Movie Red Tails

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Where did you hear there was an H model in the movie?

Ok just got home from seeing it. First off if you expect a history channel perfection to detail Has many flaws for us who "know". No the rest of the viewers couldnt care less about an H model flying with a D in 1944.

If there are flaws in the details, I'd say that is "a History Channel perfection to detail". They tend to be more about "sensationalism" than "history".

I’m not up to snuff on the P-51 models, so you guys would know better. Hacker – cool that not only did you get to ride in one, but to fly one! Hard to imagine.


Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
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I haven't seen anywhere that there is a P-51H in the movie (real or CGI), outside of that one post from OSA that was quoted.

Even on the warbird forums, where the serious anoraks live, I haven't seen any reports of that.


Special Hen
Aug 15, 2010
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I had a comment written up for Hacker explaining where I'd heard about an H model. I see while I was typing (slowly lol) he already figured that part out.

I didn't know if the comment was about ahistorical stuff in the movie in general, or if there really was an H model in it. If there is an H model, did they try to make it part of the story, or, was it just another aircraft and the movie makers didn't care to be accurate? Glad to see that Evidently there isn't one in the movie.

Hacker, how about some more info on your flight in a Mustang? I've seen a few places where a guy could pay for a ride/flying time and I've also heard of guys lucky enough to be there at the right time. I've been on a short flight in one of the Red Baron Super Steerman biplanes, but no Mustang...yet.


Special Hen
Nov 16, 2009
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It was just a right place, right time kind of thing. It was at a private get-together hosted by the owner of the Tennessee Museum of Aviation back around 2005 or so. Various warbirds flew in, they had a BBQ, music, war stories, etc. I was invited by a friend who used to run a magazine called Warbird Digest.

Several warbird photographers were there and organized the formation photo shoot, and the pilot of N1451D (Mark Watt, who is an Air Canada pilot by day) invited me to hop in the back seat. Not planned...just happened.

That's a pretty neat airplane in that it has a second seat back where the radios used to be, but also has a basic control setup for the back seat, too. It's an awkward setup, but it works.

All in all, the flight, but a letdown. I'd spent 30 years building up in my mind how incredible it would be to fly a P-51, and it didn't live up to the hype. It's probably that I've also had a career flying fighters and trainers for the USAF that tainted that experience! The Mustang is "high performance" compared to a lot of airplanes, but I've spent most of my flight time in F-15Es and T-38s; airplanes which are faster and more maneuverable than the Mustang. The P-51 was actually pretty easy from a stick-and-rudder standpoint in flight. The reality is that the tough parts of flying the Mustang are takeoffs and landings, as well as approach-to-stall and stall recovery -- those separate the men from the boys, and I make no claim to have any skill in performing that after the very few flights I've had in Mustangs. It would take a lot more training for me to get to that point.

Don't get me wrong -- the airplane is magnificent, graceful, and absolutely beautiful. The smell of the exhaust and the sound of the Merlin is unforgettable. I absolutely loved it, and I plan on doing it a whole lot more in the future.

On the other hand, I also realized that it's just an airplane. It flies like any other airplane, and there's no magical feeling when you're inside of it that is any different than flying any other airplane of similar performance. I later told my brother that the flight "was like seeing the Prom Queen without her makeup or hair done."

Unforgettable experience, to be sure.


Special Hen
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
Unforgettable experience, to be sure.

Cool story! With you being a pilot, did you get to log any time? Seems like that would be a cool entry amongst the more modern aircraft you typically fly. Now, the F-15, that has to be awesome!

Back on track, I'm thinking I'll see the movie in the next couple days and form my own opinion. I going to try going in thinking I am there to see a fun movie, not necessarily an accurate one.

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