I like this Cruz fella.

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Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
Through the years I have noticed you seem to have a problem with government in general. If this is true may I suggest you might be happier living in Western Sahara or Antarctica? Neither has a real government so you can have all the "liberty" you want. Of course you will freeze you butt off in one and have to fight with those who's idea of liberty differs from yours in the other, but at least you will not have to deal with a government. :D :D

I have a problem with evil and those who support it. Evil is the theft of a man's life, liberty and property. Governments excel at this.

As for observing me on this forum, then you are aware that I've shared stories of how my mother and her family suffered through five years of German occupation in Holland. And how my father survived two years of brutal imprisonment at the hands the Japanese secret police, the Kempeitai.

I grew up hearing the horrors of what government does best... destroy individual freedom. This is why I disdain government and all that support it...


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Yep, maybe if we get the "right' folks in there, they can re-distribute our earnings better, and secure a safe future for us and our families. And if they protect the "right" nations, maybe send our kids or grandkids off to fight in the Holy Land! Awesome! I see your point now, and feel much better about the future of our country.

If we get the right folks in congress, which is where the real change will have to come from, they will cut the waste that cost us billions every year, make sure that the people that really need help get it and not those that just are to lazy, make sure we have the right regulations to protect us from the excesses of businesses without all the needless crap we have now and make sure it is enforced unlike now, etc, etc, etc.

You keep posting a bunch of words without saying anything. Why is he a flake? Is it because you say so, or do you have any reason or scale with which to measure/prove said flakiness?

Name a person in congress who isn't "just another political type" or at the very least, who is better than Cruz or Rand. If you can't, then you're pretty much always calling out the two folks who happen to be the lesser of two evils (which goes directly against what you posted earlier in your support of Romney).

I'm just saying, your mental gymnastics to prove why you support politician A while disliking politician B are like... "12-year old Chinese girl in the Olympics" impressive man.

Whatever helps you sleep at night man. I'm no fan of politicians either, but I recognize the folks who are there to do the job they were hired to do.

Love them or hate them, you still have to take note where they're actually doing what we paid them to do (that is in fact, very uncommon on capitol hill).

Hmmm, read my post, I am not or have I ever bashed Cruz and the only problem I have with Rand so far is he has flipped on a couple of important votes and seems to be drawing the RP drones.

As for Ron Paul being a flake, oh yea he is. What few good ideas he has stand no chance ever getting thru congress unless somehow a whole bunch of Libertarians get elected. He lies about his stance on earmarks and his drones lap it up, and he has proven that all he cares about is getting elected by bolting the GOP and then crawling back.

Yeah I agree.. The deal breaker for me with Ron Paul is his tacit antipathy towards Israel. I have a BIG problem with that.

The worst for me is that I think his ideas on defense will lead to us being dragged into more and bigger wars.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I have a problem with evil and those who support it. Evil is the theft of a man's life, liberty and property. Governments excel at this.

As for observing me on this forum, then you are aware that I've shared stories of how my mother and her family suffered through five years of German occupation in Holland. And how my father survived two years of brutal imprisonment at the hands the Japanese secret police, the Kempeitai.

I grew up hearing the horrors of what government does best... destroy individual freedom. This is why I disdain government and all that support it...

To be honest, I missed those stories.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
What I think, is that you are espousing something just short of anarchy. I'm more sympathetic than most to the notion that government should only exist to preserve the rights of the people, but how do you expect any government to function based on an "opt-in" requirement?

Anarchy: not under the arch, the arch symbolizing government control. Not to be confused with criminal mob action and behavior often termed "anarchy". See anarcho-capitalism.

The American Revolution asserted that each and every man, at HIS discretion, was the one who decided to release himself from the support of the government ( King George) under which he had lived. They "opted out"... as was their right. Yet many on this forum and across the world fail to understand this succinct point. No man can be coerced to be a part of something he has no wish to be associated with. To force him into an association against his will via threat of coercion is to say he is a slave and must do as commanded. A man is either free... or slave. There is no middle ground.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
To be honest, I missed those stories.

No biggie. It is why I distrust government. I value freedom. Government is anti-freedom, no matter how well intended. The American experiment is over and it failed. It will never be restored as we knew it. It may be restored in smaller scale when things collapse soon. The laws of nature will auto-correct, changing the paradigm most on this forum know. The US is not immune to the coming change, no matter how much we want it not to happen. It will happen.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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No biggie. It is why I distrust government. I value freedom. Government is anti-freedom, no matter how well intended. The American experiment is over and it failed. It will never be restored as we knew it. It may be restored in smaller scale when things collapse soon. The laws of nature will auto-correct, changing the paradigm most on this forum know. The US is not immune to the coming change, no matter how much we want it not to happen. It will happen.

This I can mostly agree with, but I do believe we have to have some government. Mankind has shown repeatedly that he can not live without some government to keep his baser side in check. Only real problem is that some want the government to do things that it is not good at and never will be.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
This I can mostly agree with, but I do believe we have to have some government. Mankind has shown repeatedly that he can not live without some government to keep his baser side in check. Only real problem is that some want the government to do things that it is not good at and never will be.

Government by consent is fine. It was the method employeed by many native, tribal cultures around the world. A leader was chosen by the people to speak for them. However, those who gave their consent were free to retract their consent at any time. Unlike the process under our government, none of us gave consent (signed their name to the constitution) and are thus forced to live under that written instrument, which means we are not free... but slaves.

You make the fallacy that government comprised of imperfect men can dictate how other imperfect men behave. Illogical conclusion then to believe in organized government.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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All that is nice in theory and worked for awhile a couple hundred years ago, then the world grew more complicated. And yes I do believe the government should be run as a business with the product being the happiness of the people. A good business looks to cut out as much waste as possible, hire only as many people as it really needs, and use only systems that produce the best product in the most effective way possible. Our government does none of those things.

Actually, a good business makes as much money as possible. The govt. has a monopoly on the use of force and we all know how monopolies work for the consumer in the business world.

In short, no, the govt. should not be ran like a business. That does not mean it should be ran like the mob or a charity either, which is what we have right now. Really more like the mob than a charity.

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