brain damaged as a result? It strains credulity - it is an extraordinary claim.

The video speaks to her extraordinary beliefs: Everything man-made, including the adhesive on bandaids, is a toxin and should be avoided.

As to your other post, pulse-oximetry data needs to be collected under experimentally controlled conditions, not in the way you describe.

asking for actual evidence goes both directions.
I've already posted actual evidence that provides source of info.
it's up to you if you believe it or not.

if you call the doctor a wacko .. then the burden of proof is on you.
I've read the article you provided .. all I see is she avoid toxins and does vitamin infusions.
folks who spend $$$ extra for organic groceries the exact same thing .. avoiding toxins!
I've already provided sauce for vitamin infusions. loads of medical evidence supports vitamin infusions.

fyi .. I personally disagree with her assertion that brain cells cannot grow back. nurogenesis is a topic that I've done massive amount of research on. more accurately what triggers growth of neurons that finally ends up reconnecting. but I felt her article on masks and O2 starvation on kids was worth sharing.

again .. I've seen nothing that backs up your claim the doctor is a flat earth type aka wacko and should not be believed.

my example of someone taking a pulse ox meter to work was clearly marked NOT actual evidence.
sauce was provided earlier via Tulsa doctor lawsuit that claims masks effects O2 levels.
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Jan 19, 2007
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When anyone makes an extraordinary claim the burden of proof is on them. If someone says a flying saucer lands behind my house several times a year, that is an extraordinary claim. I would want to see photos, or imprints from landing gear or something similar. It is not reasonable to say you must have data proving their extraordinary claim is wrong.

Do you know anyone who wears a mask regularly who has become brain damaged as a result? It strains credulity - it is an extraordinary claim.

The video speaks to her extraordinary beliefs: Everything man-made, including the adhesive on bandaids, is a toxin and should be avoided.

As to your other post, pulse-oximetry data needs to be collected under experimentally controlled conditions, not in the way you describe.

Kinda like claiming COVID is a pandemic when the vast majority of people don't know anyone that's died from it.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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A person claiming bandaid adhesive is toxic and needs to be avoided is a flat-earther. The video of her in post #213 gives a good sense of her mindset.
I'll keep following mainstream medical advice and recommended practices instead of organic home remedies and the internet.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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Kinda like claiming COVID is a pandemic when the vast majority of people don't know anyone that's died from it.


same for imposing mask mandate on general public without a shred of actual evidence masks stops the spread viruses. same for shutting down the economy.

historically folks with illnesses were quarantined .. NOT the healthy population.
ships with suspected bubonic plague were quarantined for XXX weeks before allowing to disembark.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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A person claiming bandaid adhesive is toxic and needs to be avoided is a flat-earther. The video of her in post #213 gives a good sense of her mindset.
I'll keep following mainstream medical advice and recommended practices instead of organic home remedies and the internet.

basis of calling doctor a flat earth wacko is weak at best.
again .. I've seen nothing that remotely backs her being a wacko. yes I've watched the video you posted
fyi that doctor is an MD PHD ... loads of MD's out there, very few MD with PHD. in fact odds of someone achieving MD, PHD and be a wacko is pretty darn slim.

no one is telling you to do anything.
facts are some of the best research on C19 anywhere are right here inside this thread.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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This is so easy to test. Wear a mask, wear a pulse ox meter. Watch pulse ox meter, notice how it doesn't change.

Oxygen saturation of inhaled air does not change. Amount of air brought in does change.

Wearing a mask makes the wearer work harder for the same amount of air.

Put on a mask, and we'll go run up some hills. After the first couple, you take off the mask, and we'll do a couple more, see if you can tell the difference.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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She probably wore masks for awhile after getting her degrees. By the time she realized her mistake, it was too late.

hell I wore a mask, used hand sanitizer and wore gloves when C19 news first hit mid-Jan
everyone was scared sh1tless .. including me.
but we are now 8+ months into C19 so called pandemic.

there's now a world more info out now.
what I've been posting in this thread is completely non-political
everything is science based with actual evidence attached.

if you tell me I'm wrong .. naturally I'm going to ask for your evidence to see if it's valid or BS.
the exact same test .. I'm vetting everything I'm posting.
where the sauce aka actual evidence?

with this many posts, it's impossible not to make mistakes.
my accuracy factor is pretty darn solid ..
if memory is correct, only had to make 3 minor corrections so far
stuff like Kyle ran 2 football field length instead of three, etc.

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