Fitness accountability thread?

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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
cold, dark
Ive been waiting for tonight since last Sunday, my favorite workout day of my week. Will carb up a bit during the day with some oatmeal, bananas for lunch; a late afternoon meal of chicken breasts and pasta; another banana or 2 in the evening; and then a high potassium carb drink with lots of water during workout to hopefully help flush the lactic acid; post workout I like to drink a protein shake followed usually by a protein heavy meal about a hour later.

This cycle I am doing push and pull muscles together same workout twice a week, legs on a seperate workout. (The last cycle I did push days and then pull days seperate with legs worked in between). Chest (push) and shoulders (push/pull) on the 1st workout day of the week, biceps (pull) and triceps (push) on the next, legs on the same day as arms but in a split, and then 3 boxing and martial arts (kicks) heavy bag workouts in between for cardio.

(I know I probably do stuff that is old skool but Im an old guy at 45 who just likes to workout because it still feels as good today to workout as it did when I was 15 or 30, I get high on it. 30 years of working out with the boxing and the weights off and on, mostly on, Ive never taken more than 6 months off total ever and that is just due to burn out or maybe an injury. I will still box tho a few times a week even if Im on a time out from the weights. And gladly my worst injury so far is just a beatup knee that I am working around trying not to have to have surgery on. I like my time offs getting all fat and lazy but then I look at myself and get disgusted and go right back to it fresh and eager. Thats why I try to build a different program and diet every 6-10 week cycle to combat stagnation and burn out. The good ones I will pull back out again later down the line if they worked.)

warmup, get blood flowing x pushups, pullups

flat bench press:
1 big plate (each side) x 10-20 reps x 1 set (inclines only with this weight)
2 plates (each side) x 7 x 1
3 ^ x 5 x 1
4 ^ x 3 x 1
> add only small plates for single reps in single sets up to my last weeks max, every other week add to max
4 x rep to failure x 1 set
3 " "
2 " "
1 " "

shoulders x BB:
deadlifts x same weights as bench press pyramiding x single reps, single sets each weight no adding small plates for max singles at the top just use the big plates up and down; BB x bent rowes, overhead presses x 1 plate each side as my base adding small weights while pyramiding up and down x single sets x reps as I feel em;

shoulders, chest x DB:
light-heavy-lite pyramid x incline bench flyes, bent rowes, overhead presses x one right after another no rest between x single sets x reps as I feel.
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Eagle Eye

Special Hen
Jul 21, 2014
Reaction score
South East
Yesterday- rest day, but i did climb a tree and pulled a bow sting back a few times :)
Today- I sprinkled in some exercises I saw posted in this thread.
Reverse bear crawl 30yrds
Forward frog jumps 30 yards
Ball slams (30 @ 8lbs)
10-pull ups (changed grip every cycle)
10 Dips
Dead lift 12@135lbs
20-30 pushups.

Repeated 6 Times (Replaced Dead lift with squats after 3rd cycle)
abs and stretch after
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Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
8 miles yesterday at an easy 8:33 min/mile pace. Y'all's workouts are fancier than mine, as I just run. 3/4 days a week, about 25 miles a week total. So every workout for me is super cardio day LOL.

I have gained about 5 pounds since summer ended, and need to tip the scale back under 150 to be in my best form (I'm 5'10" and really small framed). You guys motivated me to get back after it. I'll be checking in here every so often. Good work all!


Special Hen
Aug 26, 2010
Reaction score
got the home gym reassembled sunday, lifted for the first time in over a year.


Barbell Curls – 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Seated Dumbbell Curls – 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Preacher Pad Concentration Curls – 6 sets, 6-10 reps

Close-grip Smith Machine Presses (all 3 triceps heads)– 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Cable Pushdowns (exterior head) – 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Barbell French Press (interior head) – 6 sets, 6-10 reps
One-arm Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions (exterior head) – 6 sets 6-10 reps

Seated Barbell Presses – 6 sets, 6-10 reps
Dumbbell Lateral Raises (standing) – 6 sets, 6-10 reps, Pyramid
Rear-delt Lateral Raises (sitting bent over) – 5 sets, 6-10 reps, Pyramid
Side Lateral Cable Raises (standing) – 5 sets, 10-12 reps


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
I am not going to lie. I have put on about 8lbs. I always do between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have cut my gym time down to 3 days a week. I will get back on track after the 1st.

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