Elon Musk terminates offer to buy Twitter…🤣

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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 25, 2014
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>screwing off on "company time"
yeah see this is the thinking where you are wrong. it's not company time. that's what we are saying. working from home is a different animal, it's not a factory setting like Lucy and the conveyor belt. i already said if you have a job like that, obviously working from home doesn't make sense.
That is also an important point. Certain roles are paid to hold certain responsibilities not just perform a task. Time of day, day of week, holidays, etc. do not have any bearing on our jobs because we hold those responsibilities 24/7/365. Typically it is associated with salary work and the company not wanting to be on the hook for OT since these types of roles often average 45-55 hours a week.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
yep, when i'm working i'm either editing on my computer here at home, running power tools out of the garage, cutting/trimming/mounting in my work room. those are the tasks that i can do literally any time, in my underwear or whatever.

i also have works hours that i am directly with clients. during this time they have my complete undivided attention. this can happen basically whenever they need it, but usually during regular "business hours".
the only difference is i'm not at the shop 8 hours a day just waiting on the phone to ring. i have the phone in my pocket, i can get and send e-mails, i do all that stuff while i'm doing *anything* else because i'm not stuck in an office.

autonomy is good, it's weird like if you give people more freedom generally they use it for the good. if they don't, well that's on them.

again, i don't think you realize *how many people already work incredibly inefficiently* and a large part of that is literally due to the work model being based around physically occupying a space for 8 hours.

like say i'm working from home. BUT! there's the caveat in place that i don't have autonomy to just leave at any time and do whatever errand i need to; i must STAY in the house for 8 hours during regular business hours. you must realize how this immediately actually DECREASES my productivity and puts me into a mindset of "okay countdown until 5 pm". does that even begin to make sense? now do you realize what we're suggesting?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
In my industry working from home saves our clients BIG money and also increases output. I may have to drive two hours (or more) one way. They get billed for that time and I'm driving, not creating a work product for them. They also are paying me mileage and per diem.


Special Hen
Jan 12, 2017
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Tuttle, OK
I took pto so I can browse OSA.

I am allowed to work from home two days a week. I drive 25 minutes to work to sit in my office and have meetings online.

Someone please tell me how that makes sense.
I figure 'someone' will be along shortly to tell you!! I had to eat lunch at my desk in order to browse OSA and not feel like I cheated my employer.

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