If government shuts down, so would troop pay

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Special Hen
Aug 4, 2010
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I'm going to have to say this would suck major donkey clangers if it happened. Like Dr. HK says above, and is still true, personnel up to E-6 qualify for food stamps, WIC, and other helper programs like that.

My pay when I went in(E-3) was something like 19k/year. When I left as an E-4 after 6 years, it was about 25k. Both of these figures are overall pay, not after taxes, SS, unemployment, all the other deductions. As a married man, it totaled out to about 38k with BAH/BAS. So if I lived in the slums, lived with a crappy car, and ate ramen noodles, I'd be fine. If you lived on base, drove nothing, and eat at the galley(which actually costs you) and don't do anything else at all, you'll be fine.

If you're like the average person though, who has a life in spite of their military career, a decent vehicle, and God forbid a hobby(even if it's video games), you're paycheck to paycheck.

Take that away and life is starting to suck on an exponentially worse level over time.


Special Hen
Jan 18, 2010
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I'm going to have to say this would suck major donkey clangers if it happened. Like Dr. HK says above, and is still true, personnel up to E-6 qualify for food stamps, WIC, and other helper programs like that.

My pay when I went in(E-3) was something like 19k/year. When I left as an E-4 after 6 years, it was about 25k. Both of these figures are overall pay, not after taxes, SS, unemployment, all the other deductions. As a married man, it totaled out to about 38k with BAH/BAS. So if I lived in the slums, lived with a crappy car, and ate ramen noodles, I'd be fine. If you lived on base, drove nothing, and eat at the galley(which actually costs you) and don't do anything else at all, you'll be fine.

If you're like the average person though, who has a life in spite of their military career, a decent vehicle, and God forbid a hobby(even if it's video games), you're paycheck to paycheck.

Take that away and life is starting to suck on an exponentially worse level over time.

And yet people on this forum complain about programs like food stamps left and right. I bet you guys wouldn't complain if a soldier had food stamps now would you?


Special Hen
Aug 4, 2010
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And yet people on this forum complain about programs like food stamps left and right. I bet you guys wouldn't complain if a soldier had food stamps now would you?

Actually I did when I was in. The only people I knew that actually used them were, go figure, $hitbags. They lived opulent lives on credit, then went and collected food stamps since they ran out of money paying for their expensive cars and big screen TV's. Sorry to bust your 1-up bubble.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
And yet people on this forum complain about programs like food stamps left and right. I bet you guys wouldn't complain if a soldier had food stamps now would you?

You might be surprised. In another life I was a food stamp and welfare recipient. I saw so much obvious abuse of those programs just sitting in the DHS office on one of my mandatory appointments.

There will always be people who spend more time working the system than working. That doesn't mean we have to like it.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Actually I did when I was in. The only people I knew that actually used them were, go figure, $hitbags. They lived opulent lives on credit, then went and collected food stamps since they ran out of money paying for their expensive cars and big screen TV's. Sorry to bust your 1-up bubble.

Amazing, isn't it ... I thought I was gonna die when I realized that food stamps and public assistance were my only options to keep my kids from being starving and homeless. I couldn't get off either of them fast enough. What was a completely humiliating experience for me was just another day in the life of for a lot of the folks I met. Like the 30-something year old grandma sitting in the waiting room with her 14 year old daughter who was pregnant with this gal's grandchild. Neither of those kids had a snowball's chance in hell ... grandma was tickled to death that her paycheck was about to be increased. Yep ... that's what she called her AFDC check ... her PAYCHECK. I still get sick to my stomach when I think about it.


Special Hen
Dec 29, 2008
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Bethany, Oklahoma, United States
I really don't get this at all.

The entire POINT of having winners and losers of elections is that we don't NEED to all "agree" on things. To the victor goes the spoils and the majority rules. Let the majority pass a bill that imposes their budget will upon the losing minority party. If legislators have to AGREE on something to make government run, then we're doomed from the get-go with the most idiotic system known to man in control of the budget process. On every other subject of law under the sun, the majority passes what THEY want to pass - why should the budget be any different?

Something is fundamentally wrong here on this budget process. It's the PROCEDURE that's flawed. Right or wrong, better or worse, the Rs won in November. They should be able to put up a budget bill with what THEY want in it, and muster up a majority to pass it. If the president vetoes, then fine, overrride or pass a different one, just like any other bill.

That's why we HAVE elections, so that we do NOT have to all "agree" upon a budget -only a simple majority has to agree. I just don't get it - I guess I must be challenged.

This a real tangent, but on the subject of shiz not making any sense to me in the last couple days - this is a bit like my new $&&$$#@#$ television. The entire POINT (or so I thought) of getting the fancy new expensive wide-screen style, is so I'd never again have to watch a movie with that %^%&$@!# black strip on top and bottom of the screen, since the wide movie format would now fit the screen perfectly. Then what happens? There's STILL that empty black strip on top and bottom on many movies, making the picture tiny again - WTF?

Life is confusing when you're either stupid -- or actually think things should make simple common sense - I'm not sure yet which I am.

That is usually just a simple setting....can fix that for ya most of the time


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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And how much money did we just send to Japan for the earthquake?

Lets not forget the money that was sent to Haiti either. How many countries sent money, troops and support to us when Katrina hit?

The "Government shut down, (to me anyways,) violates a basic work principle called "work and get paid."

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