Do You Want Constitutional Carry in Oklahoma?

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Do you want Constitutional Carry in Oklahoma?

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
We were shooting .22s in scouts when I was a kid. That's a good place to start.

(Tapatalk)- on the road.

The scout master that was in office when my kids went through the program, was told by the local council that he would loose his troop if he did an air gun program, way back in the 80's. He folded it in protest.

When I went to summer camp at Cleveland Ok, trap shooting with .22 birdshot was one of the program's.


Special Hen
Aug 4, 2009
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Broken Arrow
After teaching the Ok Handgun License class for several years it has been an eye opener.

the position I take many say is financially motivated but there is not that much money in teaching this class and my views are based on experience.

I would say over 85% of people attending the class have no idea on how to handle a gun or be safe with a handgun or know anything about what the law says regarding your rights and obligations when using a gun to protect youself.

long story cut short, i believe a 6-8 course to learn 1) when you can legally shoot a bad guy verses shooting or pointing a gun at someone just because you want to 2) how to handle a handgun safely and many other very basic requirement that MOST students do not have is a small price to pay for a safe society.

For example: per a converation last week with a woman told me she had to put a man in his place. during a road rage incident, she pulled over with her husband in the passanger seat, and then the second party pulled over and began yelling curse words at her. well, she asked her husband for the .40 cal in the door pocket of the passanger seat and pointed the gun at the guy because he was cursing at her (he was in his car yelling at her). I told her that she could not point a gun at someone because they are yelling at you and that she just committed a felony, she said well 'he was cursing at her and she had to shut him up'. i told her that she could not shoot someone because they are yelling at you vs. attacking her, and she basically said she had her rights. uninformed and lucky a tradegy was avoided. that would be a tradetgy if either one of them lost their lives over yelling.

most people taking the course are very negligent in regards to safety with a gun. a little training can go a long way.

yes we have a right to consitutional carry but a little training cannot hurt. if the training is not required by the state it will not happen.

how would you feel if a loved one was killed by a person/gun if 7 hours of training could of prevented that tradegy?
My concealed carry course didn't teach safe firearms handling.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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OK on CC, BS on training (recommended, suggested, required, whatever) codified into law unless/until there are similar (recommendations, suggestions, requirements, whatever) codified into law for exercising any/all other rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

You can't have it both ways - either the 2nd Amendment is as valid in and of itself as any other, or it's not.

How does one codify recommendations or suggestions into law? It's either required by law, or it isn't.

I think everyone should recommend or suggest training, but it should never be compulsory. :(


Special Hen
Sep 15, 2009
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I voted yes, but believe there should be some training as the majority of people don't know the laws. Zero firearms safety is taught in classes, it should already be there. The thing folks need is the understanding of the law training. What does being in fear of your life mean. When do you have the legal right to use your firearm.

As the guy here local might find out you can't shoot to protect property. He put his self in a position to being ran over which was his defense. But it was a bad shoot.

I think we have a responsibility as citizens to seek that training and not for Gov to mandate it, as dumb as the populace is.

Super Dave

Special Hen
Jul 26, 2009
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Although you can't know enough about most anything, I will say what is currently on my mind:

As it has been said, Constitutional carry with mandatory training is not Constitutional carry.

You have to be a grown up to carry a gun, and with being a grown up comes responsibility. There, as we hopefully all know, are consequences to our actions. It is our own personal responsibility to know the laws. Right now, if I unknowingly go out and break some law that I am unaware of, the arresting officer does not care that I didn't know the law. Ignorance is not a defense. Should we have mandatory training for all of our laws? What kind of a free country does that look like?

No. It is personal responsibility. Some will educate themselves, because they are smart, responsible grown ups. Some will not, because they are not. There are consequences for that. As it has been said on this thread, the meat of the CC class is learning the law. Not how to shoot a gun.

What causes more permanent damage every year? Untrained gun owners, or untrained parents? Oh, that's right. There is no mandatory training to be a parent.

Super Dave

Special Hen
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
We were shooting .22s in scouts when I was a kid. That's a good place to start.

(Tapatalk)- on the road.

That was our campout two weekends ago, at the camp formerly known as Kickapoo. We had 7 bolt action 22s. After shooting paper, we shot small balloons. A good time was had by all, and boys between the ages of 11 and 14 learned a little. Many balloons were harmed in the training of the boys, however. We shot from 8:30 to 11:30. That's a lot of 22s.


Special Hen
Oct 27, 2014
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Oklahoma City
I took JROTC in high school, and learned basic firearm safety my freshman year (or was it sophomore, I can't remember). Of course, we used air powered pellet rifles, but the course was still treated as if it were a live firearm. We even had to "qualify" with the rifles, shooting targets from standing, crouched, and prone positions.

It was a really enjoyable experience for every kid in the class. There were some bragging rights involved, but ultimately it was valuable information at a young age, while still being fun.

I'd be all in for schools providing basic safety courses in high school.

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