If they come for your guns, do you have a responsibility to fight?

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Feb 13, 2011
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1st time I have ever posted anything in any forum in my life and I get judged. This is why I have avoided forums. Just put up with me for a month and 21 posts so I can buy and sale in the classifieds and I wont bore you anymore. Promise.

If that's all your here for then get the Hell out and use armslist.

We are a community that cares about one another and yes we do give each other a fair bit of crap very often. Either grow thick skin or stay away from forums.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
JMO, but I think your responsibility is to remain in the game at all costs. How you do that is up to you. ....

With you there. The whole point of this is to REMAIN FREE. I want my family and future generations to remain free. I thought long and hard about dying in my living room. If that's what it comes down to, then so be it. But if I can get closer to that goal of remaining free by staying alive and disregarding the law (even if it means risking prison), then so be it. Each person has to decide for themselves if these rights are worth standing up for, how best to do it, and if they have the courage to live up to their convictions. I'm not here to judge anybody for choosing a different path, I just won't have that path chosen for me by my government or a majority of appeasers. Either way, the only thing they'll get voluntarily from me is a pain in the ass.


Dec 12, 2008
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Ok enough pity party for newb!!! I understand those that don't want to fight and damn sure don't wanna die. I love my life, I love my wife and kids, and posting on okshooters, hell I even love my job sometimes but I think what everybody's tryin to say is if you don't fight and just give up your guns, then you won't be able to fight when you realize that was just the beginning. I don't want any of us in this position but we are so we have to stand together and be ready to fight. Then maybe nobody will die


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Great letter GTG! I couldn't have said it better myself, in fact, I'd like to put my name on that letter and send it to him as well. If you are ok with that and think it's a good idea.

Unless otherwise marked, you can consider anything I post to be open source and fair use approved! :)


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
... very easy to say yes - especially on an internet forum.

But what if one is the sole breadwinner of a family with young children?

What then?

Where do one's real responsibilities lie?

To one's family 1st? To an abstract cause? To a concrete cause?

If the choice will almost certainly lead to one's death even if one is perfectly willing to accept that result what of those left behind? Are they willing? EVen if willing are they capable of carrying on as a result.

Not everyone can be a hero, nor can they even if they wish to be.

Truth be told most heroes have it thrust upon them and I suspect if the time ever comes when the decision to fight is thrust upon us that the decision will be one forced and acted upon based on emotion and not backed up by logic, reason or hard core analysis.

In short, no matter what you say and honestly believe you will do, when the JBT's come'a knocking the actions you take in response are now and will remain unknown until that knock actually comes. (The one possible exception is those individuals that have experienced life or death, fight or flight situations like combat veterans that can make a pre-decision and act upon it based on their real life experiences).
I understand that you don't want to die and leave your family behind. None of us do. But do you really want to sit back and take what the government does to you when you know it is wrong? Would you rather do nothing and be alive and be owned by the government? Do you really want your children and your wife to have to live through that? I know I don't. Yes it is easy to sit on here and say that I will defend myself. I know that when the time comes it will be a different story. But, it all comes down to one thing. Do I want to be a subject or a citizen? And I for one do not want to be a slave. And I for sure don't want my son and wife to have to be one. So if we all sit around and do nothing then we will get what we deserve. Basically you are saying that you won't do anything because you don't want to leave your family behind. I don't want to leave my family either but if I can make this country better and die for doing it, then so be it. I will get my ultimate reward when I do die, which is to be in Heaven.


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
The best thing that we can do is stick together. The more of us that are willing to fight the better the chance we have of surviving. That was a very good read that man posted on that site. And it took guts to say what he did. But everything he said was true. We are just following what the constitution says. And our government is going against it on a daily basis. The time has come that things are going to change. The most they have changed in a very long time. Will we let it change for the worse or for the better. We can make a difference. And yes we might have to put our lives on the line to do it. Just because you post that you will defend yourself if the government comes to get your guns is not a crime. They cannot do anything to us for saying that. Because as Americans we are supposed to uphold the constitution. And if our government won't do it then we have to defend it, with violence. I hope it doesn't come down to that but I have a strong feeling that it will. I don't think it is a conspiracy that the DHS has purchased several millions of rounds more than what they normally do. I really believe that they are planning something. There are too many things happening now that point to that. Too many politicians that are coming for our rights. We have to be ready.


Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
1st time I have ever posted anything in any forum in my life and I get judged. This is why I have avoided forums. Just put up with me for a month and 21 posts so I can buy and sale in the classifieds and I wont bore you anymore. Promise.

Hey, you cant just come in here and posty up your little required one sentance posts and then just use the place like a gun store, you gotta dig in and become a member. Which means lots of ridicule no matter you got 4 or 4000 posts, but its all in fun duder, these fellas are some of the most solid informed trained and affable folks you will ever want to know.

It aint just all about guns around here. These people will be there for you no matter what. Your uncle is sick you can bet you will get sympathy and prayers, need a recipe you will have it cause someone here surely knows it, your wife leaves you you'll get nothing but sympathy plus maybe a few jokes but its all just to make you feel better. Just dont post a thread asking what color shoes and purse they think goes with your pink dress- you'll just get too many different answers.

So, I think that after the movie 300 or whatever that the term you used just got old, but I do remember it being on alot of signatures here for awhile. And so in tribute to you, yaaa, just let them try and 'come and get em'. Welcome to the insane asylum. Dont leave, dig in and be more than just a classified junkie, be a member cause these people really are glad that youre here. Strength in numbers bro.

PS: If you can still find it you really do gotta check out the video of Red chasin away the would be burglar, it is textbook on how to protect your property- no matter how much or little clothing you have on. Hahahahahahaaaa.

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Special Hen
Jul 5, 2010
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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Mmkay, not multiquoting these long posts so I'll just say this. Me wanting to leave the country is not giving up. But it's a whole lot more difficult to fight to get the BS overturned when they follow the gun bans with travel restrictions and curfews. If I remain free to move and speak, I remain free to fight. This will only turn into a guerilla war if that fails. If that fails, I will fight for my country. If not, I will continue to use my words and try an affect change without violence. If I have to shout it from afar to avoid persecution, I will. Like I said, before, I will not be subjugated. If the gun bans get through, then there's nothing stopping them from implementing curfews and travel restrictions and I'd have to get to another rooftop before then. I just see more steps to this fight then "take guns=war".

Now, that said, several people seem to share the same opinion about sticking together. There is a rally on the 19th at the state capitol building (http://www.okshooters.com/showthrea...t-50-state-rally-at-each-State-Capitol-Jan-19) on the 19th and there's a get together at USSA on the same day. I plan on going to one of them, I just haven't decided which. The more voices, the better. I plan on making myself heard and I encourage everyone of you to do the same.

Street Rat

Dec 10, 2007
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I'll bet anything, that those who fought to free us from Brittain didn't want to leave their familes behind, as well as those who fought and died in WW1 and WW2, I'll bet they didn't want to leave their families either, I'm sure glad they weren't just thinking about themselves when they did, and I'll go one step further, I'll be they went to war because of their familes. This is a lot of serious talk and it concerns me that this is even discussed. I don't have kids, but I've been married for 20 years now, and I would like to continue living out the rest of my life with my wife in this country we have now, but if a major gun ban does get passed and whether there is, or isn't a fight, this country will never be the same, the question will be, which country do you want to live in, the one where you fought for your freedom in because others went ahead of you so you could do the same, or a country where you at least get to live in....as subjects.

I have no doubt if a ban gets passed banning "assault rifles" and high capacity magazines, if we keep them, but have to register them, they'll be coming for them real soon. They feel the momentum and they would want nothing less than a total ban on firearms. The question is at what point do you say "no", a mere ban on future sales, registration, confiscation?


Special Hen
Apr 16, 2009
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A guy once told me his plan would be to turn over the weapons he had left but then procure a long range rifle and proceed to engage high level targets. Live to fight another day type thing. Sounds like a decent plan. Too bad I don't have any long range precision skills.

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