Happy New Year Preppers

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
If you have the same stuff I caught (upper respiratory crud) I've been dealing with it since Thanksgiving. It just feels like there is something in your throat/lungs that will not come out. Then every so often you'll end up in a coughing fit.

Oh, heavens ... that's not comforting ... lol I've gone to a dry, unproductive cough now, can't catch my breath and get tired really, really easily ... Last time I did that it was pneumonia. :grumble: I don't have time for this nonsense ... :grumble:

HEY!! Do you have a crazy Y2K story? LOL


Special Hen
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Oh, heavens ... that's not comforting ... lol I've gone to a dry, unproductive cough now, can't catch my breath and get tired really, really easily ... Last time I did that it was pneumonia. :grumble: I don't have time for this nonsense ... :grumble:

HEY!! Do you have a crazy Y2K story? LOL

That sounds about the same to me. I have never coughed up anything it's just an irritating feeling of needing to, and ditto with the fatigue and shortness of breath, but the fatigue does pass fairly early. And like I said, mine started at Thanksgiving and is still a problem. My wife came down with it about a week later and is still dealing with it also, and we’ve both, seen the doctor about it.

Y2K…that was a real learning experience for me. :teach:

I was self-employed at the time but had known about the issue for a several years prior. Starting on midnight of the last day of 1999 (Samoan time), I sat down with a couple bottles of rum and a 2 liter of coke and watched the Y2K celebrations roll across the world, at least until I was toasted, about Denver I believe. I was surprised by how few disruptions there actually were, but my memory isn’t 100% reliable that day.

My background, prior to self-employment, was in communications and computer systems. So I knew that Y2K was an issue. But what I didn’t take into account was the army of COBAL and FORTRAN programmers in India working to come up with patches for it. And also, that every major corporation was spending like crazy upgrading all of their smaller systems that were in mission critical positions. So, the meltdown was a bust, and so was I.

As the date got closer, I had become more obsessed with the issue and had been badly ignoring my business and customers. I hadn’t been in a position to do much in the way of ‘prepping’ prior, so if something really disastrous had happened, I’d have been very vulnerable and knew it. So, I was relieved when the date passed. The following month, I did some real soul searching and I came to realize that I hated the circumstances that I found myself in, so I decided to change them. :thumb:


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