Gay Colorado couple sues bakery for allegedly refusing them wedding cake

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2013
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40 Miles S. of Nowhere, OK.
There should be no benefits tied to marriage, or who is having sex with who, they should be tied to households.
Just eliminate that last part and it's good to go. One tax break and one personal deduction per citizen, period - no matter with they're married, single, metrosexual, transylvanian, or whatever other flavor of the month may or may not be involved.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 27, 2006
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It probably wouldn't have been a problem if only one of the homosexuals had gone in to order a plain wedding cake and then later when he or she got the cake he could have put 2 Ken or Barbie dolls on top of the cake.

People should stop using the word "gay", they are sexual deviants or maybe birth defects. Call them what they are, homosexuals (homos). It isn't normal behavior; but if they want to live together, I really don't care. They just want the extra "marriage benefits". Unfortuneately the store owner is in a lose-lose situation now.


Special Hen
Jan 30, 2013
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It probably wouldn't have been a problem if only one of the homosexuals had gone in to order a plain wedding cake and then later when he or she got the cake he could have put 2 Ken or Barbie dolls on top of the cake.

People should stop using the word "gay", they are sexual deviants or maybe birth defects. Call them what they are, homosexuals (homos). It isn't normal behavior; but if they want to live together, I really don't care. They just want the extra "marriage benefits". Unfortuneately the store owner is in a lose-lose situation now.

You do know homosapien isn't the only species on this rock that exhibits homosexual behavior right? Nature is nature, and nature is normal/natural.

It does suck the baker is getting sued for refusing services though. A complete molestation of the judicial system like so many we see everyday


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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He should just charge them triple and claim it is "because gay weddings are just more special". Then "accidently" put a bride and a groom on the top. Then another accident with the ingredients that makes it taste funny. If they complain about the cake he should make them another one because refunds are against store policy and the replacement cake won't be ready until a week after the wedding.

No discrimination here.


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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It probably wouldn't have been a problem if only one of the homosexuals had gone in to order a plain wedding cake and then later when he or she got the cake he could have put 2 Ken or Barbie dolls on top of the cake.

People should stop using the word "gay", they are sexual deviants or maybe birth defects. Call them what they are, homosexuals (homos). It isn't normal behavior; but if they want to live together, I really don't care. They just want the extra "marriage benefits". Unfortuneately the store owner is in a lose-lose situation now.

I have argued that it was only a choice for many years. I recently have started believing that many are born that way.

I have tried to find out the cause. It has to have a reason. There is no gene and it most likey is a birth defect caused by prenatal androgen levels that program the fetus to grow male organ at one stage of pregnancy and then at another stage to program the brain.

There are some actual physical differences between gay and straight people of the same sex. A man and a woman have brains that are shaped different and develope differently. The speech areas in a womans brain is a little larger than a man's. There are other differences too. Some gay men have brains are more like a woman's brain than a man's brain.

Over half of lesbians have their third finger longer than their index finger which is a physical trait of a man. Most woman have the third finger and the index finger the same length.

Those physical differences show that they are indeed born that way. For some I am sure it is still a choice. The fact that children in a same sex family are twice as likely to adopt homosexual lifestyles show that it is also a choice for many too.

Some studies even believe that the androgen levels in the womb can trigger genes to become active and make a homo.

There is a woman that is using prenatal hormone treatment to treat fetuses that are in danger of being a female with intersex possibilities. That would be a girl with ambiguous sex organ like a really large clitoris or even be a hermaphrodite. Those girls have shown a tendency to be lesbians. This doctors treatment has reduced the occurance of the intersex problem and the rate of lesbianism goes back to normal.


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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If there is an actual scientific reason for homosexuality then a cure could be developed. What parent would not want their child to be normal? That would ruin the whole gay agenda.


Special Hen
Jan 30, 2013
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If there is an actual scientific reason for homosexuality then a cure could be developed. What parent would not want their child to be normal? That would ruin the whole gay agenda.

Ask a parent of a child with Down syndrome if they would prefer a "normal" child... Good luck with that


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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Horse hockey...there's no "gay agenda" only a fight for equal rights which they should already have. Homosexuality is a normal part of nature that, because of it's relatively lower percentages of occurrence, is falsely and often maliciously, labeled as being unnatural. Of course it seems strange to straight people but that doesn't mean it's unnatural.

There's no way that a child can be turned gay by have same sex parents so the statistic above is obviously based on opinion or by studies released by the various anti-gay groups. I knew kids that i grew up with who exhibited differences from the other kids before any of us even heard of gay or homosexual so that, in itself, proves the whole "it's a choice thing" has no merit. Nowadays even many children know what it means but then we kids were completely in the dark but those same kids who we knew were different grew up and were gay. How it's possible to choose to be something and exhibit behaviors of something they had never heard of is a mystery to me and anyone willing to actually do any real research. I've known several gay people in my life and all of them had traditional male/female parents.

Here's the thing...there have always been gay people and will always be gay people. They don't choose it, why in the world would someone choose to be criticized, harassed, victimized, brutalized and discriminated against? I challenge anyone who says it's a choice to choose to be gay. Go find a boyfriend, do the whole relationship thing and then after being gay for a year or so come on back and tell us what you've learned. You're probably thinking "oh hell way" know why? Cause it's not a choice.

As far as the cake place goes I'm sort of split, I believe that any business should be able to deny service but only as long as it doesn't violate someones civil rights. You can't deny service to someone who's black or Jewish (that I know of) so I don't think you should be able to deny service based on someones sexuality. I guess I just don't believe god hates gays and doesn't want them to have wedding cakes. WBC maybe but doesn't seem like that's something that pops up and makes god angry. Maybe it's the opposite...I kind of think god would be really sad how we treat each other, especially when it's in his name.


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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Ask a parent of a child with Down syndrome if they would prefer a "normal" child... Good luck with that

There are hardships that come with being gay. I once saw Dennis Miller on Fox News make a comment about gay people that made sense to me. He asked why any one would choose to be gay. Many of them have family and friends that abandon them. Their suicide and drug problems are multiplied and on top of that being a gay male lowers your life span due to diseases from unprotected gay sex.

If there were a gay gene that could be identified there are many parents that would abort the pregnancy as I am sure some do for Down's syndrome and other birth defects.

Identifying the cause would lead to a cure and I am sure some will think that is a bigoted statement.

Well it may lead to prevention. I am sure that once you cross that line you can't be cured.
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