Nebraska Lawmaker Calls American Flag ‘a Rag,’ Compares It to Swastika

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Jan 2, 2013
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POS needs to be removed from office... By force if necessary. There is no room in our government for that kind of garbage. Same goes for all the elected officials who would say the same. I'm all for difference of opinion, but sheer contempt for the people and country you represent is unacceptable.


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Oct 27, 2012
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As much as I detest his comments, it is better to hear it and know where it comes from than know others in Washington DC are thinking the same thing and remaining silent. That is scary because there are some who do not respect this country but they won't utter a word for fear of losing votes. Sometimes the silent ones are the ones that stink the most.


Special Hen
May 26, 2011
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oklahoma city
More people have died for that "Old Rag" than I would care to count. It's a Grand Old Flag that represents every man, woman and child in this country. I have nothing but contempt for anyone that criticizes the flag that our military respected, fought and bled under during the history of this country. What is wrong with these people? They live and make their money in this country yet the country isn't good enough for them.


Johnny Cash - Ragged Old Flag
Understand, the flag gives you nothing, it is the constitution that gives you everything. And I believe the military takes and oath to defend the constitution of the United States Of America, not to defend the United States of American flag.Correct me if I am wrong. I stand and salute the flag with all do respect, but I will fight for my rights as a citizen under the Constitution of the United States of America. A big difference.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Understand, the flag gives you nothing, it is the constitution that gives you everything. And I believe the military takes and oath to defend the constitution of the United States Of America, not to defend the United States of American flag.Correct me if I am wrong. I stand and salute the flag with all do respect, but I will fight for my rights as a citizen under the Constitution of the United States of America. A big difference.

With all due respect, the flag does indeed represent something and it is apparent that you have never been in the military and have no understanding of how our military treats and respects the flag "That gives them nothing," The flag is a national treasure and deserves to be protected, a symbol of freedom, liberty and human rights. ... A symbol men rally behind, whether on our shores or foreign shores. It further is a symbol of the power of the United States both here in the United States as well as being respected throughout the world. It is the banner that men and in recent years women have died for and under and their caskets are draped with "The flag that gives nothing" and it is presented to the deceased survivor as a symbol of the gratitude of a grateful nation. You are correct that the military takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution but those working for the government took a similar oath regarding the Constitution albeit somewhat more lightly since they don't fully understand what the oath actually entails. So you see, the flag represents far more to our military than the average person on the street and it is something far more than a piece of cloth. I ask you, if we have no flag, what are we? What do we have?

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