LAPD shoots 14yo innocent bystander in dressing room

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Aug 19, 2019
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Cordell, Oklahoma
Only if politicians are accountable for theirs.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I can’t actually post what I’d like to happen to all politicians on both sides of the isle, but deposed and replaced would be accurate.
The problem is that the police are the enforcers and defenders of the political class-see NYPD and their Covid enforcement.
So to get to one, you have to go through the other.
All persons who are entrusted with extraordinary power over the people should be held to extraordinary scrutiny.
I can’t believe that would be an inflammatory statement.


Ayatollah of Rock-and-Roll-a
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Jul 12, 2020
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From The Guardian:
“The videos released on Monday fueled further national outrage. Despite police’s initial claimsthat officers had been responding to an “assault with a deadly weapon” and a “possible shooting in progress”, Elena Lopez did not have a gun, and the video shows his hands were visible the moment he was shot. An officer’s body camera footage showed that as soon as the officer made it to the store aisle where Elena Lopez was standing and saw the man for the first time, he immediately fired, without appearing to issue any commands.”

Watch the reaction to this.
I’m betting that “We investigated ourselves and found we did no wrong. Sorry innocent person, but you got protected and served.”
Police are engaged by drug dealer during raid, police return fire and drug dealer girlfriend/nurse Who supplied him with drugs is struck and killed.
Cities literally burned for it.

Saying something like race doesn’t matter in 2021…lol.
The video is posted in the link. You can watch it yourself.

Guy had maybe two seconds there.

If we're going to do this, at least use my words in the context I presented. I didn't say race didn't matter, I said it wasn't a factor in the shooting. Can you point out the girl in the video (not the one bleeding in the floor, the one behind the wall)? There was a lot going on there. What would you have done in that two seconds?

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I find it pretty disturbing that your willing to dismiss a man who killed a young, innocent girl just because he is a cop. Manslaughter doesn’t require intent and I’d be happy to see him get it, just like the lady cop earlier this week.

And no, no one cares about white kids when they get killed, at least no one in power. George Floyd (1+ year sober) was killed by fentanyl but the cop went to jail. This cop straight up shot a girl and, because she’s not the right color, will be ignored by media and politicians.
Just like Daniel Shafer (adult, but murdered by a cop who walked).
And Cannon Hinnant
And Cash Gernon
And Victoria Rose Smith…etc etc.
I don’t remember a single March, speech, or ADL tweet about any of them.

I DO remember everyone and their brother bending over backwards to defend the terrorist who wantonly ran over a bunch of white kids in Waekusha (sp?) from charges that he had racial motivations.

No your right, nothing there…

Well, I can't compete with this. Logic and facts just can't hang with emotional rhetoric, regardless of how ridiculous it is. This post is so far removed from reality that it almost seems trollish.

If you'll carefully look at what I wrote you'll find I'm not ready to "dismiss" anything. I simply understand how our system works. You're ready to throw the guy under the bus before any investigation is complete...before all the facts are known. Good for you. That says a lot about you. I don't believe that's the correct way to respond here or ever.

And he didn't "straight up (shoot) a girl". That's a flat out lie. I seriously doubt he even knew that girl and her mother were back there. You're doing your damnedest to make this sound like the guy went in guns blazing, saw the girl, and shot her. That's just an ignorant thing to say. Not to mention if you "straight up shot" someone that implies intent. So what you're really saying, in a confused way, is you want the officer charged with murder...not manslaughter, because you obviously think there was intent on the part of the officer in killing that girl.

And if you think this is being ignored, you're not paying attention...which doesn't really surprise me. The lawyer for the girl's family just held a press conference earlier today, I think. There are stories about this incident all over the news outlets. The civil rights race-baiters are already calling for the officer to be charged. Maybe their organizations are might be a good fit.

The officer encountered a wounded, bleeding, screaming woman in the store where he'd been told there was a crazy man attacking people. It's also been reported that some callers stated shots had been fired inside the store prior to the arrival of the police. The officer encountered the woman and the bad guy. Bad guy bends over, partially obscured by display shelves and it looks like he's reaching for something. So the officer made the right call in ventilating him and ending the threat (in my opinion based on the video).

I've read the round that killed the girl may have ricocheted off the floor and went thru the wall. I haven't seen the evidence and I haven't read the reports. Did the round impact the bad guy somewhere? Did the officer just miss? The bad guy was moving rather quickly when the officer fired so that's a distinct possibility. The point is, I don't know. I know the facts, along with all the other dynamics of this shooting, apparently don't matter to you but they do to me. And, thankfully, they do to the majority of other people. For your sake, I hope if you ever find yourself in court for making a mistake you don't have people like you on your jury.

I have no problem with an officer being held accountable for his/her actions as long as that officer is afforded due process just like everyone else.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
From The Guardian:
“The videos released on Monday fueled further national outrage. Despite police’s initial claimsthat officers had been responding to an “assault with a deadly weapon” and a “possible shooting in progress”, Elena Lopez did not have a gun, and the video shows his hands were visible the moment he was shot. An officer’s body camera footage showed that as soon as the officer made it to the store aisle where Elena Lopez was standing and saw the man for the first time, he immediately fired, without appearing to issue any commands.”

Watch the reaction to this.
I’m betting that “We investigated ourselves and found we did no wrong. Sorry innocent person, but you got protected and served.”
Police are engaged by drug dealer during raid, police return fire and drug dealer girlfriend/nurse Who supplied him with drugs is struck and killed.
Cities literally burned for it.

Saying something like race doesn’t matter in 2021…lol.

Well, the Guardian is wrong:



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Aug 19, 2019
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Cordell, Oklahoma
The video is posted in the link. You can watch it yourself.

Guy had maybe two seconds there.

If we're going to do this, at least use my words in the context I presented. I didn't say race didn't matter, I said it wasn't a factor in the shooting. Can you point out the girl in the video (not the one bleeding in the floor, the one behind the wall)? There was a lot going on there. What would you have done in that two seconds?
I’ve been in similar situations but my job wasn’t to protect life, it was to take it.
Oddly enough the officer and I did just about the same thing.
I also managed to somehow not shoot innocent Iraqis even with bearded weapons. Amazing.

I never said race was a factor in the shooting, it will be a factor in the media/political reaction to it. The officer almost surely didn’t know the girl was there so manslaughter is an appropriate charge, no?


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Aug 19, 2019
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Cordell, Oklahoma
Well, I can't compete with this. Logic and facts just can't hang with emotional rhetoric, regardless of how ridiculous it is. This post is so far removed from reality that it almost seems trollish.

Yes I do get emotional when my race is not considered worthy of life by media and at least one half of our political and managerial classes. Call me crazy but the last several years have made me punchy on the race issue.

If you'll carefully look at what I wrote you'll find I'm not ready to "dismiss" anything. I simply understand how our system works. You're ready to throw the guy under the bus before any investigation is complete...before all the facts are known. Good for you. That says a lot about you. I don't believe that's the correct way to respond here or ever.

Our system doesn’t work. It hasn’t for quite some time.
Either his bullet killed an innocent bystander or it didn’t. If it did, manslaughter.

And he didn't "straight up (shoot) a girl". That's a flat out lie. I seriously doubt he even knew that girl and her mother were back there. You're doing your damnedest to make this sound like the guy went in guns blazing, saw the girl, and shot her. That's just an ignorant thing to say. Not to mention if you "straight up shot" someone that implies intent. So what you're really saying, in a confused way, is you want the officer charged with murder...not manslaughter, because you obviously think there was intent on the part of the officer in killing that girl.

He literally pulled a trigger and the resulting projectile killed a girl.
He straight up shot that girl and she freaking died.
I’ve already said several times manslaughter would be the appropriate charge
Im not doing my damndest to do anything but say I want cops held to SOME standard, any standard at all, and not be able to steal from us (civil forfeiture), lie about us (FBI has been doing it for my entire life), and kill us (this case and many others) without consequences.

And if you think this is being ignored, you're not paying attention...which doesn't really surprise me. The lawyer for the girl's family just held a press conference earlier today, I think. There are stories about this incident all over the news outlets. The civil rights race-baiters are already calling for the officer to be charged. Maybe their organizations are might be a good fit.

There are no pro-white civil rights organizations, so no, I wouldn’t fit in.
When cities burn down to the cheers of the political and managerial classes then I’ll eat crow, until then, and until it happens for every child in my signature I’ll stand by my positions.

The officer encountered a wounded, bleeding, screaming woman in the store where he'd been told there was a crazy man attacking people. It's also been reported that some callers stated shots had been fired inside the store prior to the arrival of the police. The officer encountered the woman and the bad guy. Bad guy bends over, partially obscured by display shelves and it looks like he's reaching for something. So the officer made the right call in ventilating him and ending the threat (in my opinion based on the video).

I’d agree, no problem with that.
My problem is with the bullet that killed the little girl.

I've read the round that killed the girl may have ricocheted off the floor and went thru the wall. I haven't seen the evidence and I haven't read the reports. Did the round impact the bad guy somewhere? Did the officer just miss? The bad guy was moving rather quickly when the officer fired so that's a distinct possibility. The point is, I don't know. I know the facts, along with all the other dynamics of this shooting, apparently don't matter to you but they do to me. And, thankfully, they do to the majority of other people. For your sake, I hope if you ever find yourself in court for making a mistake you don't have people like you on your jury.

“We’ve investigated ourselves and found we did no wrong.”
Ricochet…riiiiiiiiiiiight. Lol.
Officer pulled trigger, innocent was killed. How much must you like the taste of kiwi to defend a person in authority killing an innocent?
I have no problem with an officer being held accountable for his/her actions as long as that officer is afforded due process just like everyone else.
No, absolutely not. They should not be afforded due process “Just like everyone else”. They ARENT everyone else. They are literally the armed enforcers of the state that have zero requirement to protect you or your life and property (this has been affirmed several times at the Supreme Court). If they want power over life and death they need to have that power balanced out with more severe consequences. A UCMJ or the like for police would be a good start.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I guess I missed the part in the US Constitution where it says some US citizens should be afforded due process but others shouldn't. Even the UCMJ allows for due process.

I can't take you seriously if you believe the law, specifically the Constitution, applies to some US citizens but not others.


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Jan 29, 2009
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Not going to Monday quarterback here, and happy said D.B. is down for the count, but at the splits shot I would doubt the claim of a ricochet off the floor. Said DB was erect when engaged with said 3 rounds and collapsed AFTER 3RD round was in the least from film angle. Pass through, maybe, Rick off a bone, maybe, plain out bad trigger control, maybe, but Rick off the floor......hmmm! Done lots of skip testing and I can say in almost all cases the Rick skips off a smooth hard floor surface and rises at about a 10-15° angle from impact from a standing position.the dressing room would have been quite a ways away from the point the bullet skipped off the floor......but I haven't seen any of the details nor distances, just going by the film.


Mar 20, 2013
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Hey Grendelshooter there were multiple callers reporting a gun with shots fire indicating a possible active shooter, like what is happening every day around the country. You want to talk about race and no one cares how come I have not heard of you standing up in outrage over two 13 year old minority males killed in the last week in Tulsa. Wait I know the police did not do it so you really do not care, only if it is the police. Sounds like you are a biased individual to a large degree.

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